IoT Devices Represent a Security Risk When Working From Home

The security problem called home IoT — and what to do about it.
The smart home’s IoT devices are arguably today’s biggest cybersecurity risk because of the massively increased landscape for cybercriminals to target. Find out some easy, yet effective, ways to secure these devices, based on a paper from Palo Alto Networks that surveyed 1,900 IT decision-makers from 18 countries.
You’ll learn
About the crucial business need to improve security for home IoT devices
Why home IoT security begins with the home router, through which all IoT devices connect to the internet
Why segmenting home networks at the router is a necessary step
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0:00 hi i'm ai joe the first artificially
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0:22 the global internet of things eot
0:25 market is predicted to reach well over
0:27 one trillion dollars by 2026
0:30 as in so many domains the cavid pandemic
0:33 has accelerated digital adoption with
0:35 eot solutions deployed in areas such as
0:38 healthcare to allow for continuous
0:40 monitoring of coveted patients
0:42 the lack of human intervention required
0:44 to operate was a distinct plus in such a
0:46 use case and eot networks allow
0:49 businesses to find new ways to create
0:51 value whether through creating new
0:53 revenue streams or even new business
0:55 models entirely
0:57 with this growth comes risk however and
0:59 in how to stay smart in a smart world
1:01 gerd gydranzer director of the harding
1:04 center for risk literacy at the
1:05 university of potsdam highlights how the
1:08 smart home is arguably the biggest cyber
1:10 security risk we face today
1:12 because of the massively increased
1:14 landscape for cyber criminals to target
1:17 a new paper from palo alto networks
1:19 highlights the scale of the challenge
1:21 the company surveyed 1 900 it decision
1:25 makers from 18 countries including the
1:27 netherlands united kingdom germany japan
1:31 and australia and found that 78
1:33 had seen a significant increase in the
1:36 number of non-business eot devices on
1:38 their corporate networks in the past 12
1:40 months
1:41 these devices cover the weird and
1:43 wonderful including coffee machines
1:46 heart rate monitors pet feeders and gym
1:48 equipment all of which provide cyber
1:50 criminals with a possible point of
1:52 access to a network the respondents
1:54 highlighted the crucial need to improve
1:56 security measures to ensure that these
1:59 non-business devices aren't compromising
2:01 the overall security of corporate
2:03 networks
2:04 this is especially so a year in which
2:06 remote working has increased
2:07 significantly and therefore the
2:09 reliability of workers home i.t networks
2:12 has been a factor in the overall
2:14 security of corporate networks
2:16 the report explains remote workers need
2:19 to be aware that eot devices could be
2:21 compromised and used to move laterally
2:23 to access their work devices if they're
2:25 both using the same home router which in
2:28 turn could allow attackers to move on to
2:30 corporate systems
2:31 everything using the same wi-fi network
2:34 creates more risk whether in a living
2:36 room or at a coffee shop
2:38 the respondents revealed a pressing need
2:40 for security improvements across the
2:42 board but especially in areas such as
2:45 risk assessment threat protection device
2:47 visibility and device context for
2:49 security teams
2:51 palo alto networks say eot adoption has
2:54 become a critical business enabler it
2:57 presents new security challenges that
2:59 can only be met if employees and
3:01 employers share responsibility for
3:03 protecting networks
3:04 remote workers need to be aware of
3:06 devices at home that may connect to
3:08 corporate networks via their home router
3:11 enterprises need to better monitor
3:13 threats and access to networks and
3:15 create a level of segmentation to
3:17 safeguard remote employees and the
3:19 organization's most valuable assets
3:22 the use of some eot devices points to
3:24 how they can be used securely just over
3:27 half of respondents said that their eot
3:29 devices were segmented on a distinct
3:31 network from the network used for their
3:33 primary business devices with a further
3:35 quarter saying that their eot devices
3:37 were particularly micro-segmented within
3:40 specific security zones
3:42 this is considered best practice across
3:44 the industry as it allows organizations
3:46 to keep eot devices separate from other
3:49 it devices and prevent hackers from
3:51 exploiting weak links in a network to
3:53 then move laterally within the network
3:57 with remote working expected to feature
3:59 heavily in a future of work that has
4:01 hybrid working at the forefront it's
4:03 vital that employees better understand
4:05 how to keep their personal and
4:07 professional networks safe from
4:08 cyberattack
4:10 the report includes a number of tips on
4:12 how employees can do that the first of
4:14 these is to better understand the router
4:16 that is likely to act as the hub through
4:18 which all of your eot devices will
4:21 connect to the internet
4:22 a good first step is to make sure that
4:24 the default password on the router is
4:26 changed before then boosting the
4:28 encryption on your network by utilizing
4:31 either wpa2 personal or wpa3 personal
4:35 the researchers also recommend employees
4:37 keep better track of the various devices
4:40 that are currently connected the router
4:42 is a great way to do this and will have
4:44 a list of all devices that are currently
4:46 connected to it as well as listing any
4:49 dhcp clients and wireless clients
4:52 this will allow employees to disable
4:54 remote management on any devices where
4:56 it isn't needed which will also boost
4:58 the security of the network
5:00 employees should also ensure that their
5:02 devices are kept up to date with any
5:04 security updates provided by the
5:06 manufacturers
5:07 too often we overlook this incredibly
5:09 basic step and leave ourselves more
5:12 vulnerable than we need to
5:14 we should also introduce two-factor
5:16 authentication on any device that
5:17 utilizes it
5:19 last but not least employees should look
5:21 into segmenting their home network this
5:24 can be done by creating a guest wifi
5:26 network with all eot devices then placed
5:29 onto this network with more work
5:31 critical devices using the main network
5:33 this will limit the damage caused by any
5:36 security vulnerabilities in your eot
5:38 devices
5:39 if remote working is to become a feature
5:41 of the future of work then it's
5:43 important that it managers and employees
5:45 better understand the security
5:47 implications and take relatively
5:49 straightforward steps to protect
5:50 themselves from an attack
5:53 do you like our ai news segment what
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