Juniper Connected Security Solutions

Your network: Is it Juniper connected secure?
When network security truly matters, you can count on Juniper. From building threat-aware networks to ensuring business-critical traffic is never interrupted, Juniper extends security to every point of connection.
You’ll learn
How Juniper’s SASE can provide secure access to applications as they move to the cloud
How Juniper’s next-gen firewall has become the ideal solution for security at the edge
How Juniper helps easily and effectively detect threats before any damage is done
Who is this for?
00:00 an experience first network is threat
00:02 aware safeguarding users applications
00:05 and infrastructure by extending security
00:07 to every point of connection in a way
00:10 that's invisible to end users and easy
00:12 to maintain
00:13 make your network threat aware with
00:15 juniper connected security
00:17 assassi architecture brings together
00:19 networking and security providing direct
00:22 secure access to applications as they
00:24 move to the cloud
00:26 juniper meets customers where they are
00:28 on their sassy journey enabling them to
00:30 transition seamlessly and securely to
00:32 assassi architecture regardless of
00:34 location
00:35 manage security anywhere on-premises and
00:38 in the cloud from the cloud the next
00:40 generation firewall has evolved to
00:42 become the ideal solution for visibility
00:45 control and prevention at the network
00:47 edge
00:48 threat protection begins with complete
00:50 visibility into who and what is
00:52 traversing the network
00:54 combined with behavior analysis and the
00:55 ability to detect threats in real time
00:58 juniper delivers the most effective next
01:00 generation firewall in the industry
01:02 reliably safeguarding users applications
01:05 and devices
01:07 juniper makes cloud security easy by
01:09 securing the cloud consistently and at
01:11 every level between applications within
01:13 workloads and across environments
01:16 juniper offers validated threat
01:18 protection granular access control and
01:21 follow the application policies so that
01:23 no matter which cloud they're in
01:25 applications are always protected
01:27 juniper security services provide
01:29 actionable threat intelligence to
01:30 effectively stop advanced threats
01:32 providing a seamless and secure
01:34 experience for end users the entire
01:36 network becomes part of its own defense
01:38 which means attacks are detected and
01:40 mitigated more quickly and the network
01:43 is freed up for legitimate traffic
01:45 filter and control applications prevent
01:47 exploits and malware dynamically detect
01:50 zero-day threats and work ddos attacks
01:52 in seconds before any damage is done
01:55 juniper connected security provides a
01:57 zero trust data center architecture by
02:00 extending visibility intelligence and
02:02 enforcement applications and
02:04 microservices across physical data
02:07 centers as well as the public and
02:09 private clouds simultaneously
02:11 juniper connected security helps
02:13 organizations build threat aware
02:15 networks keeping attackers at bay and
02:17 the network clear for business critical
02:20 traffic
02:22 [Music]