Irene Zhang, Director, Product Marketing, Juniper Networks

Why Service Providers Are Evolving Their Metro Networks Now?

Ask Me Anything Cloud Metro
Irene Zhang
A head shot of Amit Bhardwaj, Sr. Director, Product Management, Juniper Networks, in front of trees and an office building. Text to the right of the photo says "Ask Me Anything.  Why service providers are evolving their metro networks now?"
Sep 10, 2021

Metro use cases are evolving.

As service providers look at how use cases are evolving, they’re reassessing their metro networks. Video and 5G are major drivers in that evolution. Watch this video to see Amit Bhardwaj, Sr. Director of Product Management at Juniper, explain how.

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You’ll learn

  • Why service providers are evolving their networks

  • Why data centers are moving

  • How traffic patterns are changing within metro

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders


Irene Zhang
Irene Zhang
Director, Product Marketing, Juniper Networks

Guest speakers

Amit Bhardwaj
Amit Bhardwaj
Sr. Director, Product Management, Juniper Networks


0:04 Welcome to Juniper Cloud Metro series, where we have experts to

0:08 answer your questions, any questions related to next-gen

0:12 Metro networks. I'm your host, Irene Zhang, Director of Product

0:16 Marketing at Juniper. Joining me today is Amit Bhardwaj, Senior

0:20 Director of Product Line Management at Juniper.

0:22 Amit, Welcome. Today we have a question about why service

0:27 providers are evolving their metro networks now?

0:31 Service providers are looking at, you know, how some of these

0:36 use cases are going to evolve for them. You know, video

0:39 continues to be a big driver from a network traffic

0:43 perspective, and made videos getting distributed into the

0:47 metro locations with more and more caching happening.

0:50 5G is a major driver, because 5G not only brings more traffic,

0:55 more number of devices, you know, but 5G also brings new

0:58 architectures, where the 5G infrastructure from a RAN

1:02 perspective or from a core perspective is a virtual

1:06 infrastructure.

1:08 And then, you know, the last but the biggest, the most important

1:13 might be the enablement of new use cases. The new use cases or

1:18 around the workloads that get hosted into the metro locations.

1:22 And many cloud providers actually have dedicated teams

1:26 working on these use cases, where some of the analysts

1:29 expecting over 30% of these workloads would be hosted into

1:33 the metro.

1:34 So data centers are basically moving where the customers are.

1:37 That's why service providers are evolving their networks, to

1:41 evolve their networks to when this happens, there's a big

1:45 transition, you know, how the traffic patterns change, because

1:49 traditionally, everything is backhaul. So all the traffic

1:52 flows are sort of North and Sorth. But now, you know, with

1:57 this use case is being hosted in the metro, the traffic patterns

2:00 become more and more east and west, within the metro.

2:04 So as a result of that, the bandwidth in the metro is going

2:08 to grow really, really fast, much faster than other parts of

2:11 the network. So the customers, or the service providers have to

2:15 upgrade the networks to to deliver these new capacities,

2:19 and with the architectures that not only address the traditional

2:22 backhaul use cases, but also the new use cases with

2:26 virtualization of infrastructure, and also with

2:29 the edge compute. So it's really a transition for them from a

2:33 business perspective. That's why they are evolving this.

2:37 And the last thing I want to say is, I mean, as they evolve their

2:41 Metro networks, it also drives new revenue streams for service

2:46 providers. Right. Traditionally, when everything is backhauled,

2:49 all the traffic is over the top. So the monetization of that is

2:53 very difficult for service providers because they are a

2:55 conduit or a pipe in the middle. And all the monetization happens

2:59 in the cloud.

2:59 When the cloud moves where the service providers are sitting,

3:02 those pipes are not just over the top, they will have

3:05 dedicated SLAs, which means there's better monetization

3:08 models for the bandwidth. Service providers have the real

3:13 estate. So it gives them an opportunity in partnerships with

3:16 the cloud providers to generate new revenue streams around these

3:19 new use cases. So it's both the business need that's driving

3:23 this. And then architecturally is really about becoming more

3:26 flexible from an architecture standpoint to evolve the metro

3:29 networks to the cloud Metro architectures.

3:33 Thank you, Amit.

3:35 What else do you want to learn about the next generation Metro

3:38 networks? Send us your question by email at

3:44 and join us at our monthly live AMA session. You can find the

3:47 date and registration link at the description box below. See

3:52 you next time.

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