NOW in 60: What is Tunnel-Free?

What is tunnel-free? NOW in 60 seconds
In this 60-second video, learn why a tunnel-free approach to securing data transmission is superior to traditional networking. A tunnel-free approach dynamically routes data using the most efficient and secure paths in real time, similar to a smart map that directs traffic without set checkpoints. As a result, it simplifies operations, enhances user experience, and scales easily to support business growth.
You’ll learn
The limitations of tunnels in networking
The benefits of tunnel-free networking
How a tunnel-free approach makes it easier to scale and manage networks
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0:06 in traditional networking tunnels are
0:08 used for securing data transmission over
0:10 the Internet they're great for helping
0:12 move data securely but they can also
0:14 increase complexity and reduce
0:15 efficiency imagine data as cars
0:18 traveling to a destination tunnels Force
0:20 cars to go through specific checkpoints
0:23 which can cause delays in a tunnel free
0:25 approach traffic is guided via a smart
0:27 Dynamic map that chooses the fastest and
0:30 safest routes in real time without the
0:32 need for predefined tunnels the benefits
0:34 of tunnel free networking are clear it
0:36 eliminates the overhead associated with
0:38 managing tunnels allowing data packets
0:40 to move more freely and swiftly by
0:42 dynamically selecting the best path it
0:44 ensures optimal Network performance and
0:46 user experience and without the need to
0:49 configure and maintain tunnels Network
0:51 management becomes easier and more
0:53 straightforward allowing you to easily
0:55 scale your network as your business
0:56 grows a streamline Network enhanced
0:59 performance simplif operations that's
1:01 tunnel free in 60 Seconds
1:04 [Music]