NOW in 60 seconds Marvis Virtual Network Assistant (VNA)

Network AutomationWired
Jul 24, 2024

Marvis Virtual Network Assistant (VNA) in 60 seconds

In just 60 seconds, learn how the Marvis Virtual Network Assistant (VNA) streamlines network operations and optimizes user experiences by leveraging AI and natural language processing, enabling faster issue resolution and proactive troubleshooting. 

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You’ll learn

  • How Marvis identifies and resolves problems before they impact user experiences

  • How the Marvis conversational interface delivers near-real-time responses in natural language

  • How network issues that would have taken days or weeks to identify can now be resolved in seconds

Who is this for?

Network Professionals


0:00 [Music]

0:06 every Network operator is familiar with

0:08 the vague complaints like the Wi-Fi

0:10 sucks or my team calls are glitchy but

0:13 identifying and resolving the actual

0:15 network issues can be difficult complex

0:17 and timeconsuming what if you can get

0:19 ahead of the complaint identifying and

0:21 resolving problems before they impact

0:24 user experiences meet Marvis Juniper's

0:27 virtual Network assistant Marvis is a

0:29 key part of the Juniper AI native

0:30 networking platform and acts as a

0:32 powerful automated extension of your it

0:35 team with the Marvis conversational

0:37 interface simply ask Marvis a question

0:40 like troubleshoot teams and receive a

0:42 near realtime response in natural

0:44 language here it looks like marus has

0:46 identified an anomaly in the network I

0:48 can simply click it and get all the

0:50 details network issues that would have

0:52 taken days or even been impossible to

0:54 identify can now be resolved in seconds

0:56 and that's Juniper's Marvis VNA in 60

0:58 Seconds

1:02 [Music]

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