show vlans
语法(EX 系列和 QFX 系列交换机)
show vlans
<brief | detail | extensive>
<sort-by (tag | name)>
语法(EX 系列,带有 ELS 交换机和 MX 路由器)
show vlans
<brief | detail | extensive> <instance instance-name><logical-system logical-system-name>
<operational> <vlan-name)><interface interface-name>
语法(SRX 系列防火墙)
show vlans
<brief | detail | extensive>
<interface interface-name>
<logical-system (logical-system | all)>
显示有关在桥接以太网接口上配置的 VLAN 的信息。对于配置为支持 VoIP VLAN 和数据 VLAN 的接口,命令将显示 show vlans
这些 VLAN 的标记和未标记成员资格。
使用该 vlan-range
语句创建一系列 VLAN 时,此类 VLAN 名称的前后会带有双下划线。例如,使用 VLAN 范围 1 到 3 和基本 VLAN 名称 营销 的一系列 VLAN 将显示为 __marketing_1__、 __marketing_2__ 和 __marketing_3__。
要显示具有动态 VLAN 移动的多请求模式下成功通过 802.1X 请求方身份验证,请使用 show vlans vlan-name extensive
操作模式命令,其中 vlan-name 是动态 VLAN。
对于 EX 系列和 QFX 系列交换机:
none | 显示所有 VLAN 的信息。VLAN 信息按 VLAN 名称升序显示。 |
brief | detail | extensive | (可选)显示指定的输出级别。 |
dot1q-tunneling | (可选)显示启用了 Q-in-Q 隧道功能的 VLAN。 |
management-vlan | (可选)显示管理 VLAN。 |
sort-by (tag | name) | (可选)按 VLAN ID 或 VLAN 名称的升序显示 VLAN。 |
vlan-range-name | (可选)按 VLAN 范围名称的升序显示 VLAN。 |
summary | (可选)按类型显示 VLAN 总数和 VLAN 数量,例如动态 VLAN、802.1Q 标记和 Q-in-Q 隧道 VLAN 的数量。 |
vlan-range-name | (可选)显示指定 VLAN 范围的信息。要显示 VLAN 范围所有成员的信息,请指定基本 VLAN 名称, 例如,包含 __employee_1__ 到 __employee_10__ 的 VLAN 范围的员工。 |
对于配备 ELS 交换机和 MX 路由器的 EX 系列:
none | 显示所有 VLAN 的信息。 |
brief | detail | extensive | (可选)显示指定的输出级别。 |
instance instance-name | (可选)显示指定路由实例的信息。 |
logical-system logical-system-name | (可选)显示指定逻辑系统的以太网交换统计信息。 |
operational | (可选)显示操作路由实例的信息。 |
vlan-name) | (可选)显示有关指定 VLAN 的信息。 |
interface interface-name | (可选)显示有关指定接口的信息。 |
对于 SRX 系列防火墙:
none | 显示所有 VLAN 的信息。 |
brief | detail | extensive | (可选)显示指定的输出级别。 |
interface interface-name | (可选)显示有关特定接口的信息。 |
logical system | (可选)显示逻辑系统的名称或全部。 |
operational | (可选)显示操作交换实例的信息。 |
表 1 列出了命令show vlans
字段名称 |
字段说明 |
输出级别 |
名字 |
VLAN 的名称。 |
无, 简要 |
标记 |
应用于此 VLAN 的 802.1Q 标记。如果未显示任何标记,则不应用 任何 标记。 |
所有级别 |
接口 |
与获知的 MAC 地址或所有成员选项(泛洪条目)关联的接口。接口旁边的星号 (*) 表示接口为 UP。 |
所有级别 |
地址 |
IP 地址。 |
无, 简要 |
活动端口数/总数 |
与 VLAN 关联的接口数: 活动 表示 处于 UP 状态的接口, Total 表示处于活动和非活动状态的接口。 |
简短 |
Vlan |
VLAN 的名称。 |
细节,广泛 |
管理员状态 |
接口的状态。值为: 已启用 — 接口已打开,物理链路正常运行,可以传递数据包。 |
细节,广泛 |
MAC 学习状态 |
指示是否禁用 MAC 学习。 |
细节, 广泛 |
描述 |
VLAN 的说明。 |
细节,广泛 |
主 IP |
与 VLAN 关联的主 IP 地址。 |
详细 |
接口数量 |
与 VLAN 关联的接口数。将显示与 VLAN 关联的接口总数和活动接口数量。 |
细节,广泛 |
Stp |
与 VLAN 关联的生成树。 |
细节,广泛 |
标记的接口 |
与 VLAN 关联的标记接口。 |
细节,广泛 |
未标记接口 |
与 VLAN 关联的未标记接口。 |
细节。广泛 |
Dot1q 隧道状态 |
指示是否启用了 Q-in-Q 隧道。 |
广泛 |
客户 VLAN 范围 |
与此服务 VLAN (S-VLAN) 关联的客户 VLAN (C-VLAN) 范围列表。 |
广泛 |
专用 VLAN 模式 |
此 VLAN 的专用 VLAN 模式。值包括“ 主要”、“ 隔离”和 “社区”。 |
广泛 |
主 VLAN |
此辅助 VLAN 的主 VLAN 标记。 |
广泛 |
内部索引 |
Junos OS 软件内部的 VLAN 索引。 |
广泛 |
起源 |
VLAN 的创建方式: 静态 或 学习。 |
广泛 |
协议 |
基于端口的 VLAN 或基于 MAC 的 VLAN。当通过 802.1X 静态或动态完成 VLAN 分配时,将显示基于 MAC 的协议 |
广泛 |
IP 地址 |
与 VLAN 关联的 IP 地址。 |
广泛 |
MAC 条目数 |
对于静态或动态创建的基于 MAC 的 VLAN,为与接口关联的 MAC 地址。 |
广泛 |
映射规则数 |
Q-in-Q 隧道(推送)和 VLAN 转换(交换)的映射规则数。 |
辅助 VLAN |
与主 VLAN 关联的辅助 VLAN。 |
广泛 |
隔离 VLAN |
与主 VLAN 关联的隔离 VLAN。 |
广泛 |
社区 VLAN |
与主 VLAN 关联的社区 VLAN。 |
广泛 |
VLAN 摘要 |
VLAN 计数:
所有级别 |
Dot1q VLAN 摘要 |
802.1Q VLAN 计数:
所有级别 |
Dot1q 隧道 VLAN 摘要 |
Q-in-Q 隧道 VLAN 计数:
所有级别 |
示例输出(EX 系列和 QFX 系列交换机)
- show vlan(EX 系列和 QFX 系列)
- show vlan(EX 和 QFX 系列上的专用 VLAN)
- show vlans brief(EX 和 QFX 系列)
- 显示 VLAN 详细信息(EX 系列和 QFX 系列)
- 显示 VLAN 广泛(适用于跨多个交换机的 PVLAN)
- 显示 VLAN 广泛(基于 EX 系列和 QFX 系列的端口)
- 显示 VLAN 广泛(基于 MAC)
- show vlan(EX 系列和 QFX 系列上的 Q-in-Q 隧道)
- 显示 VLAN 广泛(EX 系列和 QFX 系列上的 Q-in-Q 隧道)
- 显示 VLAN 广泛(EX 系列和 QFX 系列上的 Q-in-Q 隧道和 L2TP)
- 显示 VLAN 排序依据标记(EX 系列和 QFX 系列)
- 显示 VLAN 按名称排序(EX 系列和 QFX 系列)
- show vlans 标记(EX 系列和 QFX 系列)
- 显示 VLAN 排序依据标记(EX 系列)
- 显示 VLAN 员工(VLAN 范围名称)
- 显示 VLAN 摘要(EX 系列)
show vlan(EX 系列和 QFX 系列)
user@switch> show vlans Name Tag Interfaces default None xe-0/0/34.0, xe-0/0/33.0, xe-0/0/32.0, xe-0/0/31.0, xe-0/0/30.0, xe-0/0/29.0, xe-0/0/28.0, xe-0/0/27.0, xe-0/0/26.0, xe-0/0/25.0, xe-0/0/19.0, xe-0/0/18.0, xe-0/0/17.0, xe-0/0/16.0, xe-0/0/15.0, xe-0/0/14.0, xe-0/0/13.0, xe-0/0/11.0, xe-0/0/9.0, xe-0/0/8.0, xe-0/0/3.0, xe-0/0/2.0, xe-0/0/1.0 v0001 1 xe-0/0/24.0, xe-0/0/23.0, xe-0/0/22.0, xe-0/0/21.0 v0002 2 None v0003 3 None v0004 4 None v0005 5 None
show vlan(EX 和 QFX 系列上的专用 VLAN)
user@switch> show vlans Name Tag Interfaces __pvlan_pvlan_xe-0/0/46.0__ xe-0/0/44.0*, xe-0/0/46.0* c1 xe-0/0/4.0*, xe-0/0/44.0* c2 xe-0/0/28.0*, xe-0/0/44.0* default None pvlan 500 xe-0/0/4.0*, xe-0/0/28.0*, xe-0/0/44.0*, xe-0/0/46.0*
show vlans brief(EX 和 QFX 系列)
user@switch> show vlans brief Ports Name Tag Address Active/Total default None 0/23 v0001 1 0/4 v0002 2 0/0 v0003 3 0/0 v0004 4 0/0 v0005 5 0/0 v0006 6 0/0 v0007 7 0/0 v0008 8 0/0 v0009 9 0/0 v0010 10 0/2 v0011 11 0/0 v0012 12 0/0 v0013 13 0/0 v0014 14 0/0 v0015 15 0/0 v0016 16 0/0
显示 VLAN 详细信息(EX 系列和 QFX 系列)
user@switch> show vlans detail VLAN: default, Tag: Untagged, Admin state: Enabled Description: None Primary IP: None, Number of interfaces: 23 (Active = 0) STP: None, RTG: None Untagged interfaces: xe-0/0/34.0, xe-0/0/33.0, xe-0/0/32.0, xe-0/0/31.0, xe-0/0/30.0, xe-0/0/29.0, xe-0/0/28.0, xe-0/0/27.0, xe-0/0/26.0, xe-0/0/25.0, xe-0/0/19.0, xe-0/0/18.0, xe-0/0/17.0, xe-0/0/16.0, xe-0/0/15.0, xe-0/0/14.0, xe-0/0/13.0, xe-0/0/11.0, xe-0/0/9.0, xe-0/0/8.0, xe-0/0/3.0, xe-0/0/2.0, xe-0/0/1.0, Tagged interfaces: None VLAN: v0001, Tag: 802.1Q Tag 1, Admin state: Enabled Description: None Primary IP: None, Number of interfaces: 4 (Active = 0) Dot1q Tunneling Status: Enabled STP: None, RTG: None Untagged interfaces: None Tagged interfaces: xe-0/0/24.0, xe-0/0/23.0, xe-0/0/22.0, xe-0/0/21.0, VLAN: v0002, Tag: 802.1Q Tag 2, Admin state: Enabled Description: None Primary IP: None, Number of interfaces: 0 (Active = 0) STP: None, RTG: None Untagged interfaces: None Tagged interfaces: None VLAN: v0003, Tag: 802.1Q Tag 3, Admin state: Enabled Description: None Primary IP: None, Number of interfaces: 0 (Active = 0) STP: None, RTG: None Untagged interfaces: None Tagged interfaces: None VLAN: vlan4000, 802.1Q Tag: Untagged, Admin State: Enabled MAC learning Status: Disabled Number of interfaces: 0 (Active = 0)
显示 VLAN 广泛(适用于跨多个交换机的 PVLAN)
user@switch> show vlans extensive VLAN: COM1, Created at: Tue May 11 18:16:05 2010 802.1Q Tag: 100, Internal index: 3, Admin State: Enabled, Origin: Static Private VLAN Mode: Community, Primary VLAN: primary Protocol: Port Mode, Mac aging time: 300 seconds Number of interfaces: Tagged 3 (Active = 3), Untagged 1 (Active = 1) ge-0/0/20.0*, tagged, trunk ge-0/0/22.0*, tagged, trunk, pvlan-trunk ge-0/0/23.0*, tagged, trunk, pvlan-trunk ge-0/0/7.0*, untagged, access VLAN: __pvlan_primary_ge-0/0/0.0__, Created at: Tue May 11 18:16:05 2010 Internal index: 5, Admin State: Enabled, Origin: Static Private VLAN Mode: Isolated, Primary VLAN: primary Protocol: Port Mode, Mac aging time: 300 seconds Number of interfaces: Tagged 3 (Active = 3), Untagged 1 (Active = 1) ge-0/0/20.0*, tagged, trunk ge-0/0/22.0*, tagged, trunk, pvlan-trunk ge-0/0/23.0*, tagged, trunk, pvlan-trunk ge-0/0/0.0*, untagged, access VLAN: __pvlan_primary_ge-0/0/2.0__, Created at: Tue May 11 18:16:05 2010 Internal index: 6, Admin State: Enabled, Origin: Static Private VLAN Mode: Isolated, Primary VLAN: primary Protocol: Port Mode, Mac aging time: 300 seconds Number of interfaces: Tagged 3 (Active = 3), Untagged 1 (Active = 0) ge-0/0/20.0*, tagged, trunk ge-0/0/22.0*, tagged, trunk, pvlan-trunk ge-0/0/23.0*, tagged, trunk, pvlan-trunk ge-0/0/2.0, untagged, access VLAN: __pvlan_primary_isiv__, Created at: Tue May 11 18:16:05 2010 802.1Q Tag: 50, Internal index: 7, Admin State: Enabled, Origin: Static Private VLAN Mode: Inter-switch-isolated, Primary VLAN: primary Protocol: Port Mode, Mac aging time: 300 seconds Number of interfaces: Tagged 3 (Active = 3), Untagged 0 (Active = 0) ge-0/0/20.0*, tagged, trunk ge-0/0/22.0*, tagged, trunk, pvlan-trunk ge-0/0/23.0*, tagged, trunk, pvlan-trunk VLAN: community2, Created at: Tue May 11 18:16:05 2010 802.1Q Tag: 20, Internal index: 8, Admin State: Enabled, Origin: Static Private VLAN Mode: Community, Primary VLAN: primary Protocol: Port Mode, Mac aging time: 300 seconds Number of interfaces: Tagged 3 (Active = 3), Untagged 2 (Active = 2) ge-0/0/20.0*, tagged, trunk ge-0/0/22.0*, tagged, trunk, pvlan-trunk ge-0/0/23.0*, tagged, trunk, pvlan-trunk ge-0/0/1.0*, untagged, access ge-1/0/6.0*, untagged, access VLAN: primary, Created at: Tue May 11 18:16:05 2010 802.1Q Tag: 10, Internal index: 2, Admin State: Enabled, Origin: Static Private VLAN Mode: Primary Protocol: Port Mode, Mac aging time: 300 seconds Number of interfaces: Tagged 3 (Active = 3), Untagged 5 (Active = 4) ge-0/0/20.0*, tagged, trunk ge-0/0/22.0*, tagged, trunk, pvlan-trunk ge-0/0/23.0*, tagged, trunk, pvlan-trunk ge-0/0/0.0*, untagged, access ge-0/0/1.0*, untagged, access ge-0/0/2.0, untagged, access ge-0/0/7.0*, untagged, access ge-1/0/6.0*, untagged, access Secondary VLANs: Isolated 2, Community 2, Inter-switch-isolated 1 Isolated VLANs : __pvlan_primary_ge-0/0/0.0__ __pvlan_primary_ge-0/0/2.0__ Community VLANs : COM1 community2 Inter-switch-isolated VLAN : __pvlan_primary_isiv__
显示 VLAN 广泛(基于 EX 系列和 QFX 系列的端口)
user@switch> show vlans extensive VLAN: default, created at Mon Feb 4 12:13:47 2008 Tag: None, Internal index: 0, Admin state: Enabled, Origin: static Description: None Customer VLAN ranges: 1-4100 Protocol: Port based IP addresses: None STP: None, RTG: None. Number of interfaces: Tagged 0 (Active = 0), Untagged 23 (Active = 0) xe-0/0/34.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/33.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/32.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/31.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/30.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/29.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/28.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/27.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/26.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/25.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/19.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/18.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/17.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/16.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/15.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/14.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/13.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/11.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/9.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/8.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/3.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/2.0 (untagged, access) xe-0/0/1.0 (untagged, access) Secondary VLANs: Isolated 1, Community 1 Isolated VLANs : __pvlan_pvlan_xe-0/0/3.0__ Community VLANs : comm1 VLAN: v0001, created at Mon Feb 4 12:13:47 2008 Tag: 1, Internal index: 1, Admin state: Enabled, Origin: static Description: None Protocol: Port based, Layer 3 interface: None IP addresses: None STP: None, RTG: None. Number of interfaces: Tagged 4 (Active = 0), Untagged 0 (Active = 0) xe-0/0/24.0 (tagged, trunk) xe-0/0/23.0 (tagged, trunk) xe-0/0/22.0 (tagged, trunk) xe-0/0/21.0 (tagged, trunk) VLAN: v0002, created at Mon Feb 4 12:13:47 2008 Tag: 2, Internal index: 2, Admin state: Enabled, Origin: static Description: None Protocol: Port based, Layer 3 interface: None IP addresses: None STP: None, RTG: None. Number of interfaces: Tagged 0 (Active = 0), Untagged 0 (Active = 0) None VLAN: v0003, created at Mon Feb 4 12:13:47 2008 Tag: 3, Internal index: 3, Admin state: Enabled, Origin: static Description: None Protocol: Port based, Layer 3 interface: None IP addresses: None STP: None, RTG: None. Number of interfaces: Tagged 0 (Active = 0), Untagged 0 (Active = 0) None
显示 VLAN 广泛(基于 MAC)
user@switch> show vlans extensive VLAN: default, Created at: Thu May 15 13:43:09 2008 Internal index: 3, Admin State: Enabled, Origin: Static Protocol: Port Mode, Mac aging time: 300 seconds Number of interfaces: Tagged 0 (Active = 0), Untagged 2 (Active = 2) ge-0/0/0.0*, untagged, access ge-0/0/14.0*, untagged, access VLAN: vlan_dyn, Created at: Thu May 15 13:43:09 2008 Internal index: 4, Admin State: Enabled, Origin: Static Protocol: Port Mode Number of interfaces: Tagged 0 (Active = 0), Untagged 0 (Active = 0) Protocol: MAC Based Number of MAC entries: 6 ge-0/0/0.0* 00:00:00:00:00:02 (untagged) 00:00:00:00:00:03 (untagged) 00:00:00:00:00:04 (untagged) 00:00:00:00:00:05 (untagged) 00:00:00:00:00:06 (untagged) 00:00:00:00:00:07 (untagged)
show vlan(EX 系列和 QFX 系列上的 Q-in-Q 隧道)
user@switch> show vlans dot1q-tunneling Name Tag Interfaces sv100 100 xe-0/0/4.0*, xe-0/0/15.0*
显示 VLAN 广泛(EX 系列和 QFX 系列上的 Q-in-Q 隧道)
user@switch> show vlans sv100 extensive VLAN: sv100, Created at: Sat Sep 10 12:53:52 2011 802.1Q Tag: 100, Internal index: 2, Admin State: Enabled, Origin: Static Dot1q Tunneling Status: Enabled Customer VLAN ranges: 10-20 40-50 Protocol: Port Mode Number of interfaces: Tagged 1 (Active = 1), Untagged 0 (Active = 0) ge-0/0/0.0, tagged, trunk Number of mapping rules: Push 1 (Active = 0), Policy 0 (Active = 0), Swap 0 (Active = 0) xe-0/0/3.0*, 300, push
显示 VLAN 广泛(EX 系列和 QFX 系列上的 Q-in-Q 隧道和 L2TP)
user@switch> show vlans v1 extensive VLAN: v1, Created at: Fri Mar 2 05:07:38 2012 802.1Q Tag: 100, Internal index: 4, Admin State: Enabled, Origin: Static Dot1q Tunneling status: Enabled Layer2 Protocol Tunneling status: Enabled
显示 VLAN 排序依据标记(EX 系列和 QFX 系列)
user@switch> show vlans sort-by tag Name Tag Interfaces default None __vlan-x_1__ 1 None __vlan-x_2__ 2 None __vlan-x_3__ 3 None __vlan-x_4__ 4 None __vlan-x_5__ 5 None __vlan-x_6__ 6 None __vlan-x_7__ 7 None __vlan-x_8__ 8 None __vlan-x_9__ 9 None __vlan-x_10__ 10 None __vlan-x_11__ 11 None __vlan-x_12__ 12 None __vlan-x_13__ 13 None __vlan-x_14__ 14 None __vlan-x_15__ 15 None __vlan-x_16__ 16 None __vlan-x_17__ 17 None __vlan-x_18__ 18 None __vlan-x_19__ 19 None __vlan-x_20__ 20 None
显示 VLAN 按名称排序(EX 系列和 QFX 系列)
user@switch> show vlans sort-by employee Name Tag Interfaces __employee_120__ 120 xe-0/0/22.0* __employee_121__ 121 xe-0/0/22.0* __employee_122__ 122 xe-0/0/22.0* __employee_123__ 123 xe-0/0/22.0* __employee_124__ 124 xe-0/0/22.0* __employee_125__ 125 xe-0/0/22.0* __employee_126__ 126 xe-0/0/22.0* __employee_127__ 127 xe-0/0/22.0* __employee_128__ 128 xe-0/0/22.0* __employee_129__ 129 xe-0/0/22.0* __employee_130__ 130 xe-0/0/22.0*
show vlans 标记(EX 系列和 QFX 系列)
user@switch> show vlans employee Name Tag Interfaces __employee_120__ 120 xe-0/0/22.0* __employee_121__ 121 xe-0/0/22.0* __employee_122__ 122 xe-0/0/22.0* __employee_123__ 123 xe-0/0/22.0* __employee_124__ 124 xe-0/0/22.0* __employee_125__ 125 xe-0/0/22.0* __employee_126__ 126 xe-0/0/22.0* __employee_127__ 127 xe-0/0/22.0* __employee_128__ 128 xe-0/0/22.0* __employee_129__ 129 xe-0/0/22.0* __employee_130__ 130 xe-0/0/22.0*
显示 VLAN 排序依据标记(EX 系列)
user@switch> show vlans sort-by tag Name Tag Interfaces default None __vlan-x_1__ 1 None __vlan-x_2__ 2 None __vlan-x_3__ 3 None __vlan-x_4__ 4 None __vlan-x_5__ 5 None __vlan-x_6__ 6 None __vlan-x_7__ 7 None __vlan-x_8__ 8 None __vlan-x_9__ 9 None __vlan-x_10__ 10 None __vlan-x_11__ 11 None __vlan-x_12__ 12 None __vlan-x_13__ 13 None __vlan-x_14__ 14 None __vlan-x_15__ 15 None __vlan-x_16__ 16 None __vlan-x_17__ 17 None __vlan-x_18__ 18 None __vlan-x_19__ 19 None __vlan-x_20__ 20 None
显示 VLAN 员工(VLAN 范围名称)
user@switch> show vlans employee Name Tag Interfaces __employee_120__ 120 ge-0/0/22.0* __employee_121__ 121 ge-0/0/22.0* __employee_122__ 122 ge-0/0/22.0* __employee_123__ 123 ge-0/0/22.0* __employee_124__ 124 ge-0/0/22.0* __employee_125__ 125 ge-0/0/22.0* __employee_126__ 126 ge-0/0/22.0* __employee_127__ 127 ge-0/0/22.0* __employee_128__ 128 ge-0/0/22.0* __employee_129__ 129 ge-0/0/22.0* __employee_130__ 130 ge-0/0/22.0*
显示 VLAN 摘要(EX 系列)
user@switch> show vlans summary VLANs summary: Total: 8, Configured VLANs: 5 Internal VLANs: 1, Temporary VLANs: 0 Dot1q VLANs summary: Total: 8, Tagged VLANs: 2, Untagged VLANs: 6 Private VLAN: Primary VLANs: 2, Community VLANs: 2, Isolated VLANs: 3 Dot1q Tunneled VLANs summary: Total: 0 Private VLAN: Primary VLANs: 0, Community VLANs: 0, Isolated VLANs: 0 Dynamic VLANs: Total: 2, Dot1x: 2, MVRP: 0
示例输出:带有 ELS 交换机和 MX 路由器的 EX 系列
- show vlans brief(EX 系列交换机)
- show vlans brief(MX 路由器)
- 显示 VLAN 详细信息(EX 系列交换机)
- 显示 VLAN 详细信息(MX 路由器)
- 显示 VLAN 广泛(EX 系列交换机)
- 显示 VLAN 广泛(MX 路由器)
show vlans brief(EX 系列交换机)
user@switch> show vlans brief Routing instance VLAN name Tag Interfaces default-switch c1 20 ge-0/0/0.0* ge-1/0/0.0* ge-2/0/0.0* default-switch c2 30 ge-0/0/0.0* ge-2/0/0.0* default-switch default 1 default-switch iso 10 ge-0/0/1.0* default-switch iso1 50 ge-0/0/0.0* ge-2/0/0.0* default-switch pri 100 ge-0/0/0.0* ge-1/0/0.0* ge-2/0/0.0*
show vlans brief(MX 路由器)
user@host> show vlans brief Routing instance VLAN name Tag Interfaces VPLS-1 __VPLS-1__ all ae1.0 VPLS-2 __VPLS-2__ all ae3.0 ge-3/1/2.0 vt-3/3/10.1048576 default-switch VLAN1000 1000 ae26.0 default-switch VLAN101 101 ae20.0 default-switch VLAN102 102 ae20.0 default-switch VLAN103 103 ae20.0 default-switch VLAN104 104 ae20.0 default-switch VLAN105 105 ae20.0 default-switch VLAN106 106 ae20.0 default-switch VLAN107 107 ae20.0 default-switch VLAN108 108 ae20.0 [...output truncated...]
显示 VLAN 详细信息(EX 系列交换机)
user@switch> show vlans detail Routing instance: default-switch VLAN Name: c1 State: Active Tag: 20 PVLAN type : Community Internal index: 16, Generation Index: 21, Origin: Static MAC aging time: 300 seconds Interfaces: ge-0/0/0.0*,tagged,trunk ge-1/0/0.0*,tagged,trunk ge-2/0/0.0*,tagged,trunk Number of interfaces: Tagged 3 , Untagged 0 Total MAC count: 0 Routing instance: default-switch VLAN Name: c2 State: Active Tag: 30 PVLAN type : Community Internal index: 17, Generation Index: 22, Origin: Static MAC aging time: 300 seconds Interfaces: ge-0/0/0.0*,tagged,trunk ge-2/0/0.0*,tagged,trunk Number of interfaces: Tagged 2 , Untagged 0 Total MAC count: 0 Routing instance: default-switch VLAN Name: default State: Active Tag: 1 Internal index: 5, Generation Index: 5, Origin: Static MAC aging time: 300 seconds Number of interfaces: Tagged 0 , Untagged 0 Total MAC count: 0 Routing instance: default-switch VLAN Name: iso State: Active Tag: 10 Internal index: 14, Generation Index: 19, Origin: Static MAC aging time: 300 seconds Interfaces: ge-0/0/1.0*,untagged,access Number of interfaces: Tagged 0 , Untagged 1 Total MAC count: 0 Routing instance: default-switch VLAN Name: iso1 State: Active Tag: 50 PVLAN type : Isolated Internal index: 15, Generation Index: 20, Origin: Static MAC aging time: 300 seconds Interfaces: ge-0/0/0.0*,tagged,trunk ge-2/0/0.0*,tagged,trunk Number of interfaces: Tagged 2 , Untagged 0 Total MAC count: 0 Routing instance: default-switch VLAN Name: pri State: Active Tag: 100 PVLAN type : Primary Isolated VLAN : vlan-id : 50 vlan name : iso1 Community VLAN : vlan-id : 20 vlan name : c1 vlan-id : 30 vlan name : c2 Internal index: 9, Generation Index: 14, Origin: Static MAC aging time: 300 seconds Interfaces: ge-0/0/0.0*,tagged,trunk ge-1/0/0.0*,tagged,trunk ge-2/0/0.0*,tagged,trunk Number of interfaces: Tagged 3 , Untagged 0 Total MAC count: 0
显示 VLAN 详细信息(MX 路由器)
user@host> show vlans detail Routing instance: VPLS-1 VLAN Name: __VPLS-1__ State: Active Tag: all Internal index: 2, Generation Index: , Origin: Dynamic Interfaces: ae1.0,tagged Number of interfaces: Tagged 1 , Untagged 0 Total MAC count: 0 Routing instance: VPLS-2 VLAN Name: __VPLS-2__ State: Active Tag: all Internal index: 3, Generation Index: , Origin: Dynamic Interfaces: ae3.0,tagged ge-3/1/2.0,tagged vt-3/3/10.1048576,tagged Number of interfaces: Tagged 3 , Untagged 0 Total MAC count: 4 Routing instance: default-switch VLAN Name: VLAN1000 State: Active Tag: 1000 Internal index: 4, Generation Index: 1, Origin: Static Layer 3 interface: irb.1000 Interfaces: ae26.0,tagged,trunk Number of interfaces: Tagged 1 , Untagged 0 Total MAC count: 0 Routing instance: default-switch VLAN Name: VLAN101 State: Active Tag: 101 Internal index: 5, Generation Index: 2, Origin: Static Layer 3 interface: irb.101 Interfaces: ae20.0,tagged,trunk Number of interfaces: Tagged 1 , Untagged 0 Total MAC count: 1 Routing instance: default-switch VLAN Name: VLAN102 State: Active Tag: 102 Internal index: 6, Generation Index: 3, Origin: Static Layer 3 interface: irb.102 Interfaces: ae20.0,tagged,trunk Number of interfaces: Tagged 1 , Untagged 0 Total MAC count: 1 [...output truncated...]
显示 VLAN 广泛(EX 系列交换机)
user@switch> show vlans extensive Routing instance: default-switch VLAN Name: c1 State: Active Tag: 20 PVLAN type : Community Internal index: 16, Generation Index: 21, Origin: Static MAC aging time: 300 seconds Interfaces: ge-0/0/0.0*,tagged,trunk ge-1/0/0.0*,tagged,trunk ge-2/0/0.0*,tagged,trunk Number of interfaces: Tagged 3 , Untagged 0 Total MAC count: 0 Routing instance: default-switch VLAN Name: c2 State: Active Tag: 30 PVLAN type : Community Internal index: 17, Generation Index: 22, Origin: Static MAC aging time: 300 seconds Interfaces: ge-0/0/0.0*,tagged,trunk ge-2/0/0.0*,tagged,trunk Number of interfaces: Tagged 2 , Untagged 0 Total MAC count: 0 Routing instance: default-switch VLAN Name: default State: Active Tag: 1 Internal index: 5, Generation Index: 5, Origin: Static MAC aging time: 300 seconds Number of interfaces: Tagged 0 , Untagged 0 Total MAC count: 0 Routing instance: default-switch VLAN Name: iso State: Active Tag: 10 Internal index: 14, Generation Index: 19, Origin: Static MAC aging time: 300 seconds Interfaces: ge-0/0/1.0*,untagged,access Number of interfaces: Tagged 0 , Untagged 1 Total MAC count: 0 Routing instance: default-switch VLAN Name: iso1 State: Active Tag: 50 PVLAN type : Isolated Internal index: 15, Generation Index: 20, Origin: Static MAC aging time: 300 seconds Interfaces: ge-0/0/0.0*,tagged,trunk ge-2/0/0.0*,tagged,trunk Number of interfaces: Tagged 2 , Untagged 0 Total MAC count: 0 Routing instance: default-switch VLAN Name: pri State: Active Tag: 100 PVLAN type : Primary Isolated VLAN : vlan-id : 50 vlan name : iso1 Community VLAN : vlan-id : 20 vlan name : c1 vlan-id : 30 vlan name : c2 Internal index: 9, Generation Index: 14, Origin: Static MAC aging time: 300 seconds Interfaces: ge-0/0/0.0*,tagged,trunk ge-1/0/0.0*,tagged,trunk ge-2/0/0.0*,tagged,trunk Number of interfaces: Tagged 3 , Untagged 0 Total MAC count: 0
显示 VLAN 广泛(MX 路由器)
user@host> show vlans extensive Routing instance: default-switch VLAN Name: VLAN_10 State: Active Tag: 10 Internal index: 2, Generation Index: 1, Origin: Static MAC aging time: 300 seconds Interfaces: ge-1/0/3.0*,tagged,trunk Number of interfaces: Tagged 1 , Untagged 0 Total MAC count: 0 Routing instance: default-switch VLAN Name: VLAN_20 State: Active Tag: 20 Internal index: 3, Generation Index: 2, Origin: Static MAC aging time: 300 seconds Interfaces: ge-1/0/3.0*,tagged,trunk Number of interfaces: Tagged 1 , Untagged 0 Total MAC count: 0
示例输出(SRX 系列防火墙)
show VLAN(SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host> show vlans Routing instance VLAN name Tag Interfaces default-switch vlan-22 22 default-switch vlan-333 333 ge-0/0/3.0* ge-0/0/4.0* default-switch default 1 default-switch vlan100 100 ge-0/0/1.0*
show vlans brief(SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host> show vlans brief Routing instance VLAN name Tag Interfaces default-switch vlan-22 22 default-switch vlan-333 333 ge-0/0/3.0* ge-0/0/4.0* default-switch default 1 default-switch vlan100 100 ge-0/0/1.0*
显示 VLAN 详细信息(SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host> show vlans detail Routing instance: default-switch VLAN Name: vlan-22 State: Active Tag: 22 Internal index: 2, Generation Index: 1, Origin: Static MAC aging time: 300 seconds VXLAN Enabled : No Number of interfaces: Tagged 0 , Untagged 0 Total MAC count: 0 Routing instance: default-switch VLAN Name: vlan-333 State: Active Tag: 333 Internal index: 3, Generation Index: 2, Origin: Static MAC aging time: 300 seconds VXLAN Enabled : No Interfaces: ge-0/0/3.0*,tagged,trunk ge-0/0/4.0*,tagged,trunk Number of interfaces: Tagged 2 , Untagged 0 Total MAC count: 0
Junos OS 8.4 版中引入的命令。
在 Junos OS 12.1 版中为 QFX 系列添加的选项 dot1q 隧道 。
Junos OS 13.2X50-D10 (ELS) 版中引入的选项 interface