Why SRv6 Matters for Next-Gen Metro Networks?

Why does SRv6 matter?
The short answer is: simplicity. For the expert take on why SRv6 matters, check out this video from the Juniper Cloud Metro AMA series, where we answer questions related to the next-gen Cloud Metro network.
You’ll learn
How SRv6 helps simplify your network
How SRv6 affects network scalability, performance, and functionality
Why your hardware must be based on the latest silicone technology to support SRv6
Who is this for?

Guest speakers

00:04 Welcome to Juniper Cloud Metro series, where we have experts to
00:08 answer your questions, any questions related to next-gen
00:12 Metro networks. I'm your host today, Irene Zhang, Director of
00:16 Product Marketing at Juniper Networks. Joining me today is
00:19 Peter Chung, Senior Product Manager at Juniper. Peter,
00:22 welcome. Today we have a question about why SRv6 matters
00:28 for next-gen Metro network?
00:30 Thank you. The very simple, quick answer would be the
00:34 simplicity. In the past four to five years, I think the industry
00:39 have a great successful proven success on the segment routing.
00:44 You try to support segment routing to a lot of legacy
00:48 functionality, including MPLS, including VXLAN. On top of that,
00:53 you need to have the 50 millisecond or a guarantee.
00:58 More importantly, the segment routing will bring you the
01:01 benefits for SRT. So basically, from the traffic engineering
01:06 perspective, you can leverage the Flex Algo. So ultimately,
01:10 you could provide the different service level agreement. So
01:13 there's the foundation of the overall network slicing, which
01:17 is software based.
01:19 So yes, we commit to some continue to drive business
01:22 solution. But consider if you customer like to picture four to
01:26 five years down the road, right. And it has become important for
01:31 them to accommodate the IoT technology on your Cloud Metro,
01:35 more specific with the 5G technology, then IPv6 is very
01:39 important.
01:40 So with SRv6, it gives you a tremendous benefit to simplify
01:45 your overall control plane underlay MPLS VXLAN, it gives
01:49 you simplicity very effectively, so you can have the all the
01:53 benefits of the same advantage we talked about.
01:56 The services, for layer 3 / layer 2 VPN, traffic
01:59 engineering, at the same time, to keep your native SRv6
02:03 benefits. Keep in mind, in order to support SRv6, you need
02:07 the products that on based on the latest silicon. So our ACX
02:11 7000 product family is based on the latest merchant silicon to
02:15 support SRv6, give you the scalability, performance and
02:20 overall of the future functionality. Thank you.
02:25 What else do you want to learn about the next generation Metro
02:28 networks? Send us your question by email at metroAMA@juniper.net
02:34 and join us at our monthly live AMA session. You can find a date
02:38 and registration link at the description box below. See you
02:42 next time.