Juniper's AI-Native Network elevates learning for 26,500 learners in Aberdeen

Juniper's AI-Native Network elevates learning for 26,500 learners in Aberdeen
Iain Pilbeam-Cornfield, Infrastructure Architect for Aberdeen City Council, discusses the council’s network challenges and their journey to modernize their infrastructure. Faced with a legacy multi-vendor network, they sought a solution to improve efficiency, reduce administrative overhead, and support increasing demands for connectivity, including IoT devices. Aberdeen chose Juniper Networks following a successful proof of concept that showcased Juniper's ability to enhance reliability, and automation. Key benefits include the use of Juniper Mist, which leverages AI to proactively monitor and resolve network issues, reducing trouble tickets by 100%.
You’ll learn
How Aberdeen City Council is reaching a goal of connecting every one of the 26,000 students and corporate learners to its network
How Juniper Mist and AIOps are streamlining the deployment and management of these networks, while assuring connectivity and performance
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0:00 a really big Advantage here is that with
0:02 Marvis and and Marvis minis is that
0:05 we're monitoring the network yeah and
0:07 and Marvis minis does a great job of
0:09 monitoring core applications like
0:10 Microsoft teams um which is our main
0:13 communication for the council now so it
0:16 can monitor that day and night and then
0:19 we know about issues before we come into
0:27 them hi my name is Naomi ellot from
0:30 Juniper Networks and I'm here today with
0:32 abdine city council to talk about their
0:34 digital transformation Journey using
0:37 Juniper Ian thank you for joining us
0:39 thank you for having me could I ask you
0:41 to introduce yourself and let us know a
0:43 little bit about your role and remit
0:44 within the council sure so my name is
0:47 Ian pilam colfield I am the
0:49 infrastructure architect for abine city
0:51 council um so we look after quite a sort
0:53 of a a wide range State um which goes
0:56 from Educators and and Learners within
0:59 our education side and there's about 26
1:01 half thousand Learners we also have the
1:04 Educators and the corporate side um and
1:07 so there's about 8,000 of those um sort
1:09 of staff and Educators we cover about
1:12 166 sites in total um so it's about
1:14 60-ish uh primary and secondary schools
1:17 and yeah the rest are corporate sites
1:20 and when you were assessing the market
1:22 and looking at who you wanted to work
1:24 with when did you first encounter
1:26 Juniper on your journey we encountered
1:28 Juniper about June 23 um so we were we
1:32 were actually in the process of looking
1:34 at the Gartner magic quadrant um to see
1:36 the you know the leaders and best
1:39 executors of of Technology within uh
1:41 networks but then uh very fortunately
1:43 for me as well um our now Juniper
1:47 account manager who had known previously
1:49 had reached out to me and and said you
1:51 know I'm now working at Juniper and
1:53 would you like to just go ahead and have
1:55 a chat about the the Juniper technology
1:57 and we're we're already ready to go and
2:00 do a proof of concept um what pain
2:02 points in particular were you looking to
2:05 address when you were assessing the
2:06 market we have sort of a very Legacy
2:08 sort of network estate um it's
2:11 multivendor multi access sort of
2:14 different layers and configurations that
2:16 we had to look after um so one of the
2:19 main things for me was uh you know
2:21 identifying how we could manage that
2:24 estate um with less resourcing from our
2:27 side um so a large piece of it was about
2:30 Ai and and how we could do that um with
2:33 managing less of administrative tasks
2:36 and More in terms of the amount of work
2:40 that we could put in elsewhere into
2:42 other projects um and the other piece of
2:45 course was that as we're going through a
2:47 sort of a digital transformation for the
2:49 council since around 2018 we've had a
2:52 much higher Demand on the network side
2:55 so we have lots more um devices trying
2:58 to connect but also different iot
3:00 devices corporate education public um
3:04 and our our current Wi-Fi and switching
3:06 setup just didn't attain that so um we
3:09 had sort of a fairly hard limit of about
3:11 14 devices per access point um so when
3:16 we were looking at that we needed much
3:17 higher density but we also realized we
3:20 need to improve the coverage here um so
3:23 that was that was our other biggest
3:24 challenge there at what point of your
3:26 analysis did you start thinking okay Jun
3:29 is the right Pawn of choice here and
3:31 what was the Tipping Point I suppose
3:33 when we were when we were going through
3:36 this this piece we were looking at
3:37 multiple Network vendors so it was just
3:39 very open you know we're looking at
3:41 everyone that was sort of in that sort
3:43 of top TI of the magic quadrant from
3:45 from Gartner and and I suppose when we
3:49 got to the proof of concept I think
3:51 that's when it really shined for us yeah
3:53 um I think Juniper came out to us and
3:55 and one of the things he said was give
3:57 us your worst sight um so we we gave you
4:00 know a school that was um you know very
4:03 difficult to to work with because they
4:04 had lots and lots of new technology in
4:06 the school in terms of end user devices
4:09 but they didn't have the back end and
4:10 the connectivity to connect to it so if
4:12 you had to summarize three main outcomes
4:15 you were looking to achieve what would
4:17 that be so we're looking to increase our
4:19 density like I just said so in terms of
4:22 um a sort of a national goal that we
4:23 have is a on to one device ratio um so
4:26 getting everyone every student every
4:29 learner every educator every corporate
4:31 staff member able to connect in and and
4:34 use our Wi-Fi and Network all at the
4:36 same time and definitely a Wi-Fi first
4:39 strategy and Cloud first as well so
4:41 we're we're trying to have everything in
4:43 the cloud so junifer Mist obviously fits
4:46 nicely into that because um you know
4:48 it's all cloud-based it's you know it's
4:50 very autonomous it helps with the admin
4:52 side we've also been uh looking for
4:55 obviously a A system that can get
4:58 through some of the admin sort of side
5:00 of things and take a lot of that sort of
5:03 piece of work away from the teams yeah
5:05 um and and the other thing that's a
5:07 really big Advantage here is that with
5:08 Marvis and and Marvis minis is that
5:11 we're monitoring the network yeah and
5:13 and Marvis minis does a great job of
5:15 monitoring core applications like
5:17 Microsoft teams um which is our main
5:20 communication for the council now so it
5:22 can monitor that day and night yeah and
5:25 then we know about issues before we come
5:27 into them and and and other pieces about
5:30 that are like you know um previously if
5:32 you ever have a like an in-depth problem
5:35 that you need to figure out on the
5:36 network you need to be there and you
5:37 need to capture packets and you know you
5:40 have huge packet captures that don't
5:41 necessarily mean anything because
5:42 they're jumbled up with lots of info
5:44 yeah um whereas Marv sort of takes care
5:46 of that and it it's you know it's got an
5:48 automatic packet capturing um so that
5:52 that's another major benefit for us so
5:54 if you looked at a material benefit
5:56 there from a stakeholder perspective you
5:59 you're touching the operating team
6:01 you're touching the students and the
6:02 teachers could you quantify what that
6:06 benefit might look like when it comes to
6:09 let's say troubleshoot tickets or um the
6:12 ease of connections for students so with
6:15 with the Juniper Miss product we're
6:17 using The Knack solution from you as
6:19 well yeah um and the the great Advantage
6:22 with that is that we're able to
6:24 automatically sort of uh dynamically
6:26 profile devices before they connect onto
6:28 our Network so we have like a profile
6:30 for a particular type of laptop or
6:32 anything like that so we know what
6:34 network it needs to go on before it gets
6:36 there so that's wirelessly but it's also
6:38 wired so that's quite a new thing for us
6:40 because previously we had to manually go
6:42 and yeah and and put those in so over
6:44 the last year what have you been most
6:47 pleased about from juniper and what
6:49 Innovations have you seen yeah so in the
6:51 past year we've we've really kind of
6:53 made a lot of changes to how we do
6:56 connect connecting our devices and a
6:58 huge part of that is the Jun per Knack
7:00 solution um so it means that we can
7:02 dynamically assign the port profiles and
7:04 connect people in but it also connects
7:07 in with our Cloud infrastructure from
7:09 Microsoft the Azure piece um where we
7:12 have the new Cloud pki product so as we
7:15 go through a digital transformation
7:16 especially on the the Educators and
7:18 Learners you know the learning side
7:20 we're able to go ahead and see more um
7:24 connectivity and with those third
7:25 parties that allows us to simplify how
7:28 we get connections done
7:30 um so that that's really important to us
7:32 and the other piece that we're we're
7:34 really excited about doing next is
7:36 actually integrating it fully with
7:37 service now so we've seen a lot of the
7:40 Innovative things that you can do and a
7:42 huge amount of the automation like you
7:44 know like with um upgrading switch and
7:47 Wi-Fi firmware but through service now
7:49 which just takes it from the start of
7:50 our cab approval process and because
7:52 it's linked into the the Juniper Miss
7:55 system we can say okay we're going to
7:56 update these sites um this is the
7:58 devices on the site and it just puts it
8:00 through that cab approval process and
8:02 then goes off and does it at the end so
8:04 rather than having that sort of like
8:06 engineer sitting there till 1: a.m. in
8:08 the morning and and and you know doing
8:10 it out of hours um you know we can go
8:12 ahead and do that piece and because of
8:15 the automated roll back as well with the
8:17 Juniper switches um you know we can
8:20 confidently say that okay if the upgrade
8:22 fails for any reason power out anything
8:24 like that it will go ahead and it'll
8:26 revert back after 40 minutes you
8:29 previously told me that trouble tickets
8:31 were key focus of yours have you seen
8:33 any Improvement there could you walk me
8:35 through that yeah so um currently we
8:38 we're sitting with 100% less tickets um
8:40 within our service now system uh raised
8:43 for for the network side um appreciate
8:46 we're only sort of like six months into
8:47 this this full roll out but um we again
8:50 we didn't really have any with the proof
8:52 of concept either once we'd got it in um
8:54 and all configured up it was all fine so
8:57 we've had the 100% less sort of trouble
9:00 tickets being being raised to our
9:02 service desk for for our networks
9:04 amazing so you may have seen our
9:06 headline of Juniper's AI native now
9:09 could I ask what that means to you so AI
9:13 for us um in terms of the networking
9:16 space is definitely about knowing about
9:21 problems um without having to go through
9:23 like command line and and figuring out
9:25 problems yourself so what Marvis gives
9:27 us in particular is is it gives us the
9:32 solution in terms of it'll say right
9:34 well this is you've got a problem here
9:36 but I think what's really good about it
9:37 is that in terms of the graphical user
9:39 interface for for for mist is that we
9:42 can actually go back and backtrack and
9:44 see how it's figured that out yeah so if
9:46 you don't trust you know AI initially
9:49 then it's like that's okay you know it
9:50 can give you what it thinks is right and
9:52 then you can go back and see oh actually
9:54 it came to that conclusion for all the
9:55 right reasons and yeah move on from
9:57 there so if you were to go back in time
10:00 and talk to yourself again at the start
10:02 of your journey what advice would you
10:04 give to others that are in the same
10:06 position as you are I think it's it's
10:09 really important to actually go in proof
10:10 of concept and look around the market
10:13 and not just granular say you know okay
10:16 we've used this brand for a particular
10:17 number of years we're really used to it
10:20 I think that one of the major benefits
10:22 for us was that although we hadn't
10:24 worked with juniper directly ourselves
10:26 before is that like there's lots of
10:28 great training programs there there and
10:29 you can change certificates over from
10:32 existing ones um you know with other
10:33 brands um and they help guide you
10:35 through that so actually the training
10:37 programs really quite good for that yeah
10:38 so I think it's less about being fearful
10:40 of change and it's more about just
10:42 looking at the technology what it can
10:44 provide for you and the Innovation level
10:47 with juniper you know going into like
10:50 service now and being open API just
10:53 really helped um to do that so you need
10:55 to look at from from a whole holistic
10:58 perspective like the network is one
11:00 piece of equipment infrastructure but I
11:03 think looking at um more of how you
11:08 connecting with your existing platforms
11:10 to get that user experience down is is
11:13 what's really important Ian thank you so
11:16 much for your time and thank you for
11:17 your partnership yes and and thank you
11:19 for yours and and Juniper's partnership