Juniper Apstra Demo: Make network changes with reliability guardrails

Demo Drop Network AutomationData Center
Still image of the Juniper Apstra dashboard.  It says Create Virtual Network in the top left corner.  It shows a series of drop down menus but the copy is too blurry to read.  There is a teal button on the lower right hand corner.
Apr 14, 2023

This demo shows how you can set up a new virtual network within minutes in Juniper Apstra.

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You’ll learn

  • How easy it is to deploy Juniper Apstra

  • The number one cause of outages and the costs

Who is this for?

Business Leaders Network Professionals


0:01 what if you could deploy to production

0:03 on a Friday night and still make it home

0:05 for dinner what if you could push

0:07 changes without waiting for a

0:08 maintenance window

0:09 did you allow for time to troubleshoot

0:11 and find mistakes when the deployment

0:12 didn't go as well as planned

0:15 the number one cause of outages in most

0:17 networks is human error the Pokemon

0:18 Institute says the average cost per

0:21 outage is seven thousand six hundred

0:23 dollars per minute and that the average

0:25 outage is 86 minutes long

0:27 did you budget an extra 645k for this

0:30 new deployment just in case something

0:32 goes wrong

0:33 we all have the Need for Speed to stay

0:35 ahead of business demands but automation

0:37 alone is only an amplifier good becomes

0:40 more good but bad becomes more bad

0:43 turns out that merely push and config

0:45 even a golden config doesn't guarantee

0:47 correctness if you don't believe that

0:49 then why do you use maintenance windows

0:51 it's time to roll out that big new

0:53 application is your network ready

0:55 did you budget for mistakes

0:58 the business is moving forward with a

1:00 new Commerce platform to be ready for

1:01 the holiday shopping rush and teams have

1:03 been working hard to get ready then

1:05 surprise marketing decided to run a big

1:07 pre-holiday sale in the timeline for

1:09 rollout just shortened by several weeks

1:11 the app team wants to push production

1:14 now on a Friday afternoon without a

1:16 maintenance window

1:18 do you even know if it'll work did you

1:20 budget for time to clean up the mistakes

1:22 that come when you're rushed this

1:24 deployment must be fast and it must be

1:26 right with abstra it will be

1:29 the requirement from the app team is

1:30 three vlans across two racks but the

1:33 process would be the same if this app

1:34 was spread across dozens or even

1:36 hundreds of racks

1:37 we'll be creating a virtual routing Zone

1:39 with three VX land-based virtual

1:41 networks to support this requirement

1:44 first we'll create the routing Zone

1:46 we'll assign IP addresses and vnis from

1:48 predefined pools and enable a DHCP

1:51 server for this routing Zone

2:09 then we'll commit that routing Zone

2:10 configuration to the network

2:19 next we'll update a previously created

2:20 connectivity template with this new

2:22 routing Zone to enable external routing

2:24 for the zone

2:48 foreign

2:50 networks and assign these virtual

2:52 networks to our new routing Zone

2:57 we'll assign vxlan as a network type

3:03 let the system choose a vni from a pool

3:07 enable DHCP on the virtual Network

3:12 assign a subnet in Virtual Gateway IP

3:14 address

3:19 ask App Store to create a new

3:21 connectivity template for the tag server

3:23 facing interfaces

3:25 and we'll choose which switches this

3:26 virtual network will be deployed on

3:31 oh didn't expect to see that

3:39 oops looks like I fat fingered that

3:42 virtual Gateway IP address nice catch

3:44 abstra

3:46 okay fixed and fixed before I deployed

3:49 so I didn't cause any problems on the

3:51 running Network

3:54 we'll repeat these steps for the other

3:56 two virtual Networks

4:17 we'll identify vnis to use from

4:19 predefined pools

4:24 and we'll assign these virtual networks

4:26 to the server-facing interfaces where

4:28 the networks will be deployed

4:56 notice that we didn't enter any

4:57 vendor-specific configuration details

5:00 apps rule render configs for us and we

5:02 don't need to log into network devices

5:04 and type into a CLI so there's zero risk

5:07 of making a manual error

5:09 so let's take a look at rendered configs

5:12 and see what we're adding we just added

5:14 hundreds of lines of config in just a

5:16 few minutes and we did this for every

5:18 device involved in the new network

5:19 service in this demo we're only

5:22 configuring a few devices but the

5:24 process is identical even if we did this

5:26 across hundreds of devices

5:28 how long would this have taken if we

5:29 created these configurations manually

5:32 and what could have gone wrong if we

5:34 made a mistake it didn't catch it before

5:36 we deployed

5:43 last step is to commit the configuration

5:45 and wait for the dashboard to turn green

5:55 we just rolled out that new network

5:57 service without mistakes in minutes

5:59 instead of days or weeks and we know

6:01 that it works because apps are validated

6:03 the configuration and didn't push

6:05 mistakes

6:06 we are assured that the network is

6:08 operating as intended

6:11 with app store we can be confident that

6:13 the deployments just work every time and

6:15 that will make a home for dinner

6:18 foreign

6:21 [Music]

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