Arun Gandhi, Senior Product Marketing Manager

Now in 60 Seconds: Three Myths about InfiniBand for AI Data Center Networking

Data CenterAI & ML
Arun Gandhi Headshot

Now in 60 Seconds: Three Myths about InfiniBand for AI Data Center Networking

Proprietary solutions that lock in enterprises may stifle AI innovation. Ethernet would be a more acceptable alternative for hosting AI workloads. Discover and dispel the top three myths about using InfiniBand for AI Data Center Networking.

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You’ll learn

  • How Ethernet performance meets or exceeds InfiniBand

  • The scalability and flexibility of Ethernet and InfiniBand

  • How Ethernet’s long history makes it more secure and easily manageable

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders


Arun Gandhi Headshot
Arun Gandhi
Senior Product Marketing Manager


0:00 [Music]

0:06 first stop infin band excels ethernet in

0:09 bandwidth and performance truth is that

0:12 ethernet has undergone significant

0:15 Evolution particularly with 800 gbps

0:18 interfaces RDMA over converged ethernet

0:21 and advanced condition management

0:23 mechanisms in fact ethernet now meets

0:26 and exceeds bandwidth and performance

0:28 demands for most AI applications and

0:31 enables faster completion rates of AIML

0:34 jobs next month infin band provides

0:38 better scale and

0:39 flexibility actually ethernet's wide

0:42 acceptance compatibility and cost

0:45 benefits make it highly scalable and

0:48 flexible option for networking in the AI

0:50 domain meanwhile infin band requires

0:54 specialized hardware and software

0:56 configuration

0:57 ecosystem and the final meth infin band

1:00 is more secure and easier to operate

1:03 with its long history ethernet actually

1:06 has more security and management

1:08 features and skill expertise is more

1:11 readily available than infiniband and

1:14 those are the top three infin band meds

1:16 in 60 Seconds

1:18 [Music]

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