Using Netronome SmartNIC vRouter with Contrail Networking and Juju Charms
The Netronome SmartNIC vRouter technology covered in this document is available for evaluation purposes only. It is not intended for deployment in production networks.
You can deploy Contrail Networking by using Juju charms. Juju helps you deploy, configure, and efficiently manage applications on private clouds and public clouds. Juju accesses the cloud with the help of a Juju controller. A charm is a module containing a collection of scripts and metadata and is used with Juju to deploy Contrail.
Starting in Contrail Networking Release 2011, Contrail Networking supports Netronome Agilio CX SmartNICs for Contrail Networking deployment with Juju charms. This feature enables service providers to improve the forwarding performance which includes packets per second (PPS) of vRouter. This optimizes server CPU usage and you can deploy more Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) per server.
Before you begin:
Equip compute nodes with Netronome Agilio CX SmartNIC. For details, see Agilio CX SmartNICs documentation.
Retrieve Agilio charm.
Register on Netronome support site at and provide Docker Hub credentials.
Netronome will provide the Agilio charm for SmartNIC vRouter deployment on compute nodes. Add the charm version as charm variable in the Bundle yaml file. Also, Netronome will authorize Docker Hub registry access.
Note the Container Tags for your Contrail image to customize the image-tag variable in the Bundle yaml file. See README Access to Contrail Registry 20XX .
Note the following version tags:
agilio-image-tag: 2.48-ubuntu-queens
maas version: 2.6.2
Linux kernel: bionic (ga-18.04)
Contrail supports the following charms:
The following topics describe how to use Netronome SmartNIC vRouter with Contrail Networking and Juju charms.
Prepare to Install Contrail Networking by Using Juju Charms
Follow these steps to prepare for deployment:
- Install Juju.content_copy zoom_out_map
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade apt install snapd -y snap install juju --classic
- Configure Juju.
You can add a cloud to Juju, and manage clouds already added to Juju. Juju recognizes a wide range of cloud types for adding a cloud.
This is an example for adding a cloud by using interactive command.
Example: Adding an MAAS cloud to Juju
juju add-cloud
content_copy zoom_out_mapCloud Types maas manual openstack oracle vsphere Select cloud type: maas Enter a name for your maas cloud: maas-cloud Enter the API endpoint url: http://<ip-address>:<node>/MAAS Cloud "maas-cloud" successfully added You may bootstrap with 'juju bootstrap maas-cloud'
NoteJuju 2.x is compatible with MAAS series 1.x and 2.x.
- Create a Juju controller.content_copy zoom_out_map
juju bootstrap --bootstrap-series=xenial <cloud name> <controller name>
NoteA Juju controller manages and keeps track of applications in the Juju cloud environment.
Deploy Contrail Charms in a Bundle
Follow these steps to deploy Contrail charms in a bundle.
- Deploy Contrail charms.
To deploy Contrail charms in a bundle, use the
juju deploy <bundle_yaml_file>
command.The following example shows you how to use
to deploy Contrail Networking with Netronome SmartNIC vRouter on MAAS based deployment.Bundle yaml file
content_copy zoom_out_mapseries: bionic variables: openstack-origin: &openstack-origin distro #vhost-gateway: &vhost-gateway "192.x.40.254" data-network: &data-network "192.x.40.0/24" control-network: &control-network "192.x.30.0/24" virtioforwarder-coremask: &virtioforwarder-coremask "1,2" agilio-registry: &agilio-registry "netronomesystems" agilio-image-tag: &agilio-image-tag "2.48-ubuntu-queens" agilio-user: &agilio-user "<agilio-username>" agilio-password: &agilio-password "<agilio-password>" agilio-insecure: &agilio-insecure false agilio-phy: &agilio-phy "nfp_p0" docker-registry: &docker-registry "<registry-directory>" #docker-user: &docker-user "<docker_username>" #docker-password: &docker-password "<docker_password>" image-tag: &image-tag "2011.61" docker-registry-insecure: &docker-registry-insecure "true" dockerhub-registry: &dockerhub-registry "" machines: "1": constraints: tags=controller series: bionic "2": constraints: tags=compute series: bionic "3": constraints: tags=neutron series: bionic services: ubuntu: charm: cs:ubuntu num_units: 1 to: [ "1" ] ntp: charm: cs:ntp num_units: 0 options: #source: source: mysql: charm: cs:percona-cluster num_units: 1 options: dataset-size: 15% max-connections: 10000 root-password: <password> sst-password: <password> min-cluster-size: 1 to: [ "lxd:1" ] rabbitmq-server: charm: cs:rabbitmq-server num_units: 1 options: min-cluster-size: 1 to: [ "lxd:1" ] heat: charm: cs:heat num_units: 1 expose: true options: debug: true openstack-origin: *openstack-origin to: [ "lxd:1" ] keystone: charm: cs:keystone expose: true num_units: 1 options: admin-password: <password> admin-role: admin openstack-origin: *openstack-origin preferred-api-version: 3 nova-cloud-controller: charm: cs:nova-cloud-controller num_units: 1 expose: true options: network-manager: Neutron openstack-origin: *openstack-origin to: [ "lxd:1" ] neutron-api: charm: cs:neutron-api expose: true num_units: 1 series: bionic options: manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode: false openstack-origin: *openstack-origin to: [ "3" ] glance: charm: cs:glance expose: true num_units: 1 options: openstack-origin: *openstack-origin to: [ "lxd:1" ] openstack-dashboard: charm: cs:openstack-dashboard expose: true num_units: 1 options: openstack-origin: *openstack-origin to: [ "lxd:1" ] nova-compute: charm: cs:nova-compute num_units: 0 expose: true options: openstack-origin: *openstack-origin nova-compute-dpdk: charm: cs:nova-compute num_units: 0 expose: true options: openstack-origin: *openstack-origin nova-compute-accel: charm: cs:nova-compute num_units: 2 expose: true options: openstack-origin: *openstack-origin to: [ "2" ] contrail-openstack: charm: ./tf-charms/contrail-openstack series: bionic expose: true num_units: 0 options: docker-registry: *docker-registry #docker-user: *docker-user #docker-password: *docker-password image-tag: *image-tag docker-registry-insecure: *docker-registry-insecure contrail-agent: charm: ./tf-charms/contrail-agent num_units: 0 series: bionic expose: true options: log-level: "SYS_DEBUG" docker-registry: *docker-registry #docker-user: *docker-user #docker-password: *docker-password image-tag: *image-tag docker-registry-insecure: *docker-registry-insecure #vhost-gateway: *vhost-gateway physical-interface: *agilio-phy contrail-agent-dpdk: charm: ./tf-charms/contrail-agent num_units: 0 series: bionic expose: true options: log-level: "SYS_DEBUG" docker-registry: *docker-registry #docker-user: *docker-user #docker-password: *docker-password image-tag: *image-tag docker-registry-insecure: *docker-registry-insecure dpdk: true dpdk-main-mempool-size: "65536" dpdk-pmd-txd-size: "2048" dpdk-pmd-rxd-size: "2048" dpdk-driver: "" dpdk-coremask: "1-4" #vhost-gateway: *vhost-gateway physical-interface: "nfp_p0" contrail-analytics: charm: ./tf-charms/contrail-analytics num_units: 1 series: bionic expose: true options: log-level: "SYS_DEBUG" docker-registry: *docker-registry #docker-user: *docker-user #docker-password: *docker-password image-tag: *image-tag control-network: *control-network docker-registry-insecure: *docker-registry-insecure to: [ "1" ] contrail-analyticsdb: charm: ./tf-charms/contrail-analyticsdb num_units: 1 series: bionic expose: true options: log-level: "SYS_DEBUG" cassandra-minimum-diskgb: "4" cassandra-jvm-extra-opts: "-Xms8g -Xmx8g" docker-registry: *docker-registry #docker-user: *docker-user #docker-password: *docker-password image-tag: *image-tag control-network: *control-network docker-registry-insecure: *docker-registry-insecure to: [ "1" ] contrail-controller: charm: ./tf-charms/contrail-controller series: bionic expose: true num_units: 1 options: log-level: "SYS_DEBUG" cassandra-minimum-diskgb: "4" cassandra-jvm-extra-opts: "-Xms8g -Xmx8g" docker-registry: *docker-registry #docker-user: *docker-user #docker-password: *docker-password image-tag: *image-tag docker-registry-insecure: *docker-registry-insecure control-network: *control-network data-network: *data-network auth-mode: no-auth to: [ "1" ] contrail-keystone-auth: charm: ./tf-charms/contrail-keystone-auth series: bionic expose: true num_units: 1 to: [ "lxd:1" ] agilio-vrouter5: charm: ./charm-agilio-vrt-5-37 expose: true options: virtioforwarder-coremask: *virtioforwarder-coremask agilio-registry: *agilio-registry agilio-insecure: *agilio-insecure agilio-image-tag: *agilio-image-tag agilio-user: *agilio-user agilio-password: *agilio-password relations: - [ "ubuntu", "ntp" ] - [ "neutron-api", "ntp" ] - [ "keystone", "mysql" ] - [ "glance", "mysql" ] - [ "glance", "keystone" ] - [ "nova-cloud-controller:shared-db", "mysql:shared-db" ] - [ "nova-cloud-controller:amqp", "rabbitmq-server:amqp" ] - [ "nova-cloud-controller", "keystone" ] - [ "nova-cloud-controller", "glance" ] - [ "neutron-api", "mysql" ] - [ "neutron-api", "rabbitmq-server" ] - [ "neutron-api", "nova-cloud-controller" ] - [ "neutron-api", "keystone" ] - [ "nova-compute:amqp", "rabbitmq-server:amqp" ] - [ "nova-compute", "glance" ] - [ "nova-compute", "nova-cloud-controller" ] - [ "nova-compute", "ntp" ] - [ "openstack-dashboard:identity-service", "keystone" ] - [ "contrail-keystone-auth", "keystone" ] - [ "contrail-controller", "contrail-keystone-auth" ] - [ "contrail-analytics", "contrail-analyticsdb" ] - [ "contrail-controller", "contrail-analytics" ] - [ "contrail-controller", "contrail-analyticsdb" ] - [ "contrail-openstack", "nova-compute" ] - [ "contrail-openstack", "neutron-api" ] - [ "contrail-openstack", "contrail-controller" ] - [ "contrail-agent:juju-info", "nova-compute:juju-info" ] - [ "contrail-agent", "contrail-controller"] - [ "contrail-agent-dpdk:juju-info", "nova-compute-dpdk:juju-info" ] - [ "contrail-agent-dpdk", "contrail-controller"] - [ "nova-compute-dpdk:amqp", "rabbitmq-server:amqp" ] - [ "nova-compute-dpdk", "glance" ] - [ "nova-compute-dpdk", "nova-cloud-controller" ] - [ "nova-compute-dpdk", "ntp" ] - [ "contrail-openstack", "nova-compute-dpdk" ] - [ "contrail-agent:juju-info", "nova-compute-accel:juju-info" ] - [ "nova-compute-accel:amqp", "rabbitmq-server:amqp" ] - [ "nova-compute-accel", "glance" ] - [ "nova-compute-accel", "nova-cloud-controller" ] - [ "nova-compute-accel", "ntp" ] - [ "contrail-openstack", "nova-compute-accel" ] - [ "agilio-vrouter5:juju-info", "nova-compute-accel:juju-info" ] - [ "heat:shared-db" , "mysql:shared-db" ] - [ "heat:amqp" , "rabbitmq-server:amqp" ] - [ "heat:identity-service" , "keystone:identity-service" ] - [ "contrail-openstack:heat-plugin" , "heat:heat-plugin-subordinate" ]
You can create or modify the Contrail charm deployment bundle YAML file to:
Point to machines or instances where the Contrail charms must be deployed.
Include the options you need.
Each Contrail charm has a specific set of options. The options you choose depend on the charms you select. For more information on the options that are available, see Options for Juju Charms.
- (Optional) Check the status of deployment.
You can check the status of the deployment by using the
juju status
command. - Enable configuration statements.
Based on your deployment requirements, you can enable the following configuration statements:
For more information, see
For more information, see
For more information, see
For more information, see
For more information, see
For more information see,