Paul Notzold, Director, Juniper Networks

Automated WAN—Active Assurance

Demo Drop Network AutomationWAN
Paul Notzold Headshot
Screenshot from the video of the host Paul Notzold, Director, Juniper Networks, speaking and gesturing with his hands.
Oct 05, 2023

Efficient and effective network monitoring and troubleshooting with Juniper Paragon Active Assurance

Monitoring and testing network traffic may seem like an expensive undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Watch this demonstration of Juniper Paragon Active Assurance to see how easy it is to visualize the end-to-end perceived performance of your networks and services anywhere you like and with no impact on the network.

Read the Juniper Paragon Active Assurance Datasheet.

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You’ll learn

  • How to create a complete site-activation test in less than 10 minutes

  • How to run an active test and investigate test performance

  • How to utilize continuous active monitoring

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders


Paul Notzold Headshot
Paul Notzold
Director, Juniper Networks


0:02 [Music]

0:04 active Assurance which is the monitoring

0:06 and testing of network traffic data

0:08 plane or user plane traffic often

0:11 conjures up images of expensive

0:14 appliance-based and resource intensive

0:17 equipment unscalable and

0:20 inflexible but we've broken that

0:22 Paradigm today you can visualize the

0:25 endtoend perceived performance of your

0:27 networks and services even spanning

0:30 networks that you don't directly control

0:33 on demand anywhere you like and with no

0:36 impact on the network itself let me show

0:39 you how powerful this is let's start

0:42 with testing from the dashboard we'll go

0:45 past our running monitors to our list of

0:47 tests in this example we've got tests

0:50 covering service activation Cloud

0:53 interconnect sdwan Branch connectivity

0:56 path trace and some others let's see

0:58 what it actually involves

1:01 it's actually several distinct tests

1:04 sometimes running in parallel sometimes

1:06 in sequence covering Layer Two link

1:08 paths throughput reachability and all

1:11 the way up to service response times and

1:13 error rates in layer seven applications

1:17 like the Microsoft Office 365 apps we

1:20 can see the latest test results here

1:23 showing colorcoded views of performance

1:25 against slas these tests are fully

1:28 configurable for from the dashboard you

1:31 can choose how long they run for which

1:33 subtests to include and in which order

1:36 the SLA thresholds URLs service types

1:40 and the list goes on we're going to

1:42 create a complete site activation test

1:45 in less than 10 minutes here we go we'll

1:48 test for connection integrity and

1:50 reachability connection speed Voiceover

1:53 IP and finally we'll make sure all the

1:56 Office 365 services are working properly

2:00 and we're

2:01 done that took just over six minutes now

2:05 let's save that as a template so we

2:07 never have to design the same test again

2:10 and with that done we can run the test

2:13 and see what happens let's go we open

2:17 our test template that we just designed

2:19 and now we just have to select the

2:21 client and the server now we run the

2:24 test and we can see the progress at each

2:26 step in the form of a pass or fail and

2:29 expandable progress bars which are

2:32 colorcoded to show when performance was

2:34 above or below the criteria we set here

2:37 you can see the result of our latency

2:39 test based on T wamp is a fail because

2:42 the roundtrip time was above our

2:44 threshold of 100 milliseconds from the

2:47 US headquarters to the Tokyo

2:49 headquarters the errored seconds is 60

2:53 which means it was above the threshold

2:54 for the entire one minute duration of

2:57 the test let's have a closer look look

2:59 at this rolling back up to our endtoend

3:02 latency test we can see that overall the

3:05 latency was within the threshold for all

3:08 but 1 second of the minute long test

3:11 drilling down to see this 1 second

3:13 period we can see the problem was a jump

3:15 in Jitter to 5

3:18 milliseconds so that is why the latency

3:21 test failed and we can decide whether

3:23 that's acceptable or tweak the network

3:25 to address the issue moving on we're now

3:29 testing the customer experience for

3:31 critical applications like voice which

3:34 includes load testing by sending

3:36 multiple streams of synthetic VoIP

3:38 traffic while measuring voice mean

3:41 opinion score or MOS and Office

3:44 365 by continuously sending HTTP

3:48 requests to these Services throughout

3:51 the one minute test period that was a

3:53 fairly typical site acceptance test but

3:55 you can do a lot more besides for

3:58 example you can run a Netflix speed test

4:01 run a path trace and monitor path

4:03 stability over time scan for available

4:06 Wi-Fi networks test mobile signal

4:09 strength and signal to noise ratios test

4:12 5G core Network user plane performance

4:15 through multi nodeb and uee emulation

4:18 test performance between specific qos

4:23 classes our customers use active testing

4:26 to unlock new use cases like verifying

4:29 new sites

4:30 services or changes before activating

4:33 them because they can verify reliability

4:35 and performance even if there's no

4:37 traffic in the live Network it's also

4:40 invaluable for troubleshooting because

4:42 you can quickly and easily reproduce a

4:45 scenario and then drill down into the

4:47 details to identify the root cause

4:50 instead of spending hours trolling

4:52 through thousands of performance or

4:54 fault records critical networks

4:57 supporting services like emergency

4:59 response

5:00 can be tested at regular intervals even

5:02 if not in active use giving customers

5:05 confidence that when they are needed

5:07 they'll work flawlessly now let's look

5:10 at active monitoring which like active

5:12 testing also uses synthetic traffic in

5:15 the live Network to monitor customer

5:18 experience on the user plane but this

5:20 time it's a continuous real-time process

5:23 giving you subsec granular visibility of

5:26 performance both endtoend and hot High

5:29 hop and realtime alarms that can trigger

5:32 things like closed loop remediation

5:35 through standard apis we're seeing a

5:37 summary of all monitors currently

5:39 running we're monitoring Wi-Fi OT video

5:43 voice over IP a global sdwan Cloud

5:47 connectivity and others the dashboard

5:50 automatically brings the most

5:51 problematic services to the top of the

5:53 list with a traffic light view showing

5:56 SLA compliance at a glance let's drill

6:00 down into the global sdwan and further

6:03 down into the London to Tokyo Network

6:07 everything's green so far so good now

6:10 let's look at the 24-hour view now we

6:13 see a period of around 11 minutes where

6:15 we lost connectivity going into the

6:18 graph View and zooming into those 11

6:20 minutes you can see exactly when it's

6:23 started and finished we're also

6:26 continuously monitoring latency via T

6:28 wamp and voice connectivity as well as

6:31 running ping tests 10 times per second

6:35 but crucially unlike traditional active

6:38 testing methods we're only using a few

6:41 kilobytes per second of network capacity

6:44 practically nothing this is true even if

6:47 you scale up to thousands of virtual

6:49 test agents which many of our customers

6:52 are doing today as well as endtoend we

6:55 can also visualize performance hop by

6:57 hop using path trce featur feature we

7:00 can see the roundtrip time from our test

7:02 agent to every hop along the way to the

7:05 destination address and look at every

7:07 variation of path used over time and we

7:12 can drill down to any router on the path

7:14 and see how each one is contributing to

7:17 overall reliability and performance over

7:19 time zooming right down to a few seconds

7:22 if we want it's all powered by an

7:25 elegantly simple lightweight software

7:27 solution with active insurance from

7:29 juniper Paragon you can ensure you

7:32 deploy high performance connectivity

7:34 first time every time delivering

7:37 differentiated customer experiences

7:39 throughout the service life cycle it's

7:42 easy to use flexible and scalable active

7:46 Assurance a juniper Paragon use

7:54 case

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