The ABCs of AI

Cut through the AI noise: How AI can help IT.
There's a lot of buzz around AI and how it can help IT operations. There's also a lot of confusion. You’ll discover the difference between AI, machine learning, deep learning, data science, and other common techniques in this video.
You’ll learn
Real world examples of AI, machine learning, deep learning and data science
What Juniper’s Matta says is the biggest movement in AI in our generation
How all of this applies to us – and why it all matters
Who is this for?

0:00 my name is Sudhir Mata I'm the VP of
0:03 products here at mist today we're gonna
0:05 talk about the ABCs of AI what we will
0:09 do is actually cover what is AI what is
0:12 machine learning what is deep learning
0:14 what is data science without further ado
0:16 let's get into it so AI machine learning
0:21 deep learning data science are very
0:24 interesting different terms and and they
0:27 all represent different things and so we
0:30 first set a level set on the baseline of
0:33 what these definitions are artificial
0:36 intelligence right this is actually the
0:39 the big umbrella of what we are living
0:42 in today our worlds are being
0:43 transformed with AI so the best test of
0:48 AI is is the Turing test that was done
0:51 but proposed by you know Alan Turing
0:55 Professor Alan Turing you know five six
0:58 decades ago right what is the Turing
1:00 test the Turing test is quite simple if
1:03 you as a human are interacting with a
1:07 system a and a system B and if system a
1:10 behind the scenes is a machine and
1:13 system B behind the scenes is a human
1:16 and you as a user can tell the
1:19 difference that's AI you have arrived
1:21 right so so that's really at a very
1:27 macro level AI is something that passes
1:30 the Turing test and and I think you know
1:33 slowly but surely in networking we're
1:36 going to get there right
1:37 so this is our crusade and we're going
1:39 to show you some examples of how we're
1:40 getting there number one next what is
1:43 machine learning machine learning is a
1:46 set of models and an algorithms to help
1:50 you get to AI right and so there's all
1:53 kinds of models here that you know very
1:58 basic you know regression schema
2:00 regression models you know to really
2:02 complex models out there and machine
2:05 learning is collecting a lot of data and
2:07 actually and if you can train the
2:10 machine to learn from the data
2:13 that's that's called supervised machine
2:15 learning which is what Google did many
2:17 moons ago when they were trying to
2:19 identify the picture of a cat they they
2:21 fed you know millions of pictures of
2:24 cats to the machine and then when the
2:27 very next picture was was was input into
2:29 the system it was identified as a cat
2:31 right and so that's that's supervised
2:34 training the base training based machine
2:36 learning the next one is unsupervised
2:40 machine learning which is one of the
2:41 principles we apply here in mist for our
2:44 location engine when you take your
2:47 iPhone and you broke walk into a
2:49 hospital you know or then are you
2:52 walking to an airport or you walk into a
2:54 stadium the how the iPhones are of
2:57 characteristics behaved is wildly
3:00 different so V machine learn on the same
3:03 phone in different environments without
3:06 you pre feeding hey this is how a
3:08 stadium looks like and this is how a a
3:10 hospital looks like or whatever right
3:12 and so that's unsupervised machine
3:15 learning so we're gonna talk about both
3:17 of those what's deep learning deep
3:20 learning is is the human science trying
3:24 to emulate the human brain right our
3:29 brain is is is millions and billions of
3:32 neurons connecting and and so there are
3:36 layers and layers of neurons that are
3:39 connecting and so either eliminating
3:42 pictures either is or forming pictures
3:45 as we are looking at things and if you
3:48 can think of it today there isn't a
3:49 camera that emulates the human eye sight
3:51 and and and there isn't a machine that
3:54 emulates the human brain in terms of
3:55 what we can process around us right and
3:57 so that's a neural network that's a very
4:00 best neural network in the world and
4:02 neural networking and deep learning is
4:04 about you know you know layers and
4:07 layers of algorithms and reinforced
4:09 learning learning from the data and and
4:12 stuff like that right so this is this is
4:14 really good stuff this is the advanced
4:17 machine learning stuff which is deep
4:18 learning what is data science data
4:22 science is basically a little bit of AI
4:25 a little bit of machine learning
4:27 learning but it's really putting data
4:29 together it's predictions it's
4:31 forecasting it's a lot of that you know
4:35 using data to to do to provide guidance
4:39 is data science right so we we have you
4:43 know each of the facets of these things
4:46 coming up into networking and so we're
4:48 good today we're gonna talk about first
4:50 let's go and look at some of the
4:52 examples we have in our daily lives off
4:55 of each of these principles here so
4:59 what's an example of AI in our in our
5:02 daily life I don't know about you but
5:04 you know at my home I have a three Alexa
5:08 devices the the two little ones and then
5:12 an actual big Alexa Amazon echo and
5:16 that's basically it's it's trying to
5:20 emulate a virtual assistant right a
5:22 virtual assistant all of it available so
5:24 you can ask it almost anything of course
5:27 it doesn't know a lot of stuff and so
5:30 that that involves a little bit of
5:31 training in the background and whatever
5:32 but Alexa represents probably the best
5:36 are the easiest to understand AI for us
5:39 at a macro level probably the biggest AI
5:42 movement in our generation is what IBM
5:46 did with Watson right today when you go
5:49 into a doctor in many many large
5:52 healthcare institutions IBM Watson he's
5:56 basically saying you know what hey you
5:58 know Sudhir is lived in California for
6:00 20 years and and so he has these
6:02 symptoms so I think we can you know
6:04 roughly say this medication will be
6:06 helpful for him but Watson is saying
6:08 wait wait timeout
6:09 he's from Indian descent and lived in
6:12 Iowa and then so and and you know of a
6:14 certain age and so when you put all of
6:16 these other things together that you
6:17 don't learn in a textbook maybe I will
6:20 change the medication or or change the
6:22 dosage right Watson is actively helping
6:25 people make decisions and that's you
6:28 know emulating the expertise of a deep
6:31 doctor right so next the examples for
6:35 machine learning for us are many fold
6:38 right the
6:41 an example for machine learning sorry
6:42 about that the examples for machine
6:44 learning for us is nest right so I have
6:47 a nest thermostat at home you know if
6:50 you can imagine this thermostats have
6:53 not been reinvented for a hundred years
6:55 and suddenly you know nest comes around
6:58 and boom there's an innovation and there
7:00 you know nest knows when when I come
7:03 into the home and I leave the home and
7:05 it's basically trying to you know it
7:06 goes into an eco mode that actually
7:09 automatically adjusts the thermostats
7:12 and and and stuff based on people being
7:15 there it's learning it's learning when
7:16 I'm there it's learning when I'm not
7:18 there
7:18 deep learning is what Tesla and
7:23 self-driving networks are based on right
7:25 deep learning is what self-driving cars
7:28 and self-driving networks are going to
7:30 be dependent on and this is layers and
7:34 layers of neural networks that we can
7:36 use to to learn and there's so many
7:42 facets to deep learning and and the AI
7:45 that's driving you know self-driving
7:48 cars it's amazing right so there's
7:50 that's that's right there in front of us
7:52 now
7:53 data science would be me trying to
7:55 predict you know with the Cavaliers will
7:57 be the NBA Finals this is a an example
8:01 for a few more from a few months ago but
8:04 you know it was fascinating you know
8:07 once once Golden State won the first
8:11 several games it became obvious that
8:13 yeah you know there was no chance in
8:15 hell if they if they were up three and
8:18 one that the Cavaliers would actually
8:19 come back and do some damage right you
8:21 know history tells us statistics tell us
8:24 that teams that are up you know by a
8:27 certain margin at a certain point in the
8:28 series are going to win right so so data
8:31 science is just using analytics and data
8:33 to predict some things that is
8:36 statistical now all this is fine and
8:38 dandy why are you wasting an hour with
8:40 us for if all of this is is generally
8:43 available how does this apply to us and
8:45 why does this matter why it matters is
8:48 very foundational to why if you're going
8:50 to spend the next 30 minutes with us
8:52 here why you should do that right here's
8:54 what's here's the proof
8:55 in the wireless industry the number of
8:57 users devices applications and bandwidth
9:02 are growing exponentially I can honestly
9:05 tell you a hundred percent of you will
9:08 say yep that's happening in my
9:10 enterprise if that's happening there is
9:13 a corollary to that the number of user
9:15 complains the number of people saying
9:17 the Wi-Fi sucks is also growing with the
9:21 number of devices users applications at
9:23 bandwidth but there is one thing that's
9:26 not exponentially growing the one thing
9:29 that's not exponentially growing is the
9:31 number of people on your team the IT
9:34 team isn't isn't exponentially growing
9:36 so how does a team that is probably
9:40 grown ten percent in the last five years
9:42 deal with an exponential network an
9:45 exponential demand an exponential
9:47 support volume or if nothing else in
9:51 some cases the teams are shrinking right
9:53 so how do you bridge that gap there are
9:55 two words for this AI and automation if
9:59 you are not doing these two things you
10:02 are in existence with crisis you're
10:04 going to get replaced you're gonna
10:05 they're gonna find a new team these are
10:07 foundational or fundamental for you to
10:10 incorporate into your system you have to
10:12 use AI you have to use automation and
10:15 that's the only way I think you'll
10:16 you'll you or your team will scale very
10:19 critical obviously independent of the
10:24 size of the network you're running thank
10:25 you very much for joining the ABCs of AI
10:28 we really appreciate and value your time
10:30 and your feedback if you have more
10:32 questions or more comments please send
10:34 them to us on our website