Poland Creates Digital Equity for 5 Million Students

In 1991, NASK connected Poland to the Internet. Today, NASK is breaking down the digital divide that can limit Polish children living in villages and towns from achieving their full academic potential. NASK manages Poland’s Nationwide Education Network (OSE), which is bringing fast, safe, and free Internet access to thousands of schools. OSE uses on Juniper routing for the core and aggregation networks.


Company NASK
Industry SaaS Services
Products used MX10003,  QFX10008 and QFX10016,  MX960,  QFX5100,  SRX320,  Junos OS
Region EMEA
NASK Image


"With Juniper, moving to 400 gig will be easy."
Michal Mroczek Architect of OSE and Senior Network Engineer, NASK

Business Challenge

OSE delivers fast, safe, and free Internet access to primary and secondary schools, creating digital equity the many children who live in small towns and rural areas across Poland. A Juniper network enabled terabit scale, simplified operations, and strong security to protect students from inappropriate content and cyberthreats. With OSE, NASK created a foundational platform for digital learning and better learning outcomes.