NOW in 60: Journey to the Self-Driving Network Overview

NOW in 60 Seconds: Overview of the Self-Driving Network Journey
A journey to the Self-Driving Network™ in many ways resembles the evolution of self-driving cars—what once seemed like science fiction is now becoming attainable through relentless innovation and by iteratively gaining the trust of operators and users across five distinct stages. This 60-second overview outlines what the journey entails and how important establishing trust in AI is across each of the five stages.
You’ll learn
How the journey of self-driving cars and a self-driving network are related
The five stages on a journey to the Self-Driving Network
How important building incremental trust in AI is along the way
Who is this for?

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0:00 [Music]
0:06 similar to self-driving cars just a few
0:09 years ago self-driving networks might
0:11 seem like science fiction driverless
0:13 taxis are only a reality today because
0:16 of ai's incrementally bigger role at
0:19 each stage of development building
0:21 people's trust along the way the same
0:24 journey is happening with self-driving
0:26 networks which can be broken into five
0:28 distinct stages at stage one highquality
0:32 relevant data is collected in stage two
0:35 AI translates data into useful insights
0:39 at stage three AI prioritizes issues
0:42 based on user impact providing
0:44 recommendations on how to fix them by
0:46 stage four with your permission AI
0:49 automates a resolution and at stage five
0:51 you allow the self-driving Network to
0:53 operate with full autonomy Juniper's AI
0:56 native Network backed by explainable AI
0:59 helps you harness the power of AI while
1:02 gradually advancing along this
1:04 transformative path of trust that's the
1:06 journey to the self-driving Network in
1:08 60 Seconds
1:14 [Music]