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Install Security Director Insights With KVM virt-manager


You can install and launch Security Director Insights with the KVM virt-manager GUI package.

Before you begin, you must ensure:

  • You have already installed KVM, qemu, virt-manager, and libvirt on your host OS.

  • You have created a bridge network to access KVM through SSH.

    In this document, a bridge network br0 is created with Netplan. Figure 1 shows an example configuration from the /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml file.

    Figure 1: Example Configuration of br0
    Example Configuration
of br0

To install Security Director Insights with virt-manager:

  1. Download the Security Director Insights KVM image from the Juniper software download site.
  2. On your host OS, type virt-manager.

    The Virtual Machine Manager page appears, as shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2: Virtual Machine Manager Page
    Virtual Machine
Manager Page

    You must have admin rights on the host OS to use virt-manager.

  3. Click the Create a new virtual machine icon, as shown in Figure 3.

    The Create a new virtual machine page appears.

    Figure 3: Create a New Virtual Machine
    Create a New
Virtual Machine
  4. Select Import existing disk image, and click Forward.
  5. Browse to the location of the downloaded Security Director Insights image and select the image.
    Figure 4: Select Storage Path And Operating System
Storage Path And Operating System
  6. In the Choose the operating system you are installing field, select Ubuntu 18.04 version, as shown in Figure 4.
  7. Click Forward.
  8. Set the RAM to 16384 MB and set CPUs to 8, as shown in Figure 5.
    Figure 5: Configure Memory And CPUs
    Configure Memory
And CPUs

    Click Forward.

  9. Select the Customize configuration before install option, as shown in Figure 6.
    Figure 6: Network Selection Page
    Network Selection
  10. In the Network selection field, select the bridge network (typically br0) from the list.
  11. Click Finish.
  12. Click Add Hardware, as shown in Figure 7.

    The Add New Virtual Hardware page appears.

    Figure 7: Add Hardware Option
    Add Hardware Option
  13. Select Network from the left side menu and click Finish.
    Figure 8: Network Details Page
    Network Details Page
  14. Click Begin Installation.
    Figure 9: Begin Installation
    Begin Installation

    The VM manager creates the virtual machine and launches the Security Director Insights console.

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