Higher Education

When learning can happen anywhere, your network must be everywhere. Juniper Networks’ AI-Native Networking Platform is seamless, uninterrupted, and secure. It’s connectivity between people, buildings, campuses, and even institutions. With AI-Native Networking, network deployment is simpler and performance more assured and secure.

Discover why higher education institutions choose Juniper.

Handsome Hispanic Student Uses Laptop while Listening to a Lecture at the University, He Raises Hand and Asks Lecturer a Question. Multi Ethnic Group of Modern Bright Students.

Creating a connected campus experience

Read an IDC Spotlight report about AI-enabled networks and how they create connected campus experiences, simplify IT operations, and enhance security for higher education institutions.


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How Juniper can help

Faculty, students, and administration require uninterrupted access to networks as the number of devices and bandwidth demand grows. Juniper Networks solutions help protect personal data and intellectual property generated by research and support location-based applications, including campus wayfinding, student wellbeing, and sustainability initiatives.

Achieving Digital Transformation in Higher Education with AI Networking

Achieving digital transformation with AI networking

Digital transformation continues to be a top priority for higher education IT leaders. The foundation for this change is reliable, simplified network connectivity. Hear from Juniper experts and customers from around the globe as they share insights and learnings from their digital transformation journey.  

Female student with a laptop on her lap and hands on the keyboard

Location services enhance student experiences

Location services have come a long way since the days of Bluetooth beacons and Wi-Fi tags. An AI-Native wireless platform can analyze how and where students are interacting with the network to help them navigate the campus, ease class registrations, provide critical campus safety information, and even offer insights for student wellness and retention.

Group of higher education students working together around a table

Students, faculty, and staff demand reliable connections

Learning happens anywhere and everywhere—dorms, classrooms, even the parking lot on game day. Juniper’s AI-Native network ensures exceptional experiences for every user, every time. As a leader in AIOps, Juniper simplifies, automates, and accelerates network deployment and troubleshooting to help you achieve the best ROI, making the most of your limited resources.


UMass Amherst switches to Juniper for next-gen Wi-Fi

The University of Massachusetts Amherst is the flagship and largest school of the UMass system, with highly ranked programs in business, computer science, healthcare, and the social sciences. It's also the largest public research university in New England.

After 15 years with the same network vendor, UMass Amherst made a radical change: It switched to AI-driven wireless from Juniper, not only to optimize the digital experience, but also to support student engagement, campus health and safety, and smart buildings.

The University of Massachusetts Amherst  Hero

Higher Education FAQs

How can Juniper AI-Native Networking solutions help improve higher education operations and user experiences?

Juniper’s AI-Native Networking solutions help institutions modernize their networks, creating secure and smart campuses. The reliable network infrastructure foundation, powered by Juniper Mist AI™, enables limitless scalability with seamless connectivity and faster access to data that heightens learning environments, workforce development, staff retention, and student experiences while optimizing operations to reduce costs. Juniper data center networks let IT teams build, scale, and maintain reliable educational data center environments that deliver seamless experiences across campuses to all users.

Why is user experience important for higher education?

Wired and wireless connectivity fosters an open and seamless exchange of information that drives faculty and student engagement and collaboration between university stakeholders. With Juniper AI for IT Operations (AIOps), you can optimize research and testing environments with scalable and secure data center networks. You’ll protect student privacy, institutional reputation, and research IP using Juniper Connected Security.

What are the components of Juniper higher education solutions?

Juniper’s AI-Native Networking Mist platform is built on a modern microservices cloud architecture with an AI engine and wireless access points, Juniper Mist Wi-Fi Assurance, Juniper Mist Wired Assurance, Juniper Marvis® Virtual Network Assistant, and EX Series Ethernet campus core.

Access switches enable universities and colleges to deliver exceptional user and device experiences for hybrid and remote learning with scalable secure home access while simplifying everyday troubleshooting and network performance and operations. Juniper’s cloud-ready data center networks help ensure research efficiency and success with increased performance for high-performance computing (HPC).

What institutions are using Juniper higher education solutions?

Juniper higher education solutions are used by faculty, staff, students, and IT departments within universities and higher education institutions worldwide.

Explore these case studies to see how our customers leverage our solutions to enhance educational experiences and campus operations: