Zach Gibbs, Content Developer, Education Services, Juniper Networks

Data Center Filter-Based Forwarding: Verification

Learning Bytes Data Center
Zach Gibbs Headshot
Screenshot of a command-line interface as part of a demonstration of data center filter-based forwarding verification. 
Feb 04, 2022

Juniper Learning Byte: Zach Gibbs demonstrates how to verify filter-based forwarding.

This Learning Byte is an educational demo that walks you step by step through the verification process for filter-based forwarding. This video is most appropriate for users with a high degree of knowledge and skill with data center technologies.

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You’ll learn

  • An example of the topology, which includes two routers, the service leaf and the data center firewall 

  • How to inspect the traffic going from Host1 to Host2 

  • How to permit SSH traffic and block ICMP traffic

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders


Zach Gibbs Headshot
Zach Gibbs
Content Developer, Education Services, Juniper Networks


0:00 [Music]

0:11 hello my name is zach gibbs and i'm a

0:14 content developer within education

0:16 services inside juniper networks and

0:19 today we will be going through the data

0:21 center filter-based forwarding

0:22 verification learning by

0:25 all right so here is our topology and in

0:28 this topology we have a few different

0:30 devices we have router l1 and router l2

0:33 which act as router leafs and then we

0:36 have service leaf l1 which is our server

0:38 sleeve and dcfw which is the data center

0:42 firewall

0:43 and so one thing to keep in mind here is

0:45 that there are other learning bytes that

0:47 i've done that cover the configuration

0:49 of those devices

0:51 and so if you're interested in that the

0:53 configuration of filter-based forwarding

0:56 in a data center go ahead and check

0:57 those out but with this learning byte

0:59 we're going to focus on the verification

1:01 making sure this actually works because

1:03 remember we are sending traffic from

1:05 host one to host two however we want

1:07 that traffic to be inspected and we're

1:10 going to be permitting ssh traffic and

1:13 blocking and logging icmp traffic so

1:15 with that being said let's get this

1:17 going

1:18 okay so here is the topology so what

1:20 have we done so far we've configured the

1:22 inspect vrf

1:24 on router l1 which is a normal router

1:26 leaf and then inspect vrf on service l1

1:29 which is the service leaf the secure vrf

1:31 on service l1 and the secure vrf on

1:35 router l2 and then we did some security

1:37 policy configuration and looked at the

1:39 dc firewall uh to show how things are

1:42 working there we looked at the bgp

1:44 things like that are the bgp sessions to

1:46 make sure they're up and functioning

1:47 which they are make sure we're getting

1:48 routes and advertising the routes we

1:49 want to do so things look pretty good

1:52 there so let's go ahead and jump back to

1:53 host one

1:55 and see what happens when we attempt to

1:57 communicate with host two

1:59 and before we do that though i would

2:01 like to clear the syslog file

2:06 just uh make sure we

2:08 don't have anything extra in there

2:10 okay so let's go ahead and attempt to

2:12 ping host one from host two and this

2:15 should not work recall we are blocking

2:17 this traffic and so that's great now

2:18 let's open an ssh session

2:22 and good we get prompted for the

2:24 password and good we're we are in host

2:27 two

2:28 and we are currently

2:29 logged in to host one or at least the

2:31 initial session is host one but we're

2:34 able to open a ssh session from host one

2:36 to host two so that's perfect so let's

2:38 go ahead and leave that open for now and

2:40 then let's jump back to router l1 to

2:42 verify what we're seeing so

2:45 here is the router leaf router l1 and so

2:48 recall we set up that firewall filter

2:51 with a

2:52 counter and we can see here the counter

2:54 okay great

2:55 that looks good so we have traffic now

2:57 let's create a little more traffic let's

2:59 jump back to host one and create a

3:00 little more traffic here

3:02 let's look at stuff

3:05 do a few returns that'll create some

3:06 traffic just to make sure that is

3:08 incremented because we want that to be

3:09 incrementing and great we went from 37

3:11 to 56

3:12 so we definitely have traffic hitting

3:14 that firewall filter that is perfect

3:16 that's exactly what we want to see

3:18 and so let's go ahead and jump to

3:21 router l2

3:23 so here is router l2 let's do the same

3:25 thing

3:27 look at the firewall and we see this is

3:29 host 2 to host 1

3:31 and so this is the return traffic when

3:32 you see we have 40 packets here it's not

3:34 going to be symmetrical because ssh

3:36 isn't symmetrical it's not like we're

3:37 doing ping traffic here so let's jump

3:39 back to host one create a little more

3:40 traffic

3:42 okay so

3:43 created some traffic let's look at

3:44 router l2

3:46 and recall this is the device connected

3:48 to the leaf connector to host too

3:51 and great it is incrementing the return

3:53 traffic is hitting that firewall filter

3:54 getting sent to the vrf perfect so let's

3:57 look at let's jump back to

3:59 router l1

4:01 and let's look at the

4:03 the route for host 2. see what we have

4:05 here

4:07 vrf1 has a direct route to it that's

4:10 perfect that's that's how that should be

4:12 that's just standard erb and

4:15 then and because that's because it's set

4:17 up with that irb20 that's in that same

4:19 subnet and then in the inspect vrf we

4:21 have a default route and that is learn

4:23 through evpn that is perfect and those

4:26 two interfaces point to uh spine devices

4:30 they haven't really talked about the

4:31 spine devices too much but that is where

4:33 those two interfaces are pointing so

4:34 that's exactly what we should be seeing

4:36 there

4:37 and that is that type 5 evpn route and

4:39 notice how it is in the

4:42 inspectvrf.inet.0 table we could say

4:44 show route

4:46 inspect so anything any route table for

4:48 the inspect vrf or rather needs a route

4:51 table

4:54 and we'll see

4:55 a couple different tables we'll see the

4:56 inspect vrf i9.0 and we'll see the

4:58 inspectvrf.evpn.0.

5:01 so you think to yourself well shouldn't

5:03 that be there shouldn't we have

5:04 something

5:05 in the evpn route table and no we don't

5:09 we don't have anything for host two in

5:11 there we do have some stuff in there

5:12 like some fictitious routes and uh

5:15 uh but the rep we're looking for is that

5:17 default route in the inspect

5:19 table that's that type

5:21 five ebvpn route so that's exactly what

5:23 we should see all right so let's jump

5:25 back to router l2 remember this is a

5:27 router leaf

5:28 and let's do the same thing but let's

5:30 look for

5:31 the

5:32 which is host one and we get

5:35 the same thing we get that default route

5:36 recall this default route is coming from

5:39 the firewall getting sent to

5:42 the respective vrfs on the service leaf

5:44 and then there the service leave is

5:46 putting that into evpn as a type 5 route

5:49 so that's why that's showing up there

5:51 and that's how like if we jump back to

5:53 the router l1 and let's look at that

5:55 again

5:57 that is how we get to

6:00 host two so it goes into inspect it goes

6:02 the traffic goes into vrf1 to start and

6:05 then in the inspect vr says what do i do

6:07 with this traffic it does a route lookup

6:09 and it's like i've got a default route

6:10 i'll send it that way so it sends it to

6:12 the service leaf that way and then on

6:14 router l2 the return traffic what

6:16 happens there is you know the the

6:18 initiating traffic hits host two then

6:19 host two

6:21 sends it back sends it starts the return

6:23 traffic and sends it to

6:26 vrf1 on router l2 that leaf

6:29 and then it gets filter-based forwarded

6:30 to the secure vrf and the secure brf

6:32 says what do i do and it looks in its

6:36 table sees this

6:37 default route and says okay i'll use

6:39 this route and it sends it to the secure

6:41 vrf on the service leaf it's really cool

6:44 how that works and so

6:46 with that being said let's go ahead and

6:49 jump to the service leaf

6:52 so this is service l1 which is our

6:53 service leaf and let's look for the

6:55 routes there and see what we have

6:58 so host one is

7:01 and we can see here that perfect we have

7:03 in the inspect vrf

7:05 that route and then what happens from

7:07 there is that gets exported to the

7:10 firewall so if we look at

7:13 and notice it matches in the secure vr

7:14 for the default route but that's not

7:16 what we're really focusing on so we're

7:17 just focusing on this because it's it's

7:20 coming in

7:21 it well the return traffic will be sent

7:23 to this the inspect vrf and so that's

7:25 why that's there and the inspector vr so

7:27 then it's able to draw it back drop back

7:30 to the

7:32 router l1 leaf that has

7:34 the inspect vrf as well so you can see

7:36 here that we do have this

7:38 and so a little helpful maybe a little

7:40 less confusing if i just do the exact

7:41 command and we can see here

7:43 that it is in the inspect

7:46 vrf.i.0 on the service leaf that's

7:48 perfect because it is coming from the

7:50 inspect vrf

7:52 recall it's a static route on the

7:53 inspect vrf on router l1 and then we're

7:56 sending it through evpn

7:58 to the service leaf l1

8:00 in the

8:02 inspect vrs so that's why we're seeing

8:03 that there so let's look at

8:06 10.1.1 or 2.1

8:09 and that's going to be

8:10 the host 2 route and we see that in the

8:12 secure vrf and that's perfect

8:14 because that will allow

8:16 post one

8:17 as it makes it through the fabric and

8:20 hits the secure brf on service leaf l1

8:23 that will allow it to get to host two so

8:26 let's look at those default routes so

8:30 that we're getting

8:32 actually before we do that let's do a

8:34 let's look at the bgp sessions

8:38 and we can see how we're receiving

8:40 routes

8:41 from the different devices but this is a

8:43 little confusing i mainly want to focus

8:44 on these two top ones here that is the

8:47 firewall bgp sessions and so with that

8:50 let's go ahead and show route

8:52 receive protocol bgp

8:57 and you can see here we're receiving a

8:58 default route and it's going to be same


9:04 and so let's look at show route

9:05 advertising

9:08 bgp

9:09 now the 91 is part of the

9:13 inspect vrf

9:14 and so we can see that we're advertising

9:16 that host route that for host

9:19 one

9:20 and

9:23 we can see that we're advertising the

9:26 host 2

9:27 route towards

9:29 the firewall and so let's also then look

9:32 at the

9:33 show route recall that we're getting a

9:35 default route

9:37 and we can see that we're getting a

9:38 default route in both the inspect vrf

9:41 and the secure vrf and we're learning

9:42 that through bgp so that's perfect

9:44 that's what we want to see

9:46 okay so with that one last thing we want

9:48 to do is let's check the let's check the

9:50 out the firewall see what we have for

9:52 the sessions so social security flow

9:54 session

9:55 let's go protocol

9:57 tcp

9:58 destination port 0.2 for ssh and we see

10:02 we have that ssh session we can see it's

10:03 coming from

10:04 going to

10:08 we can see that we have packets in

10:10 incrementing for that flow so that first

10:11 flow that's coming in we can see we have

10:13 packets going through that's perfect and

10:15 then the return flow which is the second

10:17 line we can see that 2 or host2

10:20 is responding to host 1 on and

10:24 we can see the interfaces gigi00 or

10:27 gigi002.91

10:29 for the incoming the initiating and

10:31 gigi002.92 for the return traffic and we

10:34 see that packets are incrementing on

10:36 both of those flows so that's perfect

10:38 that's what we want to see and recall

10:41 we are blocking

10:43 the uh the icp icmp traffic that we sent

10:46 so let's look at that and you can see

10:48 here yes we had some uh some traffic

10:52 blocked

10:53 and uh we can see it was denied

10:55 uh 10.1.1 to 10.2

11:00 it's icmp

11:01 blocked by the block icmp inspect to

11:04 secure zones and you can see here okay

11:06 we're actually blocking that traffic and

11:08 so this traffic is being analyzed and

11:10 only certain traffic is being let

11:11 through and the cool part about this is

11:13 you can do a lot more than just layer

11:15 two or excuse me layer three or layer

11:17 four we could do some advanced layer

11:19 seven idp

11:21 atp cloud uh ssl proxy stuff like that

11:24 on this traffic so there's a lot you can

11:25 do here

11:26 so filter-based forwarding is working

11:28 we're filter-based forwarding traffic

11:30 from host one to host two through the

11:32 data center firewall and so this is

11:34 working exactly as we want it to so that

11:37 does bring us to the end of this

11:39 learning byte and we demonstrated how to

11:41 configure and verify data center

11:43 filter-based forwarding as always thanks

11:45 for watching

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