Improve Customer Experience with Location Services

Still images shows an animated person in front of shelves with objects that are blue and green.
Jul 01, 2021

Go beyond wireless networking with built-in location services. Provide customers with way finding and just-in-time coupons while getting more information on customer and associate traffic flows and peak times.

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You’ll learn

  • How Juniper’s Bluetooth location-based services provide an optimized experience

  • Bluetooth location-based features

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders


0:00 [Music]

0:02 juniper's unique bluetooth

0:04 location-based services

0:06 enable you to provide your consumers

0:08 with an optimized

0:09 in-store experience they can go online

0:11 to be sure your store has stock

0:13 and asset tracking make sure that the

0:15 item really is on the shelf

0:17 to support safe social distancing your

0:20 hot zone mapping means they can choose a

0:22 quieter time to visit

0:23 turn by turn navigation will take them

0:25 straight to the item they're looking for

0:27 and as our virtual bluetooth beacons are

0:30 accurate to

0:30 under a meter you can offer targeted

0:33 promotions and content

0:34 that are truly on the spot and that hit

0:37 the spot

0:49 you

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