Juniper Apstra Demo: Efficient Blueprint Search

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Graphic screenshot from the video with text reading “Juniper Apstra Demo: Efficient Blueprint Search.”
Sep 21, 2023

Juniper Networks Apstra 4.2 enhances productivity with blueprint-wide search.

Why spend eons searching device by device for things like IP addresses, ASNs, and virtual and static routers when you can find what you need in a matter of seconds? Watch along to see how quickly you can locate networking resources and data with the blueprint-wide search capability in Juniper Apstra® intent-based networking software.

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You’ll learn

  • To boost productivity with Apstra 4.2’s blueprint-wide search capability

  • How to quickly search for a specific loopback IP address

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders


0:00 foreign

0:04 [Music]

0:07 4.2 a blueprint-wide search capability

0:10 has been implemented to help you easily

0:13 search for networking resources and data

0:15 like IP addresses asns virtual static

0:19 routes and other elements this is a

0:22 short demonstration of that capability

0:24 I'm looking for a specific loopback IP

0:27 address that could be anywhere in this

0:29 fabric that you see on the screen it

0:32 would take a lot of time for me to go

0:33 device by device looking through the

0:36 configurations in order to find that

0:38 particular IP address

0:40 I'll put it in the search bar

0:47 immediately the search returns that the

0:49 node Leaf 2 has this address

0:53 I can click this and it takes me

0:56 directly to the Box

1:00 I can look in the device context here

1:04 under loopbacks and see the address that

1:06 I was searching for

1:09 thank you for watching this demo

1:11 thank you

1:15 [Music]

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