NOW in 60: What is Session Based?

Oct 10, 2024

NOW in 60: What is Session Based?

Modern session-based routing has clear advantages over traditional packet-based routing. This video explains how session-based routing handles data transmission by recognizing the connection between packets and treating them as a unified “session.” Take one minute to discover how session-based routing adds intelligence, efficiency, and security to your SD-WAN solutions.

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You’ll learn

  • What distinguishes session-based routing from traditional packet-based routing

  • How session-based routing enhances network performance and security

  • Why this approach offers superior network management and troubleshooting capabilities

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Security Professionals


0:00 [Music]

0:06 so what is session based routing and how

0:09 is it better than packet-based routing

0:12 good question packet-based routing

0:14 handles data by breaking it into small

0:16 packets each routed independently across

0:18 the network session-based routing is a

0:20 more sophisticated approach that

0:22 prioritizes the relationship between

0:24 those packets essentially viewing them

0:26 as part of a continuous session rather

0:28 than isolated pieces of data

0:30 this method can make more informed

0:32 routing decisions optimizing the path

0:34 for the flow of data leading to faster

0:36 more reliable performance that can adapt

0:38 in real time to network conditions it

0:40 offers a superior mechanism for

0:42 identifying and mitigating security

0:43 threats it can dynamically adjust to

0:46 maximize the Network's overall

0:47 efficiency and it gives Network

0:49 administrators a clearer picture of data

0:51 flows making it easier to manage and

0:53 troubleshoot the network more

0:54 intelligence efficiency and security

0:56 from your sdw that's session based

0:58 routing in 60 Seconds

1:00 [Music]

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