Improve Customer Experience with Location Services

Go beyond wireless networking with built-in location services. Provide customers with way finding and just-in-time coupons while getting more information on customer and associate traffic flows and peak times.
You’ll learn
How Juniper’s Bluetooth location-based services provide an optimized experience
Bluetooth location-based features
Who is this for?
0:00 [Music]
0:02 juniper's unique bluetooth
0:04 location-based services
0:06 enable you to provide your consumers
0:08 with an optimized
0:09 in-store experience they can go online
0:11 to be sure your store has stock
0:13 and asset tracking make sure that the
0:15 item really is on the shelf
0:17 to support safe social distancing your
0:20 hot zone mapping means they can choose a
0:22 quieter time to visit
0:23 turn by turn navigation will take them
0:25 straight to the item they're looking for
0:27 and as our virtual bluetooth beacons are
0:30 accurate to
0:30 under a meter you can offer targeted
0:33 promotions and content
0:34 that are truly on the spot and that hit
0:37 the spot
0:49 you