Maximizing the 5G Opportunity: Trailblazing for the next decade of services

Industry VoicesLeadership Voices 5G
Side-by-side photographs of Raj Yavatkar, CTO, Juniper Networks, and the unnamed host as they talk about 5G opportunities. 
Jun 28, 2021

5G has changed everything. More changes are coming 

What’s beyond 5G? Find out as Juniper CTO Raj Yavatkar shares his thoughts about 5G’s progress so far, and how technology and business models need to evolve now to prepare for the next decade of network technology — or risk getting left behind. 

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You’ll learn

  • How 5G networks are becoming a platform for innovation 

  • The ways Juniper is actively deploying new network designs

  • The important implications of a disaggregated open network

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders

Guest speakers

Raj Yavatkar Headshot
Raj Yavatkar
CTO, Juniper Networks



0:05 hello so we're here to talk about mobile

0:07 networks from 5g i'm with the juniper

0:09 network cto

0:10 raj yavatka great to see you raj

0:14 i guess first of all could you just give

0:16 us your view on

0:17 you know how would you assess the

0:18 progress in in 5g so far

0:22 so i think the 5g infrastructure

0:24 spending and the rollouts are happening

0:27 sooner than expected in my opinion uh

0:30 one of the

0:30 major things that 5g is changing in my

0:32 opinion is that unlike

0:34 3g 4g networks which were really fueled

0:37 by

0:38 growth of smartphones and internet

0:40 streaming

0:41 the 5g is really becoming the heart of

0:44 the internet

0:45 because of the low latency high

0:46 bandwidth uh

0:48 capacity that it provides and that's why

0:50 we are seeing

0:51 lots of interest in accelerating the 5g

0:55 infrastructure i think one of the things

0:57 i'll

0:58 always like to point out that the 5g is

1:00 changing

1:01 everything in terms of what i call it is

1:04 bringing about completion of distance

1:07 between

1:08 delivery of service and consumption of

1:10 the service that's going to

1:12 unlock unforeseen usages that we have

1:14 not even expected

1:16 yeah yeah i really like that that idea

1:18 that it compresses distance in that way

1:21 um another i was kind of keen to just

1:22 get your thoughts on do you think we're

1:24 at the point where we can start thinking

1:25 about

1:26 5g as a kind of a network platform

1:29 something that that other people can

1:30 come innovate and

1:31 and make money on absolutely i think

1:34 there are two

1:34 areas where that's happening in my

1:36 opinion and the private enterprise hajj

1:39 that particular use case is getting lots

1:41 of attention because unlike wi-fi which

1:43 doesn't provide you

1:45 quality of service for use cases and

1:48 applications like smart

1:50 manufacturing smart retail smart

1:53 distribution centers

1:55 uh people want to provide 5g cbrs

1:58 spectrum is freely available

2:00 based on the service that can be

2:02 guaranteed

2:03 in some ways so that's one thing that's

2:06 really

2:06 bringing about a new change the second

2:08 is i think in the consumer space

2:10 because of the low latency high

2:12 bandwidth and what i call the completion

2:13 of distance

2:14 that you are bringing the distance

2:15 between service

2:18 hosting and service consumption to

2:20 milliseconds

2:21 uh tens of milliseconds uh new usages of

2:24 cloud

2:24 gaming in event uh in person

2:27 real time experiences vr yeah those kind

2:30 of things are happening

2:31 so that's another thing that's really a

2:33 new change with respect to 5g

2:35 to make it a network platform because

2:37 now you have applications and usages

2:39 being brought about by third parties

2:42 using an open architecture

2:43 i think the open radio access network

2:45 architecture that also service providers

2:47 are pushing

2:48 is exactly designed for that make it a

2:50 platform

2:51 so you can provide lots of different

2:53 types of services

2:54 that can be monetized easily both in the

2:57 enterprise space as well as consumer

2:59 space

3:00 and so i think that that that's a great

3:02 vision where would you say we're out in

3:03 terms of the

3:04 you know you actively involved in

3:06 network designs or these designs already

3:08 being deployed

3:09 you know as we speak what kind of phase

3:11 are we at so network designs are

3:13 changing

3:14 this is the first time we are seeing

3:15 that there's a big change in network

3:17 architecture

3:18 for multiple reasons one is that

3:20 hyperscalers have really shown the rest

3:22 of the industry

3:23 how to deliver infrastructure at a large

3:25 scale at a fraction of a cost

3:28 because of the investment they made

3:29 operational automation

3:31 being able to deliver services or

3:34 software

3:35 release it continuously and integrate

3:37 continuously

3:38 that has made a big difference and they

3:40 also created large-scale distributed

3:42 systems based on microservices

3:44 so now the service providers are

3:45 applying all those principles of cloud

3:47 native architecture disaggregation

3:50 and reciprocal system to the 5g network

3:52 design

3:53 and that's something new that's

3:54 happening actively as we speak

3:57 that's a big change marketing yeah yeah

4:00 and what so

4:01 what what are the implications then of i

4:03 guess this kind of disaggregated and

4:05 open network for uh

4:06 for an end-to-end service and i guess

4:08 when we think about

4:09 mobile networks typically we would go

4:11 ran core transport as the primary

4:13 domains but also now of course it's the

4:15 cloud domain as well is another

4:17 dimension into it

4:20 how does that all come together as an

4:21 end-to-end kind of service that

4:23 i mean ultimately i guess we don't even

4:25 maybe notice to carry us there

4:26 if it's good enough yeah that's right i

4:29 think that everyone has to now take

4:31 end to end view of the entire university

4:33 like you said packet goes on public

4:35 cloud

4:35 some uh workforce on public cloud radio

4:38 access network is spanning core and

4:41 transport

4:42 so at juniper for example for wi-fi with

4:44 our missed product we have taken a cloud

4:46 to

4:47 client connectivity paradigm which is

4:50 the endpoint view of the network

4:51 similar thing we have to apply here

4:53 which means you have to start thinking

4:55 of security

4:56 because when you open up network this is

4:58 disaggregated there are different

5:00 components coming from different

5:01 providers

5:02 the security becomes very important

5:04 aspect because you have to protect

5:06 against spoofing

5:08 content theft right denial of service

5:10 attacks

5:11 you also have to take an end-to-end

5:12 service view in terms of slicing

5:14 because now you can't simply say i'll

5:16 slice the radio access network

5:18 give slices to different usages based on

5:20 different quality of service

5:21 the slice has to now expand across

5:24 relative access network

5:25 core transport and even public cloud and

5:28 you have to provide endpoint slicing

5:30 and finally i think all of this requires

5:33 investment in automation operational

5:35 automation because when you take an

5:36 internet view

5:37 you're not going to control all the

5:38 aspects yourself the different

5:40 components coming from different parts

5:41 of the network network design

5:43 so having operational automation

5:45 automation in day 0 day 1 day 2

5:47 operations

5:48 is going to be very important one of the

5:49 things we have done with our paragon

5:51 automation suite we are taking the life

5:53 cycle view of the automation

5:55 starting from network design capacity

5:58 planning

5:58 to deployment continuous releases and

6:01 operations

6:02 we are trying to apply our automation

6:04 everywhere similar end-to-end view of

6:06 the network design has to be

6:08 taken yeah yeah i i really liked your

6:10 your comment now cloud to

6:12 cloud to client i think you said

6:15 it's interesting isn't it there's some

6:17 good sort of knowledge in the industry

6:19 from

6:20 i think you mentioned miss but various

6:21 other domains where there is a lot of

6:23 automation

6:24 and and control and we can kind of bring

6:25 that into telco but also into mobile i

6:28 guess which is what we're really talking

6:29 about exactly

6:30 yeah what mr shown is that because of

6:32 client to cover

6:33 cloud connectivity and cloud-based

6:35 management they have been able to create

6:37 self-remediation and self-healing

6:39 networks

6:40 literally 90 of the troubleshooting

6:43 tickets

6:44 get automatically resolved the operator

6:46 never has to look at it

6:47 opportunity is there to apply that to

6:49 the private 5g networks and also the

6:50 end-to-end vehicle

6:52 that's a bigger question okay then just

6:55 so close with you know you talk about

6:56 technology but when we have these

6:57 different actors in a service

7:00 model what are you seeing in terms of

7:03 of business models and obviously there's

7:05 you know everyone's got to come out on

7:07 top

7:08 yeah you know the technology companies

7:10 like yourselves but the operators the

7:12 cloud providers the application

7:14 companies how's all that kind of working

7:17 itself out

7:18 i think this is the most interesting

7:20 aspect of the

7:21 5g uh deployment in my opinion because

7:23 there's four different things happening

7:25 one is

7:26 because of private 5g the service

7:28 providers are no longer just the big

7:30 private providers

7:31 rather than being big pipe providers

7:33 they can actually monetize services that

7:35 they can offer

7:37 using private enterprise 5g smart

7:39 manufacturing smart retail all of these

7:41 applications the second is we see

7:44 increased collaboration

7:45 cooperation between hyperscalers and

7:47 service providers

7:48 for juniper these are both our customers

7:50 we want both of them to be successful

7:52 so we want to bring about that

7:54 collaboration

7:55 but still people are not figured out

7:57 where when you're sharing models and how

7:58 the pie is going to be divided between

8:00 hyper skills and

8:03 i think the third thing is the aura the

8:05 open radio access network

8:07 disaggregates everything that means now

8:09 the different components

8:10 applications x apps radio intelligence

8:13 controller

8:14 uh central unit distribution

8:16 distribution unit radio unit can come

8:18 from different parts of the ecosystem

8:20 that creates a new business model

8:21 because now people different people can

8:23 bring not only

8:25 agility and faster movement of features

8:28 but they also get to

8:29 share in their business model they can

8:31 start charging for it

8:32 that's another bit and the last one i

8:34 think that is which is really important

8:36 is that

8:37 with the convergence of fixed and

8:38 wireless networks

8:40 plus wi-fi 6 happening and now with 5g

8:43 enterprise 5g coming in service

8:46 providers now have

8:47 new business opportunities to offer

8:49 converse

8:50 enterprise access and networking to

8:52 private enterprises across all these

8:54 things fix

8:56 wireless as well as five five six as

8:58 well as 5g

8:59 and that creates a new business

9:00 opportunity in my opinion

9:03 great answer raj i think i can concur on

9:05 on all of those points

9:06 raj from juniper thanks very much thank

9:09 [Music]

9:20 you

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