Sterling Perrin, Heavy Reading Analyst

DEMO: Explore the Value of Multi-Vendor Interoperability in Transport Technology with OIF and Juniper

400G & 800GTrending
Sterling Perrin
May 10, 2024

DEMO: Explore the Value of Multi-Vendor Interoperability in Transport Technology with OIF and Juniper

Heavy Reading analyst Sterling Perrin interviews OIF’s Karl Gass (Physical & Link Layer Working Group Optical Vice Chair) and Juniper Networks’ Moran Roth (Director of Product Management). Watch as they reveal the latest advancements in 800ZR, 400ZR, and ZR+ coherent optics with an extensive, multi-vendor interoperability demo at OFC 2024.

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You’ll learn

  • The latest advances in Coherent 400ZR/ZR+, 0dBm and 800ZR transport technologies

  • What it takes for OIF members to showcase a multi-vendor interop at OFC each year

  • Juniper Networks’ contributions to a rapidly evolving 800ZR/400ZR/OPENZR+ ecosystem

Who is this for?

Network Professionals


Sterling Perrin
Sterling Perrin
Heavy Reading Analyst
Karl Gass
Karl Gass
Physical & Link Layer Working Group Optical Vice Chair, OIF
Moran Roth
Moran Roth
Director of Product Management, Juniper Networks


0:02 [Music]

0:07 we're at offc 2024 we're at the oif and

0:11 I'm talking with the oif today about

0:13 their uh latest interoperability

0:16 demonstrations oif uh longtime

0:19 demonstrator at shows like GOC and doing

0:21 a lot of work in coherent I'm joined

0:23 today by the uh unique the one and only

0:27 Carl G always comes through with the

0:28 outfit uh repres presenting o and Moran

0:32 Roth uh helping us through the

0:33 discussion representing Juniper

0:35 participant in today's vendor so great

0:37 to Great to talk to you both um Carl you

Importance of Interoperability Demonstrations

0:41 know you've been doing these demos a

0:43 long time o um what's you know what what

0:46 what's the importance of of these types

0:48 of interoperability demonstrations for

0:50 the industry well well keep in mind oaf

0:53 is a forum of so many companies and you

0:57 know we're really we do what the

1:00 companies bring us to do and in this

1:03 case the def the definition from day one

1:06 with 400 ZR

1:09 interrupt and so not only you know by

1:12 that by that title not only were we

1:14 doing 400 ZR with ZR being sort of

1:17 nebulously that better than 80 kilm but

1:22 the interop meant that they expected

1:25 everyone's modules in this case to be

1:28 able to work together and so we really

1:31 felt like not just publishing the

1:34 document but actually proving to the

1:37 industry and proving to users that hey I

1:40 can bring a team together and get you

1:44 know get everyone's plugs to work

1:46 together get get plugs to work in

1:49 different routers that that was that

1:51 that was really what was needed before

1:53 we could say we're done like it's like

1:56 your job's not done till the paperwork's

1:58 done right but this case it was still

2:00 past the paperwork and that that work

2:02 the original the coherent demo was

2:04 around we were trying to figure out the

2:05 year oh the the first time we actually

2:09 had a live demo was 2022 so two years

2:12 ago y but uh preco we had a couple

2:16 demonstrations of things like thermal

2:19 dissipation and sort of pre-production

2:22 this is what it's going to look like so

2:25 yeah this is the third year in a row for

2:27 a a full flesh demo all right

Importance of Interoperability

2:30 so so Moran as a vendor in the industry

2:32 what do you see as the importance of

2:34 doing these and participating in these

2:36 types of demonstrations so at Juniper we

2:39 talk with a lot of network

2:41 operators and we they were uh used to

2:47 coherent Optics being a bookended

2:49 solution with Optical transport from the

2:53 um Sienna and infinera of the

2:57 worlds uh with coherent

3:00 pluga bles going into the

3:03 routers we felt that it's really

3:05 important to have an interoperable

3:08 solution and this is where the oif came

3:11 to bring the industry together and

3:14 interoperability is key to a wide

3:17 adoption of this technology and IP over

3:20 dwdm in general right so here at the oif

3:23 booth this year 2024 what's uh kind of

3:26 talk us through what's being

3:27 demonstrated in the coher I'm for to do

3:30 bigger and better every year so this

3:32 year I have two line systems I have a

3:36 single span line system uh wait in in

3:40 both cases I have three different

3:42 routers I've got uh let's pretend I've

3:45 got Sienna and Cisco on one side sort of

3:48 representing like a left Data Center and

3:52 I've got a juniper router on the right

3:54 side and we'll pretend like that's a a

3:57 separate data center because like the ZR

4:00 interupt is really about like in you

4:03 know from one data center to the other

4:05 MH and so in the single span we have the

4:08 foundational 400 ZR and that's you

4:12 probably a dozen vendor dozen module

4:14 vendors all three routers you know

4:17 basically a signal daisy chaining back

4:19 and forth um you know ac across that 100

4:24 km line system uh the second thing on

4:28 that line system is the very first 800

4:32 ZR interrupt and in this case I have six

4:35 different module vendors I really only

4:37 have the Juniper router in the in as far

4:40 as uh plat uh host platform but uh on

4:44 the on the other side of that line

4:46 system I've got uh uh uh test and

4:50 measurement equipment with 800 gbit

4:52 ethernet traffic generators but speaking

4:55 of 800 GB ethernet uh 400 ZR was just a

4:59 single client 800 ZR has all four

5:02 clients so that's like 1X 800 8X 100 2x

5:06 400 4X 20000 there I got them right and

5:09 so you know essentially uh we're showing

5:13 all four which means the Juniper router

5:15 is actually uh performing the function

5:18 you know the sort of that gear boxing

5:20 function of taking in 1 by 800 and then

5:23 transmitting 8X 100 so single line

5:27 system 150 GHz grid

5:30 second line system is a multipan line

5:33 system and this one H this was

5:36 overwhelming it's a th000 kilm of ultr

5:40 low loss Corning fiber uh I'm using zero

5:43 dbm plugs uh again I'm using all three

5:47 routers Sienna Cisco Juniper uh where we

5:52 similarly a daisy chain back and forth

5:54 starting at one test equipment vendor

5:57 ending at a second test equipment vendor

6:00 um yeah that one I think is only eight

6:03 oh no oh double uh it's still probably a

6:06 dozen line vendor or do dozen module

6:09 vendors okay but uh yeah uh oh one last

6:14 function was a open rodm demo where

6:16 we've got a infinera transponder doing

6:19 the traditional transponder function of

6:22 a 400 gigabit Ethernet client then

6:25 wrapping that in uh uh uh flexo and

6:30 sending that through my thousand kilm so

6:33 I've got essentially 400 ZR y uh 800

6:38 ZR open ZR plus zero dbm and open RM

6:43 I've got all four things in our demo wow

Demo Results

6:45 right and so all told add them all up

6:48 how many participants do we end got 23

6:51 different participants that came

6:52 together for this demo I imagine that's

6:54 a record for for demo that is that is a

6:58 new high score yeah yeah anything else

7:00 you'd want to add on that Mor sure I

7:03 think Carl and the oif community should

7:05 be proud of uh the demo that is uh stand

7:09 up here with all these participants

7:11 especially with a 1,000 km line system

7:15 that uh shows eight spans of RAM and

7:20 amplification and the interoperability

7:23 between so many different vendors of 400

7:26 gig ZR plus Zer dbm and 800 G gig ZR for

7:31 the first time right you know so I come

OIF Planning

7:33 to the oif to your demos uh you show me

7:36 the boxes the lights blink the lights

7:37 are green uh I go go back to my office

7:40 write it up everything's great easy to

7:42 pull off uh I'm sure it's not it's it's

7:45 super easy to pull off with 20 people

7:48 helping or 23 or more help lifting you

7:52 know we actually start this process back

7:54 in November so starting in November it's

7:58 sort of what really do we want to what's

8:01 our goal you know it's always better

8:04 than last year but like at what Vector

8:07 you know more modules more distance in

8:11 this case there were some some easy

8:13 targets like 800 ZR the catch is in

8:17 November no one else had 800 ZR modules

8:21 so it's sort of that projection how many

8:24 people think they'll be ready by the

8:26 time this we have the show and so yeah

8:29 essentially it's it's like any sports

8:31 team you see who comes out to to be on

8:35 the team and then you try to put

8:37 together you know what what can this

8:40 team do what are strengths you know what

8:43 what are the what are the goals for the

8:46 participants not everyone can be like

8:49 you know the star the allstar of the

8:51 team so we we we try to keep that Level

8:55 Playing Field this year we were looking

8:59 at some perhaps new projects in the oif

9:02 and one of the suggestions was this

9:04 thousand km Ramen amplifiers and so you

9:08 know I get I get to throw out the first

9:10 Target and say hey our goal is going to

9:13 be 1,000 km Ramen amplifiers and yeah

9:17 make sure I have enough 800 ZR modules

9:19 to to create some links so that was the

9:23 starting goal um we have weekly meetings

9:27 we you know there's a lot of

9:28 correspondents it's a lot of planning

9:30 that goes into this um a criticism for

9:34 our first demo was hey don't you guys

9:37 measure anything and so since that time

9:41 we basically have a onewe plug test MH

9:44 where we we get together and really have

9:47 some quantitative measurements of

9:50 interoperability you know it's not just

9:52 green lights it's hey this is the spec

9:55 how much margin do we have from the spec

9:58 no matter which ual are talking together

10:00 Y and then then secondly we have this

10:04 dry run and that is we're going to put

10:07 together exactly the same thing we're

10:09 going to display in the booth and that's

10:12 another week you know so it's it's

10:14 essentially like four months of prep and

10:18 two full weeks of more than 8 hour days

10:21 and and measuring and and dry run and

10:25 and then a couple days setting up this

10:27 booth cuz even just plugging in all the

10:30 fibers takes all day right it's a lot of

10:33 work yeah um but it's it's a value to

10:38 the industry and I really think the only

10:41 way people can come I can get people to

10:43 come and look at it is if I wear a suit

Junipers Role

10:46 well I don't know that's debatable but I

10:48 enjoy the suit so I mentioned Juniper is

10:51 a participant uh in the demo this year

10:53 and and for multiple years what uh Moran

10:56 talk us through the role of juniper in

10:58 in this Year's demo so Juniper is active

11:02 in all the standard groups the oif open

11:06 ZR plus MSA and all the pluggable MSA

11:10 qsfp DD osfp Juniper is trying to Foster

11:14 an ecosystem and support the ecosystem

11:17 of open plugable to further the IP over

11:21 dwdm

11:22 ecosystem specifically at the oif

11:25 demonstration this year as Carl

11:27 mentioned we brought our new 800 gig

11:30 router from the PTX family H in a 2ru

11:35 it's a

11:36 28.8 terbit router with a single Express

11:40 5 chip it has 36 uh 800 gig interfaces

11:46 and it houses a lot of the demo

11:51 capability that Carl mentioned in terms

11:54 of the 400 gig zr+ pluga bles the zbm

11:58 plugable

11:59 and the 800 gig demonstration 800 gig ZR

12:03 demonstration so basically so kind of

12:05 all of them really you played a role in

12:07 um Carl mentioned um Gathering data from

12:11 from these plugfest demos um any

12:13 particular learnings or uh surprises

12:16 that Juniper found out in putting

12:18 together this year's so I think the

12:21 ecosystem is evolving this is what we

12:23 are learning H every time the oif is

12:27 doing this plugfest and

12:29 doing the measurement no osnr

12:32 measurement H we see more and more

12:35 people qualify at to the oif and the

12:38 open ZR plus

12:40 specs uh this year you have more

12:43 participant than last year M 800 gig is

12:47 still early yes but already we see six

12:50 different 800 gig ZR uh plugable now all

12:55 right so a lot going on as usual at ofc

12:59 in the oif booth um so we learned about

13:02 interoperability demo for 400 ZR open ZR

13:06 plus 800 ZR for the first time in the

13:09 industry uh as well as open ROM so uh 23

13:12 participants a record uh just amazing

13:15 how far these coherent plugable

13:17 ecosystems come in just a very short

13:19 time great speaking with you both and

13:21 enjoy the rest of the conference

13:26 [Music]

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