Simplify Operations and Improve Higher Education Experiences with Client to Cloud Automation

Illustration showing a young woman and a young man wearing glasses who appear frustrated, an academic building and network-connection error symbols.
Jul 18, 2023

How to enhance student experiences in higher education.

Whether your students and faculty are in a hybrid learning environment or on campus, they expect fast, reliable, and secure access to data. Watch this video to see how Juniper Networks’ AI-driven Experience-First Networking™ can enhance your campus’s network experience with complete client-to-cloud enterprise solutions that increase access and performance for Wi-Fi while protecting against cyberthreats.

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You’ll learn

  • How Juniper Connected Security solutions protects data privacy and networks against cyberthreats

  • How colleges and universities can use Juniper Networks’ automated data center solutions to design, deploy, and manage operations that support multivendor environments

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Security Professionals


0:00 higher education continues to face

0:03 challenges in delivering seamless

0:05 experiences in hybrid learning and on

0:07 campuses while trying to drive

0:09 operational efficiencies to reduce costs

0:12 and ensuring security policies and

0:14 strategies are in place to protect the

0:16 many connected devices on colleges and

0:19 University Networks

0:20 Juniper Network's experience first

0:22 networking boosts reliability and

0:25 reduces complexity with

0:27 client to Cloud Enterprise solutions to

0:30 modernize and future-proof operations

0:33 by increasing access and performance for

0:35 Wi-Fi Juniper's missed AI Solutions

0:38 create new opportunities to improve

0:40 Campus Life

0:42 mist is our breakthrough approach to

0:44 wireless that combines AI machine

0:46 learning and data science with the

0:48 latest Cloud Technologies delivering an

0:51 agile scalable solution that optimizes

0:53 the wireless experience

0:55 Juniper's Security Suite of solutions

0:58 protects data privacy and networks

1:00 against cyber threads with automated

1:03 repeatable security policy that extend

1:06 to all points across the network

1:08 and with automated data center Solutions

1:12 colleges and universities can design

1:14 deploy and manage operations that

1:17 support multi-vendor environments for a

1:20 seamless experience across campuses

1:22 while giving hybrid students a learning

1:24 experience with fast and reliable access

1:26 to data Juniper experience first

1:29 networking for higher education gives

1:31 you Best in Class Network experiences

1:34 enhance your campus today with Juniper

1:37 Networks

1:38 [Music]

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