Mansour Karam, GVP Products, Data Center, Juniper Networks

Private Data Center as Easy as Cloud With Juniper Apstra

Data CenterAI & ML
Mansour Karam Headshot
Screen shot from the video showing an image of a man speaking and gesturing with his hands; a graphic image reading “Operations,” “Intent-based,” AI-driven” and “App aware”; and the website URL
Oct 21, 2023

Solving data center problems with Juniper Apstra software.

The internet has evolved dramatically over the last twenty years, making management of data center networks increasingly complex. Watch Mansour Karam, GVP of Data Center Products at Juniper Networks, explain how intent-based networking has helped Juniper customers manage their private data centers as easy as cloud in this presentation recorded live during Tech Field Day 18.

Learn more about Juniper Apstra software.

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You’ll learn

  • How advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have presented new challenges for data center network managers

  • How Juniper capabilities help customers navigate new opportunities in AI infrastructure and AI Ops

Who is this for?

Network Professionals


Mansour Karam Headshot
Mansour Karam
GVP Products, Data Center, Juniper Networks


0:09 um you may know me as more most recently

0:12 as the uh founder of Abra uh but given

0:16 that recently I got an an expanded role

0:18 focusing on the data center all of the

0:20 data center products for Juniper what I

0:22 thought is talk more about the data

0:25 center and uh you know the the all of

0:28 the things we're bringing as in Juniper

0:30 to the table when it comes to uh really

0:33 solving problems for our data center uh

0:37 customers and so that's going to be the

0:39 focus today and uh we're going to also

0:41 showcase a bunch of those capabilities

0:44 uh you know throughout the session and

0:46 so but before I jump in uh what I

0:49 thought I'd do is kind of step back and

0:51 talk about the evolution of the data

0:54 center and coincidentally I'm starting

0:56 in September of 2 of 1995 which is when

0:59 actually I came to the US uh to attend

1:02 Stanford and um that was coincidentally

1:05 the same uh month where Netscape

1:08 actually went IPO if you recall uh at

1:11 the time if you were there uh it was a

1:14 crazy time where every company was kind

1:16 of rushing to go online um you know

1:19 websites were U Were you know popping

1:21 back up everywhere and so you know

1:24 networking became like the thing uh

1:27 Cisco which stock was kind of stagnating

1:29 for for for many years prior just

1:32 exploded and this is where Juniper

1:35 actually was also founded during that

1:36 same time to actually deliver on the

1:38 products to support all of this traffic

1:40 explosion that we were seeing and at the

1:43 time you know these data centers started

1:45 spurring everywhere and uh you know most

1:48 applications were quite simple client

1:50 server and so you had these

1:52 architectures which were more like north

1:54 south architecture if you recall the

1:56 access distribution core uh which were

1:59 kind of like the staple of the arch data

2:02 center architecture of the time kind of

2:04 led by Cisco uh fast forward a few years

2:08 uh around 2005 I would say uh we had

2:10 kind of a transition from you know what

2:13 were simpler services to more complex

2:16 Services more interesting offerings um

2:19 the start of the cloud right uh with

2:21 companies of course like Google but then

2:24 uh also Amazon and then actual public

2:27 Cloud which with AWS and uh and Azure uh

2:32 and so for these uh networks and for

2:35 these applications we know the the the

2:38 application itself the architecture of

2:40 the application changed it used to be

2:42 that you know you ask uh the server for

2:45 a request and then you just get a

2:46 response with these applications they

2:49 became more distributed and so for every

2:51 request that you had you know there was

2:52 a lot more chatter between the servers

2:55 and so we kind of moved from what were

2:57 north south application or the infr or

3:00 architectures to like these East West

3:02 architectures and so from the access

3:05 distribution core to like what what was

3:08 is is referred to as Leaf spine or Leaf

3:10 spine super spine that that support a

3:13 lot more East wwest traffic within the

3:16 data center at the time I was a at a

3:18 company that joined company early called

3:20 Arista uh and you know arguably they

3:23 kind of we led the way in kind of this

3:25 transition to this these Leaf spine uh

3:28 architectures and so that was in 2005

3:31 and with every one of those Evolutions

3:33 we see more explosion in traffic and in

3:36 networking traffic um then you know the

3:39 next moment that that is kind of seminal

3:42 is when of course the iPhone was

3:44 released and that's when everyone

3:46 realized that actually we can have apps

3:50 on these phones and then with these apps

3:52 anything that in the past you you had to

3:54 you have to go somewhere to do or to be

3:57 in front of your computer you actually

3:58 could do it right there from your phone

4:01 whether it's uh calling a taxi or uh

4:06 video conferencing with your U uh with

4:08 with your work uh or watching a movie or

4:12 transacting online buying something or

4:15 uh or doing a financial transaction

4:18 everything you you can think of you can

4:20 do now with your phone which means that

4:23 think about it for everything you do

4:25 you're touching a data center somewhere

4:27 you're touching a network somewhere

4:29 where so these networks not only were

4:31 growing massively in size but and they

4:34 were getting more complex but they were

4:36 becoming critical to everything we do

4:39 the networks are the foundation for

4:41 everything we do this is the phenomena

4:43 that is referred to as digital

4:46 transformation uh and uh the thing about

4:50 digital transformation is that it has

4:53 networking at at its core certainly with

4:56 the with the pandemic that everyone went

4:58 through this process has completely

5:00 accelerated and I would say Garner said

5:03 it best when they made this comment

5:04 which is that in order to be to succeed

5:07 a digital transformation you have to uh

5:10 transform your network first if you

5:13 don't then you're three times more

5:15 likely to fail at your digital

5:17 transformation and that kind that was

5:19 kind of the impetus for us actually

5:22 starting a company called abstra uh that

5:25 was back in

5:26 2014 and the goal was really to

5:29 transform the network to transform

5:32 network operations so that you no longer

5:35 have to manually uh operate your network

5:39 we wanted a network that really looks

5:41 and feels and is operated like a cloud

5:44 and so in order to do that we invented

5:46 this thing called intent based

5:48 networking the key there was that at the

5:51 end we wanted Network operators uh we

5:54 want to give them the ability not only

5:56 to move fast at the speed of the

5:58 business but the do it with utmost

6:00 reliability reliability was really the

6:03 key we wanted the network operator to

6:05 trust the software to run the network

6:09 better than they would themselves

6:10 actually in order of magnitude better

6:13 the same way in autopilot r or flies a

6:16 plane much more reliably than the pilot

6:19 themselves and so fast forward to today

6:23 uh we were acquired by Juniper we're

6:25 deployed uh across uh companies in more

6:28 than 7 countries making a difference

6:31 every day uh 83% reduction in Opex uh

6:35 multifold improvements in

6:38 reliability um essentially our customers

6:41 are getting the value of this Simplicity

6:43 the value of this reliability every

6:45 there these are a few of our customers

6:47 we have many many

6:49 more and so you would think okay so is

6:52 that it is there any more inflection

6:54 points and well you know uh over the

6:57 last few years and certainly the moment

6:59 that really captured everyone's

7:00 attention with Chad GP was Chad GPT back

7:03 in 2022 is the Advent of AI ML and yet

7:08 another inflection point yet another

7:11 explosion of traffic you know AI is of

7:14 course it captured the imagination of

7:17 everyone it's relevant to everyone we're

7:19 all using it today but what's critical

7:22 about Ai and what's really interesting

7:23 about AI is the kind of the what what it

7:27 what it take takes for the network and

7:29 for the infrastructure and for the data

7:31 centers to support all of the AI

7:33 applications that you know with all you

7:36 know all organizations want to use AI

7:39 for essentially you know there was this

7:42 blog from Andre which which I thought

7:44 was was really interesting where they

7:46 were kind of looking at where is the the

7:48 value chain for AI who's going to make

7:50 the most you know um you know like where

7:54 is the golden opportunity and uh at the

7:57 end of course AI is going to have a a

7:59 large value chain Lots there's going to

8:01 be lots of opportunity for everyone but

8:03 one thing that is 100% clear is that

8:07 it's going to at the end we're going to

8:08 need infrastructure infrastructure is

8:11 going to be you know the guaranteed

8:14 benefit of AI uh not just the gpus but

8:18 also the network we're going to have to

8:20 need to reinvent the network to support

8:23 these AI applications and if you look at

8:26 it then you know the data center um

8:29 traffic or the the number of data center

8:31 devices whichever way you want to

8:33 measure it essentially is just growing

8:35 and growing through every one of these

8:37 inflection points and you can see here

8:39 how AIML is kind of driving this new

8:42 traffic growth within Data Center and so

8:46 at the end you know the my message is

8:48 data center networking is thriving uh

8:51 it's continues to be relevant it

8:53 continues to be core and critical to

8:56 everything we do and of course with at

8:59 Juniper we're very interested in uh this

9:02 opportunity we' love to make a

9:04 difference in the life of our data

9:07 center customers and so uh then let me

9:10 tell you a bit about Juniper and and you

9:12 know what we do here when it comes to

9:14 the data center uh well first of all

9:18 we're very much relevant in the data

9:20 center market and we focus I would say

9:23 on large Enterprises Cloud customers and

9:28 uh more recently we're very focused on

9:31 the AI ml data center opportunity which

9:34 actually Cuts both across large

9:36 Enterprise and Cloud both Enterprises

9:39 and Cloud are building these AIML data

9:42 centers and so what products do we do we

9:46 do we uh do we deliver for those uh

9:48 customers you know at the from at the

9:50 basic level we have switches which are

9:53 kind of like the building blocks for

9:55 data center uh networks but then also we

9:57 have the operation software which at its

10:00 foundation leverages and utilizes abstra

10:04 both unram and U more and more in the

10:07 cloud but then you know net Juniper is

10:10 not just a data center company Juniper

10:13 while we're 100% focused on networking

10:15 that's all we do we have an entire

10:17 portfolio we actually have an endtoend

10:19 portfolio all the way from campus to

10:21 when and to security and so that's kind

10:24 of one of the benefits is that we can

10:26 leverage this extended portfolio when we

10:29 deliver data center solutions to our

10:30 customers adding on the the gateways the

10:34 security uh many virtual devices device

10:37 options and we'll get back to that but

10:39 essentially you know again with juniper

10:41 you know while we as in our business

10:43 units focused on data center Juniper has

10:45 the portfolio for in networking

10:48 Solutions end to end so you know going

10:51 talking about these devices we have a

10:53 whole portfolio uh you know we have

10:55 shallow buff shallow shallow buffer

10:58 device devices that are that are

11:01 relevant in for many applications

11:03 including IML applications for the

11:06 high-end we also have de buffer

11:08 applications we have Merchant silicon we

11:10 also have our own investment in our own

11:13 silicon and what one thing we're doing

11:15 is that we're boosting our switching for

11:18 portfolio for a IML we we actually

11:20 launched uh recently the tomahawk four

11:23 switches and this is kind of the start

11:25 of a many more products that we're going

11:28 to be delivering focusing on AI uh ML

11:32 and so that's kind of the basics now how

11:35 do we differentiate what is it that we

11:38 do differently than our competitors and

11:41 you know when I think of differentiators

11:42 the way I like I like to think about it

11:44 is what problems we're solving for our

11:47 customers uniquely and what I'd say is

11:50 that there are three pillars for our

11:52 differentiation one is operations and

11:54 this is something we're going to be

11:55 talking about a lot today second is

11:58 openness and third is endtoend Solutions

12:01 so let me talk about these starting with

12:05 operations so with operations as I said

12:09 abstra was the foundation and what we

12:10 did with abstra is this intent based

12:13 deterministic control essentially it's

12:15 software that runs your data center

12:18 Network day in and day out with the

12:21 speed to meet the business requirement

12:23 and with utmost reliability essentially

12:26 you want to trust your software to run

12:28 your network work that is kind of the

12:30 foundation for uh for uh our data center

12:35 operation strategy now in addition to

12:39 intent based and so that's that's intent

12:41 based so now in addition to intent based

12:42 what we're doing is that we're adding

12:45 other pillars to really kind of deliver

12:48 more value than anyone to really help

12:52 our Network operators operate their data

12:55 center with the Simplicity of the cloud

12:58 in fact with the utmost confidence and

13:01 so in addition to AI we're adding in in

13:05 addition to intent base we're adding in

13:07 Ai and so the way to think of it is that

13:11 intent base really gives you this

13:12 deterministic control you know there is

13:14 no room for probability when it comes to

13:18 running your data center the same way an

13:20 autopilot runs a plane when you tell it

13:22 to go to 10,000 ft you want it to go to

13:24 10,000 ft deterministically that's

13:27 essentially What in in based means but

13:30 while we're running the network with

13:33 this intent based approach we're

13:34 collecting tons of telemetry and this

13:37 Telemetry can be used and so what we do

13:39 is that we ship it to third-party

13:41 platforms but one of the platforms is

13:43 one that Juniper has which is Marvis we

13:46 have our own aiops layer which

13:49 essentially is a conversational

13:50 interface but also a data link and there

13:53 we can by sending all of the tra traffic

13:56 there and having the whole historical

13:58 perspective by applying AI you can now

14:00 deliver probabilistic insights and so

14:04 with intent based you get um tenfold

14:07 Improvement in reliability you get a uh

14:11 90% reduction in Opera operating

14:13 expenses but then when you also add AI

14:16 then what we have proven is that we can

14:19 also reduce the time to troubleshoot

14:22 problems reduce the number of tickets by

14:25 up to 90 to

14:26 95% and so by marrying this intent based

14:30 approach which is deterministic with the

14:32 probabilistic AIML approach essentially

14:36 where differentiating from everyone else

14:38 and adding that much more value to our

14:40 customers one one thing manour uh and

14:43 thank you it's great so far I love it uh

14:45 I would love to see as we get into

14:47 looking at it when we talk about

14:49 managing you know deterministic

14:51 probabilistic but also human driven the

14:54 important part here is like AI can tell

14:56 us what traffic is doing it can the app

14:59 awareness that all this stuff is great

15:01 but there's like business proprietary

15:03 you know sort of tribal knowledge that

15:05 sometimes we have I would love to see in

15:07 product kind of like how we can

15:09 influence determinism uh and sort of

15:12 like Drive the the basian inference with

15:15 a little bit of human

15:17 good you're you're right ahead of me all

15:20 right make sure this is awesome because

15:22 it's exactly what I was what I was going

15:23 to add right here and actually we're

15:25 going to show some of it today you know

15:27 the the third pillar and so like to

15:29 answer your question the third pillar

15:30 and you you talked about it the app

15:32 awareness we want to bring in the app

15:33 awareness at the end for

15:36 infrastructure uh the the the key asset

15:39 is the app right we what network

15:42 operators want to know is how is the

15:45 network performing for the app and we

15:47 want to be as Discerning as possible and

15:50 to your point some of these requirements

15:53 are very bespoke to the specific

15:56 customer and so what we need to do is

15:58 also have flexibility in how we kind of

16:02 put together these tests that leverage

16:04 all of this data so that we distill an

16:07 answer that a specific customer cares

16:10 about and so we're going to show some of

16:12 it today in terms of like the

16:13 flexibility of how you can build tests

16:16 but at the core of it is you need to

16:18 have the flow information and that's

16:19 something we just added today we added

16:22 recently we we launched it recently the

16:24 abstra flow data that's the most

16:27 contextual um uh most comprehensive flow

16:32 Telemetry uh of any data center

16:35 operations software on the market and

16:38 the reason again is because we want to

16:40 combine intent-based

16:41 Ai and application awareness together

16:44 and then have the ability to run tests

16:47 to be the most Discerning in terms of

16:49 whether or not the network is working

16:52 well for this specific app for this

16:54 specific use case okay and again we're

16:57 going to be showing uh more on on this

16:59 particular point today so that is

17:02 operations and this is very consistent

17:04 with Juniper's overarching strategy

17:06 experience first leading with operations

17:08 which is why they acquired abstra this

17:10 is why they acquired uh mist and that's

17:13 an area of core competency where we're

17:15 going to continue to invest the second

17:18 uh pillar of the Juniper data center

17:21 differentiation is openness

17:24 essentially the promise of networking

17:27 was that it is open

17:29 you the networking is so critical this

17:31 is why we have standards we don't want

17:32 to be locked into one specific vendor

17:35 this is why we've created things like

17:37 bgp and EPN VXL and so we at at Juniper

17:43 that's always been part of the DNA

17:45 because uniper kind of was founded as a

17:47 challenger to to the incumbent and

17:50 continues to be a challenger and at

17:52 abstra that was a core pillar we wanted

17:55 to deliver a solution that is

17:57 multivendor and so so although we were

17:59 acquired by Juniper we're continuing

18:02 down that path we support not only

18:04 Juniper but also uh switches from many

18:07 of uh of the other switch suppliers are

18:11 there in the market all of the

18:12 incumbents and the leading ones and so

18:16 uh if you deploy uh Juniper operations

18:19 then you can bring in uh not only

18:22 Juniper devices but Juniper devices from

18:25 the rest from from the rest of the the

18:28 the suppliers and so and when we say

18:30 that it's multivendor we don't just mean

18:33 that we support it but we also make sure

18:35 it works well so at the end we're kind

18:39 of giving you that same level of

18:40 reliability independently of your vendor

18:43 choice so that's one aspect of openness

18:46 which is unique to Juniper none of our

18:50 competitors has the other aspect to

18:52 openness is that you know at the end

18:54 we're part of an ecosystem you know this

18:57 this solution is is part of an ecosystem

18:59 and needs to work well in the context of

19:01 this ecosystem so we have open apis both

19:04 with our software with absr also with

19:06 all of the devices uh in that uh uh that

19:10 we deliver and we have Integrations with

19:14 platforms and solutions whether it's um

19:17 overlay Solutions or net devop Solutions

19:21 security Etc solutions that are

19:24 available on the market and one of the

19:27 tools that has become very popular to

19:29 manage Data Center and Cloud

19:32 environments is terraform and one of the

19:33 things we're going to Showcase today is

19:35 an integration with terraform as kind of

19:38 a unified tool to manage your data

19:40 center Network through Abra but also

19:43 your Club your your uh your public Cloud

19:46 so that's openness and the third is

19:48 endtoend Solutions and this is how kind

19:50 of it all comes together um we're kind

19:53 of taking as I mentioned Juniper is a

19:56 company that has not only focuses on

19:59 networking but has the entire portfolio

20:01 and so we want to really bring this to

20:03 bear so instead of selling products to

20:05 our customers what we want is to deliver

20:07 outcomes to deliver Solutions and so

20:10 whether you know customers think about

20:12 what use cases they have are they trying

20:13 to build an AI training cluster or a

20:16 VMware data center are they building an

20:19 eastwest three-stage Class A five-stage

20:21 class network is it an edge data center

20:25 whatever their uh their their use case

20:28 ISS what we want to do is deliver a

20:30 solution and when we what we mean with a

20:32 solution is uh a reference design that

20:35 includes the devices themselves the

20:37 topology how they're interconnected what

20:40 protocols they use what software manages

20:42 them of course primarily at its core

20:45 abstra but not only that we also are

20:47 bringing in the routers the gateways the

20:50 firewalls as part of the design um you

20:53 can use juniper uh devices but also you

20:55 can bring in devices from the

20:56 competition and then what we want to do

20:58 is give it to you in a way that is

21:01 tested end to end so you know it's going

21:04 to work and so we're kind of going to be

21:06 leading with this validated designs

21:09 because you know while some customers

21:11 are interested in kind of tailoring

21:13 their Solutions having some bespoke

21:14 designs most customers want solutions

21:18 that just work end to endend and that is

21:21 what at Juniper we want to deliver for

21:23 them and in fact one of the things we're

21:24 going to show today is how we can EAS

21:28 easily deploy build and operate an AI

21:32 cluster using Abra essentially

21:35 delivering on this validated designed

21:37 for an AI cluster and

21:41 so what did you mean for taish

21:44 troubleshooting or brother what is the

21:46 context of troubleshooting which is uh

21:50 when the AI and ml considering a trouble

21:54 when I'm shooting the trouble so uh if

21:57 is something Proactive or deterministic

22:00 as as it told and uh what if I already

22:06 know that the the the network will be uh

22:08 busy because I have a streaming so I

22:12 know that it's busy but the the

22:15 troubleshooting

22:17 um made up of abstract could consider

22:20 this an anomaly but uh I've been um um

22:25 so when we say when typically with

22:27 troubleshooting troubleshooting an issue

22:29 with an application like generally your

22:31 application is not working well right

22:33 and okay you know usually when it's when

22:36 it when it's when you're part of the

22:38 networking team you're trying to figure

22:40 out whether or not you know something

22:42 that's under your control is at fault

22:44 right whether the network is at fault

22:47 and you know if with with with abstra if

22:50 you have all of the knowledge of all of

22:52 the pieces then you can

22:53 deterministically say Hey you know there

22:54 is a problem here or there but uh in in

22:58 many cases you don't have all of that

23:00 knowledge especially when you're you're

23:02 uh you're looking at a multi- domain

23:05 infrastructure when you're kind of

23:07 looking at a problem and you're not sure

23:08 whether it's really in the data center

23:10 or whether it's somewhere on the on the

23:12 W side uh or in fact you're not even

23:16 sure whether it's on the you know it's

23:18 it's within the network infrastructure

23:20 itself and so when you have the

23:22 knowledge you can use a deterministic

23:24 approach but if you don't have all of

23:26 the knowledge then by looking at your

23:28 historical data and applying AI models

23:32 to your uh your uh your your data leg

23:35 all of the Telemetry that you have

23:37 throughout the history then you know

23:40 these AI models have the ability to kind

23:42 of point you in the right direction

23:44 right essentially you look the at all of

23:47 the knowledge that you have all of over

23:49 the over over time and you have an

23:52 ability to go and say okay well

23:53 probabilistically I believe that you you

23:55 know it's the problem is likely to be

23:58 around there right and so it kind of is

24:00 help helps you guide you it's not

24:02 guaranteed it's not deterministic but it

24:05 guides you right okay that's clear thank

24:07 you yeah so it's driven by uh Ai and ml

24:12 so that if it will prepare dynamically

24:16 some kind of templates to say this is

24:18 wrong or this is acting correctly and

24:21 and so on is it right yes correct okay

24:24 thank you thank

24:26 you

0:09 um you may know me as more most recently

0:12 as the uh founder of Abra uh but given

0:16 that recently I got an an expanded role

0:18 focusing on the data center all of the

0:20 data center products for Juniper what I

0:22 thought is talk more about the data

0:25 center and uh you know the the all of

0:28 the things we're bringing as in Juniper

0:30 to the table when it comes to uh really

0:33 solving problems for our data center uh

0:37 customers and so that's going to be the

0:39 focus today and uh we're going to also

0:41 showcase a bunch of those capabilities

0:44 uh you know throughout the session and

0:46 so but before I jump in uh what I

0:49 thought I'd do is kind of step back and

0:51 talk about the evolution of the data

0:54 center and coincidentally I'm starting

0:56 in September of 2 of 1995 which is when

0:59 actually I came to the US uh to attend

1:02 Stanford and um that was coincidentally

1:05 the same uh month where Netscape

1:08 actually went IPO if you recall uh at

1:11 the time if you were there uh it was a

1:14 crazy time where every company was kind

1:16 of rushing to go online um you know

1:19 websites were U Were you know popping

1:21 back up everywhere and so you know

1:24 networking became like the thing uh

1:27 Cisco which stock was kind of stagnating

1:29 for for for many years prior just

1:32 exploded and this is where Juniper

1:35 actually was also founded during that

1:36 same time to actually deliver on the

1:38 products to support all of this traffic

1:40 explosion that we were seeing and at the

1:43 time you know these data centers started

1:45 spurring everywhere and uh you know most

1:48 applications were quite simple client

1:50 server and so you had these

1:52 architectures which were more like north

1:54 south architecture if you recall the

1:56 access distribution core uh which were

1:59 kind of like the staple of the arch data

2:02 center architecture of the time kind of

2:04 led by Cisco uh fast forward a few years

2:08 uh around 2005 I would say uh we had

2:10 kind of a transition from you know what

2:13 were simpler services to more complex

2:16 Services more interesting offerings um

2:19 the start of the cloud right uh with

2:21 companies of course like Google but then

2:24 uh also Amazon and then actual public

2:27 Cloud which with AWS and uh and Azure uh

2:32 and so for these uh networks and for

2:35 these applications we know the the the

2:38 application itself the architecture of

2:40 the application changed it used to be

2:42 that you know you ask uh the server for

2:45 a request and then you just get a

2:46 response with these applications they

2:49 became more distributed and so for every

2:51 request that you had you know there was

2:52 a lot more chatter between the servers

2:55 and so we kind of moved from what were

2:57 north south application or the infr or

3:00 architectures to like these East West

3:02 architectures and so from the access

3:05 distribution core to like what what was

3:08 is is referred to as Leaf spine or Leaf

3:10 spine super spine that that support a

3:13 lot more East wwest traffic within the

3:16 data center at the time I was a at a

3:18 company that joined company early called

3:20 Arista uh and you know arguably they

3:23 kind of we led the way in kind of this

3:25 transition to this these Leaf spine uh

3:28 architectures and so that was in 2005

3:31 and with every one of those Evolutions

3:33 we see more explosion in traffic and in

3:36 networking traffic um then you know the

3:39 next moment that that is kind of seminal

3:42 is when of course the iPhone was

3:44 released and that's when everyone

3:46 realized that actually we can have apps

3:50 on these phones and then with these apps

3:52 anything that in the past you you had to

3:54 you have to go somewhere to do or to be

3:57 in front of your computer you actually

3:58 could do it right there from your phone

4:01 whether it's uh calling a taxi or uh

4:06 video conferencing with your U uh with

4:08 with your work uh or watching a movie or

4:12 transacting online buying something or

4:15 uh or doing a financial transaction

4:18 everything you you can think of you can

4:20 do now with your phone which means that

4:23 think about it for everything you do

4:25 you're touching a data center somewhere

4:27 you're touching a network somewhere

4:29 where so these networks not only were

4:31 growing massively in size but and they

4:34 were getting more complex but they were

4:36 becoming critical to everything we do

4:39 the networks are the foundation for

4:41 everything we do this is the phenomena

4:43 that is referred to as digital

4:46 transformation uh and uh the thing about

4:50 digital transformation is that it has

4:53 networking at at its core certainly with

4:56 the with the pandemic that everyone went

4:58 through this process has completely

5:00 accelerated and I would say Garner said

5:03 it best when they made this comment

5:04 which is that in order to be to succeed

5:07 a digital transformation you have to uh

5:10 transform your network first if you

5:13 don't then you're three times more

5:15 likely to fail at your digital

5:17 transformation and that kind that was

5:19 kind of the impetus for us actually

5:22 starting a company called abstra uh that

5:25 was back in

5:26 2014 and the goal was really to

5:29 transform the network to transform

5:32 network operations so that you no longer

5:35 have to manually uh operate your network

5:39 we wanted a network that really looks

5:41 and feels and is operated like a cloud

5:44 and so in order to do that we invented

5:46 this thing called intent based

5:48 networking the key there was that at the

5:51 end we wanted Network operators uh we

5:54 want to give them the ability not only

5:56 to move fast at the speed of the

5:58 business but the do it with utmost

6:00 reliability reliability was really the

6:03 key we wanted the network operator to

6:05 trust the software to run the network

6:09 better than they would themselves

6:10 actually in order of magnitude better

6:13 the same way in autopilot r or flies a

6:16 plane much more reliably than the pilot

6:19 themselves and so fast forward to today

6:23 uh we were acquired by Juniper we're

6:25 deployed uh across uh companies in more

6:28 than 7 countries making a difference

6:31 every day uh 83% reduction in Opex uh

6:35 multifold improvements in

6:38 reliability um essentially our customers

6:41 are getting the value of this Simplicity

6:43 the value of this reliability every

6:45 there these are a few of our customers

6:47 we have many many

6:49 more and so you would think okay so is

6:52 that it is there any more inflection

6:54 points and well you know uh over the

6:57 last few years and certainly the moment

6:59 that really captured everyone's

7:00 attention with Chad GP was Chad GPT back

7:03 in 2022 is the Advent of AI ML and yet

7:08 another inflection point yet another

7:11 explosion of traffic you know AI is of

7:14 course it captured the imagination of

7:17 everyone it's relevant to everyone we're

7:19 all using it today but what's critical

7:22 about Ai and what's really interesting

7:23 about AI is the kind of the what what it

7:27 what it take takes for the network and

7:29 for the infrastructure and for the data

7:31 centers to support all of the AI

7:33 applications that you know with all you

7:36 know all organizations want to use AI

7:39 for essentially you know there was this

7:42 blog from Andre which which I thought

7:44 was was really interesting where they

7:46 were kind of looking at where is the the

7:48 value chain for AI who's going to make

7:50 the most you know um you know like where

7:54 is the golden opportunity and uh at the

7:57 end of course AI is going to have a a

7:59 large value chain Lots there's going to

8:01 be lots of opportunity for everyone but

8:03 one thing that is 100% clear is that

8:07 it's going to at the end we're going to

8:08 need infrastructure infrastructure is

8:11 going to be you know the guaranteed

8:14 benefit of AI uh not just the gpus but

8:18 also the network we're going to have to

8:20 need to reinvent the network to support

8:23 these AI applications and if you look at

8:26 it then you know the data center um

8:29 traffic or the the number of data center

8:31 devices whichever way you want to

8:33 measure it essentially is just growing

8:35 and growing through every one of these

8:37 inflection points and you can see here

8:39 how AIML is kind of driving this new

8:42 traffic growth within Data Center and so

8:46 at the end you know the my message is

8:48 data center networking is thriving uh

8:51 it's continues to be relevant it

8:53 continues to be core and critical to

8:56 everything we do and of course with at

8:59 Juniper we're very interested in uh this

9:02 opportunity we' love to make a

9:04 difference in the life of our data

9:07 center customers and so uh then let me

9:10 tell you a bit about Juniper and and you

9:12 know what we do here when it comes to

9:14 the data center uh well first of all

9:18 we're very much relevant in the data

9:20 center market and we focus I would say

9:23 on large Enterprises Cloud customers and

9:28 uh more recently we're very focused on

9:31 the AI ml data center opportunity which

9:34 actually Cuts both across large

9:36 Enterprise and Cloud both Enterprises

9:39 and Cloud are building these AIML data

9:42 centers and so what products do we do we

9:46 do we uh do we deliver for those uh

9:48 customers you know at the from at the

9:50 basic level we have switches which are

9:53 kind of like the building blocks for

9:55 data center uh networks but then also we

9:57 have the operation software which at its

10:00 foundation leverages and utilizes abstra

10:04 both unram and U more and more in the

10:07 cloud but then you know net Juniper is

10:10 not just a data center company Juniper

10:13 while we're 100% focused on networking

10:15 that's all we do we have an entire

10:17 portfolio we actually have an endtoend

10:19 portfolio all the way from campus to

10:21 when and to security and so that's kind

10:24 of one of the benefits is that we can

10:26 leverage this extended portfolio when we

10:29 deliver data center solutions to our

10:30 customers adding on the the gateways the

10:34 security uh many virtual devices device

10:37 options and we'll get back to that but

10:39 essentially you know again with juniper

10:41 you know while we as in our business

10:43 units focused on data center Juniper has

10:45 the portfolio for in networking

10:48 Solutions end to end so you know going

10:51 talking about these devices we have a

10:53 whole portfolio uh you know we have

10:55 shallow buff shallow shallow buffer

10:58 device devices that are that are

11:01 relevant in for many applications

11:03 including IML applications for the

11:06 high-end we also have de buffer

11:08 applications we have Merchant silicon we

11:10 also have our own investment in our own

11:13 silicon and what one thing we're doing

11:15 is that we're boosting our switching for

11:18 portfolio for a IML we we actually

11:20 launched uh recently the tomahawk four

11:23 switches and this is kind of the start

11:25 of a many more products that we're going

11:28 to be delivering focusing on AI uh ML

11:32 and so that's kind of the basics now how

11:35 do we differentiate what is it that we

11:38 do differently than our competitors and

11:41 you know when I think of differentiators

11:42 the way I like I like to think about it

11:44 is what problems we're solving for our

11:47 customers uniquely and what I'd say is

11:50 that there are three pillars for our

11:52 differentiation one is operations and

11:54 this is something we're going to be

11:55 talking about a lot today second is

11:58 openness and third is endtoend Solutions

12:01 so let me talk about these starting with

12:05 operations so with operations as I said

12:09 abstra was the foundation and what we

12:10 did with abstra is this intent based

12:13 deterministic control essentially it's

12:15 software that runs your data center

12:18 Network day in and day out with the

12:21 speed to meet the business requirement

12:23 and with utmost reliability essentially

12:26 you want to trust your software to run

12:28 your network work that is kind of the

12:30 foundation for uh for uh our data center

12:35 operation strategy now in addition to

12:39 intent based and so that's that's intent

12:41 based so now in addition to intent based

12:42 what we're doing is that we're adding

12:45 other pillars to really kind of deliver

12:48 more value than anyone to really help

12:52 our Network operators operate their data

12:55 center with the Simplicity of the cloud

12:58 in fact with the utmost confidence and

13:01 so in addition to AI we're adding in in

13:05 addition to intent base we're adding in

13:07 Ai and so the way to think of it is that

13:11 intent base really gives you this

13:12 deterministic control you know there is

13:14 no room for probability when it comes to

13:18 running your data center the same way an

13:20 autopilot runs a plane when you tell it

13:22 to go to 10,000 ft you want it to go to

13:24 10,000 ft deterministically that's

13:27 essentially What in in based means but

13:30 while we're running the network with

13:33 this intent based approach we're

13:34 collecting tons of telemetry and this

13:37 Telemetry can be used and so what we do

13:39 is that we ship it to third-party

13:41 platforms but one of the platforms is

13:43 one that Juniper has which is Marvis we

13:46 have our own aiops layer which

13:49 essentially is a conversational

13:50 interface but also a data link and there

13:53 we can by sending all of the tra traffic

13:56 there and having the whole historical

13:58 perspective by applying AI you can now

14:00 deliver probabilistic insights and so

14:04 with intent based you get um tenfold

14:07 Improvement in reliability you get a uh

14:11 90% reduction in Opera operating

14:13 expenses but then when you also add AI

14:16 then what we have proven is that we can

14:19 also reduce the time to troubleshoot

14:22 problems reduce the number of tickets by

14:25 up to 90 to

14:26 95% and so by marrying this intent based

14:30 approach which is deterministic with the

14:32 probabilistic AIML approach essentially

14:36 where differentiating from everyone else

14:38 and adding that much more value to our

14:40 customers one one thing manour uh and

14:43 thank you it's great so far I love it uh

14:45 I would love to see as we get into

14:47 looking at it when we talk about

14:49 managing you know deterministic

14:51 probabilistic but also human driven the

14:54 important part here is like AI can tell

14:56 us what traffic is doing it can the app

14:59 awareness that all this stuff is great

15:01 but there's like business proprietary

15:03 you know sort of tribal knowledge that

15:05 sometimes we have I would love to see in

15:07 product kind of like how we can

15:09 influence determinism uh and sort of

15:12 like Drive the the basian inference with

15:15 a little bit of human

15:17 good you're you're right ahead of me all

15:20 right make sure this is awesome because

15:22 it's exactly what I was what I was going

15:23 to add right here and actually we're

15:25 going to show some of it today you know

15:27 the the third pillar and so like to

15:29 answer your question the third pillar

15:30 and you you talked about it the app

15:32 awareness we want to bring in the app

15:33 awareness at the end for

15:36 infrastructure uh the the the key asset

15:39 is the app right we what network

15:42 operators want to know is how is the

15:45 network performing for the app and we

15:47 want to be as Discerning as possible and

15:50 to your point some of these requirements

15:53 are very bespoke to the specific

15:56 customer and so what we need to do is

15:58 also have flexibility in how we kind of

16:02 put together these tests that leverage

16:04 all of this data so that we distill an

16:07 answer that a specific customer cares

16:10 about and so we're going to show some of

16:12 it today in terms of like the

16:13 flexibility of how you can build tests

16:16 but at the core of it is you need to

16:18 have the flow information and that's

16:19 something we just added today we added

16:22 recently we we launched it recently the

16:24 abstra flow data that's the most

16:27 contextual um uh most comprehensive flow

16:32 Telemetry uh of any data center

16:35 operations software on the market and

16:38 the reason again is because we want to

16:40 combine intent-based

16:41 Ai and application awareness together

16:44 and then have the ability to run tests

16:47 to be the most Discerning in terms of

16:49 whether or not the network is working

16:52 well for this specific app for this

16:54 specific use case okay and again we're

16:57 going to be showing uh more on on this

16:59 particular point today so that is

17:02 operations and this is very consistent

17:04 with Juniper's overarching strategy

17:06 experience first leading with operations

17:08 which is why they acquired abstra this

17:10 is why they acquired uh mist and that's

17:13 an area of core competency where we're

17:15 going to continue to invest the second

17:18 uh pillar of the Juniper data center

17:21 differentiation is openness

17:24 essentially the promise of networking

17:27 was that it is open

17:29 you the networking is so critical this

17:31 is why we have standards we don't want

17:32 to be locked into one specific vendor

17:35 this is why we've created things like

17:37 bgp and EPN VXL and so we at at Juniper

17:43 that's always been part of the DNA

17:45 because uniper kind of was founded as a

17:47 challenger to to the incumbent and

17:50 continues to be a challenger and at

17:52 abstra that was a core pillar we wanted

17:55 to deliver a solution that is

17:57 multivendor and so so although we were

17:59 acquired by Juniper we're continuing

18:02 down that path we support not only

18:04 Juniper but also uh switches from many

18:07 of uh of the other switch suppliers are

18:11 there in the market all of the

18:12 incumbents and the leading ones and so

18:16 uh if you deploy uh Juniper operations

18:19 then you can bring in uh not only

18:22 Juniper devices but Juniper devices from

18:25 the rest from from the rest of the the

18:28 the suppliers and so and when we say

18:30 that it's multivendor we don't just mean

18:33 that we support it but we also make sure

18:35 it works well so at the end we're kind

18:39 of giving you that same level of

18:40 reliability independently of your vendor

18:43 choice so that's one aspect of openness

18:46 which is unique to Juniper none of our

18:50 competitors has the other aspect to

18:52 openness is that you know at the end

18:54 we're part of an ecosystem you know this

18:57 this solution is is part of an ecosystem

18:59 and needs to work well in the context of

19:01 this ecosystem so we have open apis both

19:04 with our software with absr also with

19:06 all of the devices uh in that uh uh that

19:10 we deliver and we have Integrations with

19:14 platforms and solutions whether it's um

19:17 overlay Solutions or net devop Solutions

19:21 security Etc solutions that are

19:24 available on the market and one of the

19:27 tools that has become very popular to

19:29 manage Data Center and Cloud

19:32 environments is terraform and one of the

19:33 things we're going to Showcase today is

19:35 an integration with terraform as kind of

19:38 a unified tool to manage your data

19:40 center Network through Abra but also

19:43 your Club your your uh your public Cloud

19:46 so that's openness and the third is

19:48 endtoend Solutions and this is how kind

19:50 of it all comes together um we're kind

19:53 of taking as I mentioned Juniper is a

19:56 company that has not only focuses on

19:59 networking but has the entire portfolio

20:01 and so we want to really bring this to

20:03 bear so instead of selling products to

20:05 our customers what we want is to deliver

20:07 outcomes to deliver Solutions and so

20:10 whether you know customers think about

20:12 what use cases they have are they trying

20:13 to build an AI training cluster or a

20:16 VMware data center are they building an

20:19 eastwest three-stage Class A five-stage

20:21 class network is it an edge data center

20:25 whatever their uh their their use case

20:28 ISS what we want to do is deliver a

20:30 solution and when we what we mean with a

20:32 solution is uh a reference design that

20:35 includes the devices themselves the

20:37 topology how they're interconnected what

20:40 protocols they use what software manages

20:42 them of course primarily at its core

20:45 abstra but not only that we also are

20:47 bringing in the routers the gateways the

20:50 firewalls as part of the design um you

20:53 can use juniper uh devices but also you

20:55 can bring in devices from the

20:56 competition and then what we want to do

20:58 is give it to you in a way that is

21:01 tested end to end so you know it's going

21:04 to work and so we're kind of going to be

21:06 leading with this validated designs

21:09 because you know while some customers

21:11 are interested in kind of tailoring

21:13 their Solutions having some bespoke

21:14 designs most customers want solutions

21:18 that just work end to endend and that is

21:21 what at Juniper we want to deliver for

21:23 them and in fact one of the things we're

21:24 going to show today is how we can EAS

21:28 easily deploy build and operate an AI

21:32 cluster using Abra essentially

21:35 delivering on this validated designed

21:37 for an AI cluster and

21:41 so what did you mean for taish

21:44 troubleshooting or brother what is the

21:46 context of troubleshooting which is uh

21:50 when the AI and ml considering a trouble

21:54 when I'm shooting the trouble so uh if

21:57 is something Proactive or deterministic

22:00 as as it told and uh what if I already

22:06 know that the the the network will be uh

22:08 busy because I have a streaming so I

22:12 know that it's busy but the the

22:15 troubleshooting

22:17 um made up of abstract could consider

22:20 this an anomaly but uh I've been um um

22:25 so when we say when typically with

22:27 troubleshooting troubleshooting an issue

22:29 with an application like generally your

22:31 application is not working well right

22:33 and okay you know usually when it's when

22:36 it when it's when you're part of the

22:38 networking team you're trying to figure

22:40 out whether or not you know something

22:42 that's under your control is at fault

22:44 right whether the network is at fault

22:47 and you know if with with with abstra if

22:50 you have all of the knowledge of all of

22:52 the pieces then you can

22:53 deterministically say Hey you know there

22:54 is a problem here or there but uh in in

22:58 many cases you don't have all of that

23:00 knowledge especially when you're you're

23:02 uh you're looking at a multi- domain

23:05 infrastructure when you're kind of

23:07 looking at a problem and you're not sure

23:08 whether it's really in the data center

23:10 or whether it's somewhere on the on the

23:12 W side uh or in fact you're not even

23:16 sure whether it's on the you know it's

23:18 it's within the network infrastructure

23:20 itself and so when you have the

23:22 knowledge you can use a deterministic

23:24 approach but if you don't have all of

23:26 the knowledge then by looking at your

23:28 historical data and applying AI models

23:32 to your uh your uh your your data leg

23:35 all of the Telemetry that you have

23:37 throughout the history then you know

23:40 these AI models have the ability to kind

23:42 of point you in the right direction

23:44 right essentially you look the at all of

23:47 the knowledge that you have all of over

23:49 the over over time and you have an

23:52 ability to go and say okay well

23:53 probabilistically I believe that you you

23:55 know it's the problem is likely to be

23:58 around there right and so it kind of is

24:00 help helps you guide you it's not

24:02 guaranteed it's not deterministic but it

24:05 guides you right okay that's clear thank

24:07 you yeah so it's driven by uh Ai and ml

24:12 so that if it will prepare dynamically

24:16 some kind of templates to say this is

24:18 wrong or this is acting correctly and

24:21 and so on is it right yes correct okay

24:24 thank you thank

24:26 you

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