AI-Native Campus and Branch Solutions

AI-Native Campus and Branch Solutions
Think you have to choose between delivering exceptional user experiences or networking efficiency? Discover how the AI-Native, cloud-native Juniper Mist full stack enables you to say goodbye to tradeoffs in this 60-second video.
You’ll learn
How the Juniper Mist full stack delivers seamless integration across wireless, wired, SD-WAN, indoor location, security, and network access control (NAC)
How you can realize a host of operational benefits, including fast feature rollouts with zero downtime, and a significant reduction in IT trouble tickets while relying on tunnel-free SD-WAN, a Zero Trust approach and cloud-based NAC for end-to-end assurance
What it all means for lowering TCO and OpEx in enterprise environments
Who is this for?

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0:00 [Music]
0:06 Juniper Mist features a fully integrated
0:09 cloud and AI native portfolio of campus
0:11 and Branch Solutions being Cloud native
0:14 allows us to transform Enterprises with
0:16 scale and Agility as the industry's only
0:19 microservices Cloud across the full
0:21 stack of Wireless wired SD Wan indoor
0:24 location Knack and firewalling Juniper
0:27 delivers the fastest feature rollouts
0:29 with zero downtime our open API based
0:33 architecture drives increased efficiency
0:35 and better engagements with more
0:37 sustainable and secure connections AI
0:40 native means up to 90% fewer trouble
0:43 tickets with simplified it operations
0:46 realtime SLE and recommended actions
0:48 help fix issues before they impact users
0:51 finally with Rich streaming Telemetry
0:53 tunnel free sdwan with zero trust and a
0:56 cloud-based snack Juniper Solutions
0:58 ensure exceptional and secure network
1:01 experiences from start to finish Fast to
1:04 deploy easy to operate lower TCO and
1:06 Opex and exceptional user experiences
1:09 that's Juniper missed full stack in 60
1:12 Seconds
1:14 [Music]