The Journey to the Self-Driving Network (explainer)

AI & MLNetwork Automation
Feb 26, 2025

Journey to the Self-Driving Network Explainer

Self-driving cars are poised to make our roads and highways significantly safer, more efficient, and less of a headache for humans. The Self-Driving Network™ represents a similar opportunity, giving you a fully autonomous network capable of proactively optimizing network performance without human intervention. This explainer outlines what a journey to the Self-Driving Network entails and the rewards it delivers to your organization every step of the way. 

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You’ll learn

  • How the journey of self-driving cars and a self-driving network are related

  • The five stages on a journey to the Self-Driving Network

  • How important building incremental trust in AI is along the way

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders


0:00 Starting your journey to AI.

0:02 We've all heard stories about AI gone wrong,

0:05 sometimes humorous and often head scratching.

0:09 Thankfully, there are even more stories about AI gone right.

0:13 Case in point.

0:14 Not long ago, fully autonomous vehicles were pure science fiction.

0:18 People getting comfortable with driverless taxis didn't happen overnight.

0:22 So why does some AI succeed while others fail?

0:26 Think of AI as a journey.

0:28 Each iterative win improves value and slowly builds trust.

0:32 Building trust in the self-driving network,

0:34 is similar to self-driving cars, both unfolding through distinct stages.

0:39 Stage one collect the most relevant data for training AI algorithms.

0:44 At Juniper.

0:45 We've been doing this for over ten years with Mist AI.

0:48 Far more than any other networking vendor.

0:51 Stage two translates that data into actionable insights, providing

0:56 visibility into network performance so you can quickly find and fix issues.

1:01 Stage three

1:02 transform those insights into recommended actions, allowing you

1:06 to proactively mitigate network issues before they impact user experiences.

1:11 At stage four, we give the network more control,

1:14 allowing it to proactively assist with automated remediation

1:18 with IT oversight and at stage five,

1:21 the AI native network steps into the driver's seat.

1:24 Fully autonomous, fully automated and fully optimized

1:28 for exceptional experiences.

1:30 AI juniper we work with you to build trust and confidence

1:33 in AI by proving value one success at a time.

1:38 Welcome to The Now Way to Network.

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