Latest Data Center Trends, Best Practices, and AI

What’s cooking in the data center? Find out from the experts.
Managing a data center requires skill, knowledge, and the right equipment. Watch this roundtable discussion for advice on how to tackle data center roadblocks, how to manage data centers efficiently, and how to prepare for the future, including AI Ops.
You’ll learn
How to manage the data center more efficiently
How AI is changing the way we manage data centers now and in the future
Real-world anecdotes gleaned from working with customers in the field
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0:00 hello everyone and thanks for joining us
0:02 today on our data center Round Table
0:04 with so many new technologies new
0:07 requirements and AI development going on
0:10 today we'll be discussing the best
0:12 practices in data center management to
0:14 help you prepare for the future and
0:17 lastly we will get a sneak peek on the
0:19 role of AI for data center because we
0:22 can't have a tech discussion these days
0:24 without talking about AI can we and I
0:26 still follow along we encourage you to
0:28 leave your own questions in the comments
0:30 section and we promise you that Scott
0:32 will answer all of them
0:33 before we dive into the discussion let's
0:36 give our panelists a chance to introduce
0:37 themselves Scott let's start with you
0:39 since you're going to be answering all
0:40 of the questions sure so my name is
0:42 Scott sneden I'm a data center
0:44 specialist here at Juniper focusing on
0:46 mostly our Enterprise Market but um just
0:49 about anywhere where we work with
0:51 customers on Data Center yeah and I'm
0:53 Claire Del quartz I'm from Belgium and
0:56 I've been living in the states for seven
0:58 years I'm a product manager for Network
1:01 automation for that much time too
1:04 and I'm product manager for abstra Samir
1:07 Parikh I'm the vice president of product
1:09 management for Juniper's Data Center
1:11 business focusing on app store and
1:13 Automation and a lot of our software
1:15 solutions that sort of provide the
1:17 operational foundation for our data
1:18 center offering great it's an honor to
1:21 have you guys here so with new trends
1:23 new technologies comes with new
1:24 challenges as well so maybe you could
1:26 share you know some of the challenges
1:28 that you have observed in the last year
1:29 and maybe even some interesting customer
1:31 stories so maybe I can talk about what
1:34 I'm currently hearing from customers is
1:37 how the data center network has not
1:40 become more simple on the contrary the
1:44 network has become more complex because
1:45 we're bringing in new technology in the
1:48 network to accommodate things like
1:51 virtual workloads continuous VMS and so
1:55 forth we want more security
1:56 we want more Mobility for the workloads
1:59 so you need to bring in order to
2:02 accommodate those new demands you need
2:05 to bring new technology in the data
2:06 center Network and it makes it a bit
2:08 more complex uh you know thinking about
2:10 technology like if you can fix Lan new
2:13 security layers so you lose a lot of you
2:16 add complexity you lose observability in
2:18 your network and it becomes harder and
2:21 harder yeah I totally agree with you I
2:23 I'm seeing exactly that with one
2:25 customer I'm working with currently um
2:28 this is an advanced customer they're a
2:30 smart team they know how technology
2:32 Works they've got some older Data Center
2:35 architectures and made the wise decision
2:37 to move forward to a data center fabric
2:39 using UDP and be excellent you know all
2:41 of the recommended architectures that we
2:42 talked about
2:44 but they tried to do it manually they
2:46 are the kind of guys that they're really
2:48 smart so they want to figure it out for
2:50 themselves and they read the guides and
2:52 and they developed their own
2:54 configurations and then moved forward
2:55 and it didn't go perfectly and they
2:58 introduced some errors during their
2:59 maintenance window that were fairly
3:00 difficult to recover from they missed a
3:03 few key things that were in the manuals
3:05 but maybe not totally obvious to find
3:07 right so yeah we talk about moving
3:10 technology forward and these
3:11 architectures that we've introduced are
3:13 a lot simpler compared to when I was
3:16 operating data centers but they're still
3:18 not completely simple the skills don't
3:20 always align to where we are with
3:22 technology today so yeah the challenges
3:25 are are even though people have agreed
3:28 to move forward on architectures the
3:30 skills don't always match and even in
3:32 the smartest environments mistakes can
3:34 still happen
3:35 yeah I mean it's a great point on skill
3:37 Scott I mean the thing that we're seeing
3:39 is you know Engineers coming out of
3:42 college today they're not being trained
3:43 on classic networking Technologies right
3:45 they're they're learning the ways of the
3:47 cloud right because that's the dominant
3:49 pattern that's where you know that's the
3:50 exciting pattern and so as you see the
3:52 networking industry getting older you
3:55 have this big skills Gap and so that's
3:57 why tooling and what we can do on
3:59 automation to sort of bridge that Gap is
4:01 super important because you know
4:03 otherwise we're going to run into this
4:05 perennial problem of how do we sort of
4:06 train up people to handle these
4:08 technology transitions because the
4:10 transition itself from an old
4:12 architecture to new architecture however
4:13 simpler it might be presents complexity
4:16 in itself for sure
4:17 so you you did touch on you know some
4:20 recommended you did mention some
4:21 recommendations on how to manage the
4:23 data center more efficiently but you
4:25 know maybe you can spend more you know
4:28 considering all these companies that our
4:31 customers are doing these days our
4:32 audience are dealing these days give us
4:34 some advice on how to manage it more
4:37 efficiently both on operational and
4:40 economical standpoint I think that's
4:42 that's a great question I'll touch on
4:44 most of the economics of it right I
4:45 think you know if it's top of mind for
4:47 all of our customers we look at the
4:48 macro environment and you know the key
4:50 element to sort of the economics of the
4:53 data center is using standards-based
4:54 interoperable and open technology so you
4:56 know what we see with our customers is
4:58 this move towards EVP and vxline fabrics
5:01 because it's an industry standard like
5:02 it operates across multiple vendors
5:04 there's test results all the vendors
5:06 participate in these testing forms to
5:08 demonstrate Improvement or operability
5:09 so that's a key foundation for sort of
5:11 how you deal with complexity at least on
5:13 the economic standpoint and you know on
5:15 the operation side I mean automation is
5:17 key but you know automation is its own
5:19 can of worms which I'm sure Scott you've
5:21 lived through you see a lot of customers
5:23 that customer I mentioned before is a
5:25 really good example of you know they
5:27 know networks and they know network
5:29 engineering and they
5:31 um expect that that they'll be able to
5:33 write their own automation really
5:35 efficiently and and yeah they have cost
5:37 constraints and so they didn't want to
5:39 pay for a tool from a vendor to build
5:42 this automation because they know they
5:43 can write that code themselves and in
5:46 the end maybe it might have been a bit
5:48 more expensive for them to automate
5:50 their way into a problem and then have
5:52 to recover from that so yeah really
5:55 considering the long-term economic
5:57 impact of your decisions is needed and
6:00 and taking those considerations very
6:02 very seriously is important in fact
6:05 talking about DIY we have a report
6:08 showing that people doing DIY end up you
6:11 know costing more than just acquiring
6:14 third-party information and there are
6:16 places that have done it very
6:17 successfully we see this with with the
6:20 cloud scale companies right they've they
6:22 can hire the best engineers write code
6:24 all day long and do that you know
6:26 they've figured out their economic model
6:28 that works for them but that model
6:29 doesn't work for everybody yeah
6:32 yeah I think another advice I could
6:34 probably give in time of you know
6:38 building this dream solution with
6:40 software
6:41 uh is take your time to evaluate the
6:44 software that are out there I think it
6:46 can be very overwhelming for customers
6:48 that don't have a foot in automation yet
6:51 to understand where to go do I do it
6:54 with myself do I go with a vendor and do
6:56 I trust a vendor that they're gonna give
6:58 me the best software for the book so
7:01 take your time to evaluate software
7:02 solution find something that's going to
7:05 work well with the skill sets you have
7:06 because every team every Enterprise has
7:09 a different type of skill set in the
7:10 team and
7:13 make sure you you you go with a solution
7:17 that is going to
7:18 get you where you want to be longer term
7:21 for your automation goal dream big you
7:24 know dream reliability dream automation
7:26 you know dream multi-cloud don't be
7:29 afraid to dream big and go with
7:32 software and then you can justify the
7:35 investment to your management much
7:36 easier yeah I mean I'm the skills thing
7:39 I think that a great example that we see
7:40 from customers were they succeeded if
7:42 you look at the hyperscalers they've
7:44 done a very good job of pairing Network
7:46 engineers and software Engineers right
7:48 because ultimately we think about people
7:50 think Network automation it's not the
7:52 hard part is not necessarily the
7:53 networking piece it's the software and
7:55 systems component of building an
7:57 automation system and this is where like
7:59 we encourage people to look at vendor
8:01 Solutions because you're getting
8:02 somebody with software expertise that
8:04 builds that for you but if you're going
8:05 to approach it in sort of your own on
8:07 your own and build it from other
8:09 components really look at how you pair
8:12 Network engineers and software Engineers
8:13 together to sort of solve that problem
8:14 because that context is important
8:16 talking about doing things easier and
8:19 more efficiently
8:21 um I've read in a report by Enterprise
8:22 strategy group saying that 75 of
8:26 Enterprises will keep most of their apps
8:29 in the private Cloud so cloud has been
8:32 popular for many years but you know how
8:35 come people seem to repatriate to
8:37 on-prem why is that and you know what is
8:40 your advice to our audience when it
8:42 comes to deciding whether they should go
8:44 on-prem
8:45 public or hybrid it comes back to
8:48 economics I think that's what we're
8:50 seeing you know the promise of cloud was
8:52 that everything would be easy and it
8:53 largely is and the promise of cloud is
8:55 that everything would be fast and you
8:57 can turn things on right away and do
8:58 everything you need on demand and it is
9:00 I mean those those promises all came
9:03 true
9:04 problem is that the cost can be
9:06 unpredictable and it's really difficult
9:08 for a business line to justify such a
9:11 variable cost when their revenue isn't
9:13 the same variability and and so the
9:16 economics are really dictating that
9:18 people work towards models that are more
9:20 financially predictable financially
9:22 manageable and so I I think the the now
9:26 and the future is is decidedly hybrid I
9:29 think the decision is not Cloud first
9:32 but Cloud right and and it's all Cloud
9:35 but which cloud is it that private
9:38 environment that's inside the walls of
9:39 your data center or is it some blend of
9:41 public and private and I think
9:44 I see more and more successful
9:45 businesses considering application by
9:48 application including considerations of
9:51 the skills that they have available to
9:53 support those applications and making
9:55 wise decisions as to where workloads are
9:57 going to run
9:58 yeah I mean I think one of the things on
10:01 the when you think about economics of
10:02 the cloud data becomes a key anchor
10:05 there because you know the data transfer
10:06 costs is like the most common complaint
10:08 you see users on Reddit of whatever like
10:11 they complain about the data transfer
10:12 costs and and so data gravity becomes a
10:15 big decision point for what you put in
10:17 the cloud versus what you keep in-house
10:18 and and then you also see a lot new a
10:21 lot of new regulations around data
10:23 sovereignty and privacy and that's
10:24 another Factor so I think Enterprises
10:26 are now looking at saying okay Cloud's
10:28 not this Panacea it's a very important
10:30 and valuable tool in our tool chain but
10:32 it's not like everything is fit for the
10:34 cloud we're going to make a more
10:35 thoughtful Choice around what makes
10:37 sense and what doesn't and we cannot
10:39 point out the problems without giving an
10:42 answer right so what does Juniper has to
10:44 offer to help people manage private data
10:46 centers professionally I I mean I I
10:48 think
10:49 I I said it's all Cloud but in reality
10:52 most private data centers are not that
10:54 cloud-like this is why developers still
10:56 like to go to the public Cloud as it is
10:57 easy and it is fast and they can do what
11:00 they want to when they want it without
11:02 having to go through a bunch of process
11:04 to get it done and and so I think the
11:07 onus is on the private Cloud operators
11:09 the data center operators and Enterprise
11:10 to present their environment like a
11:13 cloud to make things on demand to make
11:16 things
11:17 easily consumable easily configurable if
11:20 you've got a weight
11:22 15 minutes
11:24 let alone two weeks to get something
11:26 provisioned well that developer is just
11:28 going to go to put cloud in unless you
11:29 take away their credit card they're not
11:31 going to stop doing that
11:32 and so you've got to consider ways to
11:35 build private infrastructure and that's
11:36 where our focus is our our what we're
11:39 doing around optimizing operations
11:41 leveraging AI to make operations simpler
11:44 really the end goal is to just make it
11:47 easy to use a data center right and you
11:50 know that's where it becomes super
11:51 important for your network team to not
11:53 be composed of just networking experts
11:56 anymore and to Bringing expertise from
11:59 people that are software developer that
12:01 has developed automation solution
12:03 whatever they are and bring those games
12:05 in your team and try to rebuild the
12:07 Cloudland experience for your on-prem
12:09 data center and in terms of what we have
12:10 to offer I mean I think a foundation for
12:13 us is abstra right because it gives us
12:15 it provides our customers with the
12:17 ability to give their customers a
12:18 cloud-like experience right with the
12:20 work we've done around intent-based
12:22 Automation and you look at what we've
12:23 done around infrastructure as code
12:25 Frameworks with terraform right you're
12:27 giving now with apps or and our
12:29 customers have the ability to give their
12:31 customers a cloud API you know if you're
12:34 if you're an AWS user more likely you're
12:36 consuming that through terraform and
12:37 you're provisioning and destroying
12:38 infrastructure that way well we can give
12:40 you that same interface on top of App
12:42 Store like that becomes the foundation
12:43 for how customers can now you know have
12:47 that seamless experience with this
12:48 on-prem private cloud or public Cloud
12:50 because you give them a common tool
12:52 layer yeah that's pretty amazing and you
12:54 know as we talk about in 10 days and
12:56 make things easier for our customers
12:59 um I'm sure we have plans in the AI side
13:02 of the house right so you know how can
13:04 we walk away today without mentioning AI
13:06 so what what are the plans in the
13:08 Juniper data center group you know in
13:11 terms of Integrations with AI yeah I
13:13 mean that's a great question you're
13:14 right we can't we can't end a session
13:16 without talking about AI I think when we
13:18 think of AI there's two amazing sort of
13:21 ways AI is going to change the network
13:23 in the future right one is AI Ops and
13:26 the other one is sort of how you build
13:28 infrastructure optimized for AI
13:29 workloads so I'll talk a little bit
13:31 about AI Ops I mean obviously at Juniper
13:33 you know we are the leading AI engine we
13:36 have the leading AI Ops provider in the
13:38 in the world today with Marvis which is
13:40 you know today sort of the AI foundation
13:42 for our Enterprise business for campus
13:44 branch and wireless and we are
13:47 absolutely going to infuse that Marvis
13:48 engine into the data center so you'll
13:50 see very soon from us you know
13:51 discussions around how Marvis you know
13:54 and its AI Ops engine combined with App
13:56 Store and its intent engine so to truly
13:57 transform the way you build and operate
13:59 data centers so that's going to be the
14:01 key foundation for it and then you'll
14:03 also see a lot of work from us around
14:04 how do we help our customers build
14:06 cost-effective highly reliable scalable
14:08 infrastructure to support these next
14:10 generation AI workloads yeah I think
14:12 that ties back to what we're talking
14:14 about in the first question is there is
14:17 Network complexity it's harder to
14:19 observe traffic you know you can't just
14:21 get away with doing a packet capture on
14:24 every thing that turns into your network
14:25 it's too much too much traffic it's too
14:28 encrypted it's too many layers so what
14:30 you need is you need to be able to bring
14:33 up solution or mechanism to collect the
14:35 data process it so that it's ingestible
14:38 by a human again and the answer to that
14:40 is right now it's AI obviously
14:43 and then there's there's also another
14:45 conversation about the infrastructure
14:47 for AI so there's Ai and how that's
14:49 leveraged in Ops there's also the
14:51 conversation of how do we build
14:52 infrastructure to support all of this
14:54 new AI infrastructure and and we think
14:57 that that's a really exciting
14:58 opportunity for us there are a lot of
15:00 things on the horizon in Juniper around
15:02 very very high speed switching platform
15:05 we do think that that industry which is
15:07 largely in finiband today is Shifting
15:10 towards ethernet and we see a lot of
15:12 evidence and data around that and so you
15:15 know we've been a leading ethernet
15:17 switching provider for more than a
15:19 decade and we'll continue down that path
15:21 and
15:22 we're very excited about that
15:25 opportunity well that's exciting and I
15:27 think that's a great note to add on I
15:29 want to thank our Pano again for joining
15:31 us today and we encourage you to drop
15:33 your own questions into the comments and
15:35 we will answer them as soon as we can to
15:38 learn more click on the links in the
15:39 description and follow us on Twitter see
15:42 you next time
16:01 possible