Juniper Paragon: Intent-based networking in action

WANNetwork Automation
May 10, 2024

Juniper Paragon: Intent-based service orchestration

A demo of intent-based service orchestration, a Juniper Paragon use case. For service providers and organizations that manage their own WAN transport networks. With intent-based service orchestration, you can:

  • Reduce time taken to build and deploy new services from months to weeks
  • Eliminate the two thirds or more* of network problems caused by configuration errors, and the 60% of network problems that go undetected until reported by end-users
  • Prevent more user-impacting issues with closed-loop automation​
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You’ll learn

  • The benefits of intent-based automation

  • How Juniper Paragon works

  • Why intent-based networking is beneficial

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders


0:02 I'm excited to show you a quick

0:03 demonstration of intent-based service

0:06 orchestration a juniper Paragon use case

0:09 if you're a service provider or an

0:11 organization that manages its own One

0:13 Transport Network we built this for you

0:16 with intent-based service orchestration

0:18 you can reduce time taken to build and

0:21 deploy new services from months to weeks

0:25 eliminate the 2third or more of network

0:27 problems caused by configuration errors

0:29 and the 60% of network problems that go

0:32 undetected until reported by end users

0:34 and prevent more user impacting issues

0:38 with closed loop automation we've a lot

0:40 to get through in a 5-minute video so

0:42 let's dive into it first day Zero

0:45 service

0:46 design from the Paragon login we go into

0:49 our service catalog that's where we find

0:51 a range of Standards aligned service

0:53 designs that we can start from the

0:55 orchestration engine uses these to

0:57 translate customer intent into Network

1:00 application configurations that realize

1:02 that

1:03 intent right now we're creating a layer

1:05 3 VPN we simply specify the locations

1:09 speeds access diversity and anything

1:12 else that describes the business

1:13 outcomes we want to achieve and Paragon

1:15 automates the rest why is that

1:18 important right away that's a majority

1:20 of network problems caused by human

1:22 error taken care of second it eliminates

1:26 potentially weeks of CLI based device

1:28 configuration and testing both reducing

1:30 time to Market and freeing up experts to

1:33 focus on higher value work the

1:36 architecture of paragon automation

1:38 service orchestration is very flexible

1:40 you could fine-tune an existing design

1:43 or even build your own service design

1:44 from scratch now let's look at day one

1:48 service provisioning this is where we

1:50 automate the allocation and

1:52 configuration of all Network elements

1:54 necessary to fulfill the stated business

1:56 intent the business intent guides

1:59 provisioning workflow

2:01 what was previously a painstaking manual

2:03 process is now entirely automated and

2:05 repeatable and we're not just

2:07 provisioning the service itself we're

2:09 also automatically configuring the

2:11 observability that'll be essential in

2:13 day two to test and continuously monitor

2:16 with active assurance and Telemetry

2:18 based monitoring whether we're

2:20 continuing to fulfill the business

2:22 intent again that's completely automated

2:25 and guided by the business Intent no

2:27 human intervention required no swi chair

2:30 necessary let's move swiftly on to day

2:33 two inlife service management now we

2:36 have actual end users consuming the

2:38 service yes we've taken care of

2:40 misconfiguration by human error and yes

2:43 we've got a resilient service that

2:45 standards aligned we can even see how

2:47 individual customers and services are

2:49 impacted by outages gray failures and

2:51 other

2:53 problems physical infrastructure can

2:55 still fail due to power outages cooling

2:58 system failures or cable cuts

3:00 we can have sudden traffic spikes that

3:02 cause congestion with KnockOn effects on

3:04 performance that's where active

3:06 assurance and observability comes in

3:09 when we provision the services we also

3:11 configured the active and passive

3:13 monitoring triggers based on the user

3:15 intent for those Services which means

3:18 that we get tailored realtime alerts

3:20 when performance drops below a threshold

3:23 or when an event is detected that could

3:25 risk delivering the user's intent

3:27 combine this with paragon's network

3:29 optim ization use cases like latency

3:31 based routing and congestion avoidance

3:34 where closed loop automation can

3:35 mitigate the impact of these issues so

3:37 you can fix the root cause while

3:39 minimizing the impact on user experience

3:42 so that's how intent-based service

3:44 orchestration is done in the transport

3:46 Network reduce time taken to build and

3:48 deploy new services from months to weeks

3:51 with intent-based service design and

3:53 automated provisioning eliminate human

3:56 error and blind spots with active and

3:58 passive service assurance and prevent

4:01 more user impacting issues with Clos

4:03 Loop automation thanks for watching

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