Juniper Beyond Labs: 1-Year Later

TrendingAI & ML
Raj Yavatkar and Jai Thattil from Juniper Networks discuss progress within Juniper Beyond Labs

Juniper Beyond Labs: One Year Later

It's been one year since Juniper Networks launched its innovation hub, Juniper Beyond Labs. Join Raj Yavatkar, CTO, and Jai Thattil, Sr. Director of Industry and Sustainability Marketing, as they look back on the progress within Juniper Beyond Labs, the exciting pathfinding projects, customer POCs, and partnerships, and discuss what's coming up next.

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You’ll learn

  • How Juniper Beyond Labs is proving out generative AI networking techniques and use cases

  • The future of network sustainability

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders


0:06 hello and thanks for joining us I'm Jay

0:08 ttil senior director industry and

0:10 sustainability marketing at Juniper

0:12 Networks it has been a year since we

0:15 launched junipa beond Labs our

0:17 Innovation engine since then the

0:20 industry landscape has changed

0:22 drastically with new technologies

0:24 breaking ground air has become a

0:26 priority for everyone in fact it has

0:28 become a household name everyone has an

0:30 opinion or other sustainability in

0:32 technology has become a huge Focus

0:35 Quantum insecurity is red hot at Juniper

0:39 we have also pivoted heavily into Ai and

0:42 delivered industry's first AI native

0:45 networking platform today I'm joined by

0:47 Dr Raj yatka the chief technology

0:50 officer at Juniper Networks to discuss

0:52 this journey with Beyond labs in the

0:53 past year Raj firstly huge

0:57 congratulations on the one-year

0:58 anniversary of junip beond Labs I still

1:01 remember our discussions behind the

1:02 scenes to get this to Market it was very

1:04 exciting then it is exciting now no

1:07 thanks for having me and I must share

1:09 the credit with you because I think the

1:11 whole concept of Beyond Labs originated

1:14 with your team and it has been a great

1:16 partnership thanks for that thank you uh

1:19 I want to hear your thoughts on the

1:20 journey we have taken in the past year

1:23 and the progress on key initiatives that

1:25 are shaping Juniper Beyond Labs so let's

1:26 start with that sure like like you said

1:29 I think the big biggest transformation

1:30 in the last 18 months is generative AI

1:33 we are already doing AI for networking

1:35 but now we combined those two and we had

1:37 some really good pathf finding projects

1:39 so for example in the area of generative

1:41 AI we're applying it for software

1:43 development test automation then on

1:46 operating functions we are working with

1:47 our partners in legal HR it to start

1:51 introducing generative AI for doing

1:54 functions that are normally done by

1:56 human beings as a result we increasing

1:58 productivity so that's one area that's

2:01 big secondly we're also partnering with

2:04 our data center team to really do

2:05 Innovative work for AIML crusters yeah

2:08 so one of the biggest concerns is how do

2:11 we go against the incumbent using infin

2:14 band based networks and show that

2:16 ethernet based networks are as good as

2:18 that so our pathf finding project now

2:21 has been able to show that we get the

2:23 job completion times for machine

2:25 learning training as good as are better

2:28 than the traditional infin and that

2:30 it'ss well with our a native Network

2:32 platform absolutely narrative that we

2:33 bringing in as

2:35 well there are other areas also one of

2:37 the areas sustainability is a big one

2:39 that's Focus for you definitely so what

2:41 we have been doing is that we create

2:42 this thermal and energy profiler it's a

2:45 tool which Maps out the entire network

2:48 all the devices for each of the switches

2:51 or routers we look at each of the

2:53 components to the smallest possible

2:55 components how much thermal footprint it

2:58 contributes then you get the complete

3:00 view of the data center thermal profile

3:03 where the hotpots are and what you can

3:05 do to elevate them like by changing the

3:08 paths rerouting the traffic turning off

3:10 line cards turning off fabric cards and

3:13 so on and a has a huge role to play in

3:15 that as well of course so we take all

3:17 the data feed into a training model and

3:19 so that it can start predicting the

3:21 power usage energy usage and suggest

3:23 when we should change the network

3:25 configuration yes so these two areas

3:28 have been the big areas now we another

3:30 area that you touch upon is quantum key

3:32 distribution very H Quantum Computing is

3:34 little bit further away Quantum

3:36 networking is further away but Quantum

3:38 key distribution is here right now so we

3:40 have taken our VPN product and partner

3:43 with company like Quantum bridge to

3:44 combine their Quantum key distribution

3:47 to make it very secure against man in

3:51 the middle the talk as well as people

3:53 being able to use quantum Computing to

3:54 break keys so that's another thing that

3:57 we have made and we're not just stopping

3:58 there yeah other pathf finding projects

4:00 are coming to Fu For example Jun Juniper

4:04 Cloud Interlink or synapse as I like to

4:07 call it for multi cloud and hybrid Cloud

4:09 networking that project is in deployment

4:12 in couple of customers and we're getting

4:14 very good feedback I don't want to

4:16 forget Oran Oran is still slow it's

4:18 happening slowly but we got first

4:20 Revenue last year this year we are

4:22 getting even more Revenue More Design

4:24 bin so that's going well too yeah I

4:26 remember the Rick Journey when it all

4:28 started uh but all the this amazing

4:30 progress that we managed to make this is

4:32 not in isolation just by ourselves we

4:35 had the inputs from our customers and

4:37 partners so what are the new

4:39 Partnerships and customer proof of

4:41 Concepts you're most excited about so I

4:44 think as I said for synaps pro jiper

4:46 Cloud intering Liberty Global pilot went

4:49 so well that they came to us saying that

4:52 they want to now go public and talk

4:54 about it in public so we're looking

4:55 forward to that so that's a example of

4:58 really successful customer po

5:01 IDE now in terms of partnership Quantum

5:03 Bridge as I mentioned is a big

5:05 partnership it's a really successful

5:06 company they have a very good Quantum

5:08 key distribution solution we're

5:10 combining that with our ip6 solution and

5:13 we're actually shipping we're getting

5:14 customers to try that that out and

5:16 actually pay for those I think like

5:18 these are exciting opportunities so we

5:19 have progress with our our Solutions or

5:22 the Innovations we do have tractions

5:24 with customers and partners so what are

5:27 you excited about what is next for

5:29 Juniper be on Labs let me start by at

5:31 least advertising something that's very

5:33 important especially from customers

5:35 perspective we are going to do

5:36 Innovation Summit in the fall yes that's

5:38 where they get to come and experience

5:40 what we're doing in generative AI

5:42 machine learning sustainability Quantum

5:45 key distribution and so on that's very

5:47 important secondly we are also going to

5:50 look for continued collaboration with

5:52 other partners like IBM Red Hat those

5:55 Partnerships will continue we also

5:57 embarking on a joint project with Doha

5:58 Telecom uh that should be exciting in

6:01 the area of sustainability so those are

6:03 all the exciting things coming up that

6:05 and this is in addition to what we do

6:06 with the

6:08 universities we have our existing

6:09 Partners as well that's right so our

6:11 University research program continues to

6:13 proliferate we are thinking of expanding

6:15 that Beyond United States to Canada and

6:18 Europe so that'll be another new thing

6:20 there we start adding new universities

6:22 and some of the research is already

6:24 bearing fruit so for example the work

6:26 going on in Cornell uh with our uh uh

6:29 chip development is already showing that

6:31 our programmable chips can be

6:34 highlighted for general purpose

6:35 programming in networking yeah so it is

6:37 great to hear all the traction that we

6:38 having with our partners and customers

6:41 when we initiated Juniper Beyond Labs

6:43 the main intention was to focus on

6:45 Innovation but there is another Vector

6:47 which we wanted to do which is like

6:49 experience these Innovations together

6:51 with our customers and

6:52 partners so can you please explain how

6:54 can a customer or a partner experience

6:57 Beyond labs and collaborate and be part

6:59 of this journey that we have uh sure I

7:02 think uh I want to start by uh

7:05 acknowledging that it this one year of

7:09 juniper Beyond Labs has exceeded my

7:11 expectations so thank you for the

7:12 partnership and what we have been able

7:14 to accomplish together now to your

7:16 question of what do customers and

7:17 partners do they have various ways to

7:20 experience or participate in a jiper

7:22 Beyond Labs one is of course we have

7:24 this Innovation Summit coming up in the

7:26 fall where we're going to highlight and

7:28 show all the exciting Innovations and

7:31 pathf finding projects that are going on

7:33 in jiper Beyond lab secondly they can

7:36 always come to EBC we have now dedicated

7:39 area in EBC to highlight Juniper Beyond

7:41 Labs so they experience it firsthand and

7:44 lastly I think they can of course use

7:46 website to get more

7:49 information about it fantastic and I

7:52 know net is the great way to understand

7:55 what we are doing with Juniper Networks

7:57 and Juniper Beyond Labs please look at

7:59 the links below so that you can get more

8:01 information thanks for sharing all these

8:04 great insights and the progress on junip

8:06 beond Labs Raj it has been exciting year

8:08 and I'm looking forward to the next year

8:10 and Beyond with what we are going to do

8:12 with juniper Beyond Labs thank you all

8:14 for joining thank you

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