Juniper RAN Intelligent Controller - Energy Saving Use Case

Still image shows above view of an animated city scape.
Dec 20, 2022

Protecting the planet and saving costs

The RAN (Radio Access Network) consumes about 70% of a 5G network’s energy consumption. Juniper RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) enables service providers to deliver services with varying SLAs, and prioritize key users while protecting the planet, and saving cost, with smart energy-saving solutions.

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You’ll learn

  • Features of Juniper’s RIC

  • Examples of how RIC contributes to sustainability 

Who is this for?

Security Professionals Network Professionals


0:00 [Music]

0:04 the ram consumes about 70 percent of a

0:07 5G Network's energy

0:09 with Juniper's Rick you can not only

0:11 deliver services with varying slas and

0:14 prioritize key users but also protect

0:17 the planet and save cost with Smart

0:19 Energy Saving Solutions

0:21 for example at times of low traffic the

0:23 Rick can steer users away from sparsely

0:26 populated booster cells by enforcing

0:28 policy on the CU and du so the cells can

0:31 be shut down until they're needed again

0:33 foreign

0:36 can boost the power of neighboring cells

0:39 to compensate and provide the additional

0:41 coverage needed to shift users from

0:43 underutilized booster cells

0:46 the rip can switch off unneeded RF

0:49 channels of a massive mimo antenna at

0:52 certain times of the day for example

0:54 vertical beam forming might be used to

0:55 reach high-rise offices but is only

0:58 required during business hours

1:00 so now you can deliver all the mobile

1:02 services you need and still meet your

1:04 sustainability targets

1:06 [Music]

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