Automated WAN—Closed-Loop Remediation

Juniper Paragon Automation helps avoid major network problems before they impact customers.
A router outage can spell disaster for network operators. Watch how you can deliver guaranteed SLAs with closed-loop remediation using Juniper Paragon Automation to unlock new enterprise revenue streams, reduce human error, and prevent customer-impacting issues.
You’ll learn
How to detect network errors before they occur with active label-switched-path (LSP) monitoring
How to investigate network problems, fix the root cause, and restore the network
Who is this for?

0:02 [Music]
0:04 Hi here's a quick demonstration of
0:06 closed loop remediation a juniper
0:08 Paragon use case of optimization we took
0:11 what we learned from Decades of Industry
0:13 leadership and customer deployments and
0:16 turned it into a catalog of
0:17 pre-integrated self-standing
0:19 out-of-the-box use cases and closed loop
0:23 remediation is just one of them with
0:25 closed loop remediation you can deliver
0:27 guaranteed slas on locking new
0:30 Enterprise revenue streams in the
0:32 process reduce human error by automating
0:35 Common manual tasks and prevent customer
0:38 impacting issues by resolving root
0:40 causes before the customer notices the
0:43 problem so let's dive into it starting
0:47 with active LSP monitoring this network
0:50 dashboard shows nodes and links with a
0:52 single click we can see the active LSPs
0:56 supported by this infrastructure in real
0:58 time each router in this network
1:00 supports at least two tunnels so just
1:03 one router outage spells disaster for
1:05 the network operator with juniper
1:07 Paragon you can detect failures before
1:10 they occur trigger a path computation
1:13 and move the traffic seamlessly around
1:16 the affected node you can use any
1:18 network trigger you like packet loss
1:21 Jitter latency temperature just to name
1:24 a few and Northbound API support means
1:26 that possibilities are endless in this
1:30 example it's CPU overutilization which
1:33 is the preemptive indicator of future
1:36 failure let's see how it works in real
1:39 time Juniper Paragon detects CPU
1:42 overutilization immediately triggers a
1:44 maintenance event and drains all traffic
1:47 from the affected router by
1:49 recalculating and reassigning the
1:51 optimal routes for all affected tunnels
1:54 around the node now we can safely
1:56 investigate and resolve the root cause
1:59 knowing that no customers have been
2:01 impacted we've just avoided a major
2:04 Network outage let's investigate the
2:06 problem fix the root cause and restore
2:09 the network with Paragon it's easy we
2:12 open our Network Health dashboard and at
2:14 a glance we see what triggered the
2:16 rerouting in the first place it's a
2:18 system process that's flooding the
2:20 router's CPU in the timeline view we can
2:23 see that it's started just under 2
2:24 minutes ago the knock can restart the
2:27 process without having to restart the
2:29 whole router saving potentially hours of
2:32 troubleshooting in the process a few
2:35 seconds later Paragon detects that the
2:37 root cause is resolved recalculates and
2:40 re optimizes every tunnel across the
2:42 entire network look at that our router
2:46 is back online in the space of a couple
2:48 minutes we've averted a major Network
2:50 outage detected and fixed the root cause
2:53 all with zero service disruption for
2:55 anyone using the network that's true
2:57 autonomous networking by combining
3:00 active data plane monitoring anomaly
3:02 detection and real-time Network
3:04 Telemetry with paragon's
3:06 industry-leading path computation engine
3:09 all wrapped up in a full Cloud native
3:11 architecture you can drive automation
3:13 based on service quality and slas today
3:17 more than 50 customers around the world
3:19 like orange Poland and Consortium gar
3:22 use closed loop remediation it cuts
3:25 incident resolution Times by half or
3:27 more what's not to like avoid human
3:30 error and deliver guaranteed service
3:32 levels deliver better customer
3:34 experiences with closed loop remediation
3:37 a juniper Paragon automation use
3:45 case