Juniper Security Assurance (Demo)

SecurityNetwork Automation

Juniper Security Assurance demo

In today's connected world, having a clear view of what's happening on the network is essential to prevent attackers and other threats from infiltrating the network. That's why Juniper Security Assurance is so crucial. In this demo, you’ll see how to gain access to the security insights you need. The Security Assurance dashboard provides broad visibility into security and network access events so you can dig into the details to make informed decisions.

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You’ll learn

  • What the Security Assurance dashboard is and how it benefits network operations and security teams

  • How the Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDP) Event Insights section delivers detailed information about minor and major attacks

  • What URL Filtering Event Insights section is and how it provides insights into blocked URLs

Who is this for?

Security Professionals


0:00 get ready to explore the newest feature

0:02 in the Juniper Mist premium analytics

0:04 solution Juniper security Assurance this

0:07 feature promises exciting insights to

0:09 help you make informed decisions

0:11 quickly let's take a look at how Juniper

0:14 Mist premium analytics revolutionizes

0:16 security with its security Assurance

0:19 dashboard by seamlessly integrating

0:22 Network and security elements it

0:23 enhances the user experience this

0:26 powerful dashboard empowers network

0:28 operations and security teams to

0:31 identify and prioritize issues swiftly

0:34 during security

0:35 events additionally it provides valuable

0:38 insights to streamline operational

0:41 workflows let's dive

0:43 in as you can see in the premium

0:46 analytics security Assurance dashboard

0:48 you can check out the total number of

0:50 ongoing security events and get a

0:52 detailed breakdown of different event

0:54 types for example get insights about URL

0:57 filtering events and IDP events in the

1:00 far left box of the dashboard to the

1:03 right you can explore a comprehensive

1:06 look at how the security events have

1:08 impacted the network including how sites

1:11 users W edges and W interfaces have been

1:16 affected as you can see two users have

1:19 been hit by malware which must be

1:22 remedied

1:24 immediately the world map below features

1:27 security events by site

1:30 for example there has been a URL

1:33 filtering event in Washington DC and IDP

1:36 event in Dallas

1:38 Texas next we'll head to the intrusion

1:41 detection and prevention event Insight

1:43 section the leftand Box features a pie

1:46 chart summarizing IDP activities

1:49 highlighting major and minor

1:51 attacks clicking on any section of the

1:54 pie chart brings up more detailed

1:57 information the middle section includes

2:00 details about the top 10 IDP attack

2:04 sources here you can view the source IPS

2:07 associated with the most impactful

2:08 events and explore further information

2:11 about specific

2:13 sources in the right hand box you'll

2:16 find the top 10 attack destinations

2:19 examine the destination IP and the

2:21 number of associated events clicking on

2:24 any entry reveals additional details

2:27 like the destination IP destination port

2:30 host name and the number of events

2:32 impacting the

2:34 network this map shows where IDP attack

2:37 top sources originated

2:40 geographically further down you'll

2:42 discover the IDP events Trend chart it

2:45 provides a visual breakdown of the

2:48 frequency and length of the attacks get

2:51 critical insights into the life cycle of

2:53 these events and how your network is

2:55 affected throughout the event this

2:58 section allows you to examine all the

3:01 essential details about the attacks

3:03 including the attack name severity level

3:06 applications effected mitigation steps

3:09 protocols involved and the number of

3:12 network events

3:13 impacted the URL filtering event Insight

3:16 section provides insights into blocked

3:19 URLs starting at the right find the top

3:23 10 destination IPS for blocked URL

3:25 events complete with event counts for

3:28 each destination IP

3:31 clicking on a destination IP reveals

3:33 more details about site names

3:36 destination IPS destination ports host

3:39 names and event numbers the middle box

3:42 highlights the top 10 Source IPS from

3:45 which the URLs were blocked and their

3:47 Associated event numbers the leftand pie

3:51 chart shows the top blocked URLs by

3:55 application dive deeper into the data by

3:57 clicking on any section of the chart

4:01 next the URL event Trend chart reveals

4:05 the frequency of network affecting

4:07 events and highlights the most commonly

4:10 involved URLs here we see Twitter events

4:13 in red during October and November and a

4:16 striking surge of Facebook events in

4:18 blue around October 15th and relatively

4:21 infrequent Instagram events in purple

4:24 hover over any data point to reveal

4:27 additional information such as the date

4:30 URL and number of events impacting the

4:33 network continuing on WE reached the URL

4:37 filtering event details screen which

4:39 provides a comprehensive summary of

4:41 applications URL domains actions source

4:45 and destination IP addresses destination

4:48 ports and the number of

4:51 events here is an application traffic

4:53 volume breakdown by site it offers

4:56 valuable insights into the gigabytes of

4:59 data FL flowing through each site as you

5:01 can see data center 1 is handling a

5:04 significant amount of traffic while the

5:06 other sites are experiencing notably

5:08 lower

5:10 volumes the top malware affected user

5:13 section delivers in-depth details on the

5:16 top users impacted by malware including

5:19 username location impacted device

5:22 impacted category of malware and data

5:25 usage in

5:27 gigabytes as we continue scrolling

5:30 we'll delve into the malware traffic

5:32 Trends chart analyzing interesting

5:35 patterns in malicious software traffic

5:37 the sheer volume of gigabytes linked to

5:40 malware and the Intriguing geographical

5:42 distribution of incidents over

5:45 time next we have application traffic

5:48 volume by site this section gives us a

5:51 rundown of site names based on their

5:53 traffic starting from the site with the

5:56 highest traffic to the one with the

5:58 lowest the next next section shows the

6:01 top applications Corp server 2 and Corp

6:04 server 1 are in a close race for the

6:06 most frequently used application you can

6:09 also see the amount of network traffic

6:11 measured in gigabytes allocated to these

6:15 applications looking closely at

6:17 application insights we can explore the

6:20 top business apps chart on the left here

6:23 Google slack and apple are leading the

6:26 pack to the right we see the top

6:29 conferencing and collaboration apps

6:32 chart this chart shows us that Microsoft

6:35 teams video Microsoft teams audio and

6:38 Office 365 Skype are the top choices for

6:42 team

6:44 collaboration lastly let's examine the

6:46 traffic Trends by application chart it

6:49 provides a glimpse into the traffic

6:51 surges for various Network

6:53 applications interestingly we observed

6:56 some significant spikes in advertising

6:59 traffic from December 30th to January

7:03 4th after checking out the security

7:06 Assurance dashboard we can monitor the

7:08 network and get the insights we need in

7:10 real time this data and insights helps

7:14 make decisions quickly and confidently

7:16 to keep the network running secure and

7:19 smoothly and that's the now way to

7:21 secure your network

7:23 [Music]

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