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show log

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show log 
<filename | user <username>> 

Syntax (QFX Series and OCX Series)

content_copy zoom_out_map
show log filename
<device-type (device-id | device-alias)>

Syntax (TX Matrix Router)

content_copy zoom_out_map
show log 
<all-lcc | lcc number | scc>
<filename | user <username>> 


List log files, display log file contents, or display information about users who have logged in to the router or switch.


On MX Series routers, modifying a configuration to replace a service interface with another service interface is treated as a catastrophic event. When you modify a configuration, the entire configuration associated with the service interface—including NAT pools, rules, and service sets—is deleted and then re-created for the newly specified service interface. If there are active sessions associated with the service interface that is being replaced, these sessions are deleted and the NAT pools are then released, which leads to the generation of the NAT_POOL_RELEASE system log messages. However, because NAT pools are already deleted as a result of the catastrophic configuration change and no longer exist, the NAT_POOL_RELEASE system log messages are not generated for the changed configuration.



List all log files.

<all-lcc | lcc number | scc>

(Routing matrix only)(Optional) Display logging information about all T640 routers (or line-card chassis) or a specific T640 router (replace number with a value from 0 through 3) connected to a TX Matrix router. Or, display logging information about the TX Matrix router (or switch-card chassis).


(QFabric system only) (Optional) Display log messages for only one of the following device types:

  • director-device—Display logs for Director devices.

  • infrastructure-device—Display logs for the logical components of the QFabric system infrastructure, including the diagnostic Routing Engine, fabric control Routing Engine, fabric manager Routing Engine, and the default network Node group and its backup (NW-NG-0 and NW-NG-0-backup).

  • interconnect-device—Display logs for Interconnect devices.

  • node-device—Display logs for Node devices.


If you specify the device-type optional parameter, you must also specify either the device-id or device-alias optional parameter.

(device-id | device-alias)

If a device type is specified, display logs for a device of that type. Specify either the device ID or the device alias (if configured).


(Optional) Display the log messages in the specified log file. For the routing matrix, the filename must include the chassis information.


The filename parameter is mandatory for the QFabric system. If you did not configure a syslog filename, specify the default filename of messages.

user <username>

(Optional) Display logging information about users who have recently logged in to the router or switch. If you include username, display logging information about the specified user.

Required Privilege Level


Sample Output

show log

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show log
total 57518
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin      211663 Oct  1 19:44 dcd
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin      999947 Oct  1 19:41 dcd.0
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin      999994 Oct  1 17:48 dcd.1
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin      238815 Oct  1 19:44 rpd
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin     1049098 Oct  1 18:00 rpd.0
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin     1061095 Oct  1 12:13 rpd.1
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin     1052026 Oct  1 06:08 rpd.2
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin     1056309 Sep 30 18:21 rpd.3
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin     1056371 Sep 30 14:36 rpd.4
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin     1056301 Sep 30 10:50 rpd.5
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin     1056350 Sep 30 07:04 rpd.6
-rw-r--r--  1 root  bin     1048876 Sep 30 03:21 rpd.7
-rw-rw-r--  1 root  bin       19656 Oct  1 19:37 wtmp

show log filename

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show log rpd             
Oct  1 18:00:18 trace_on: Tracing to ?/var/log/rpd? started
Oct  1 18:00:18 EVENT <MTU> ds-5/2/0.0 index 24 <Broadcast PointToPoint Multicast
Oct  1 18:00:18
Oct  1 18:00:19 KRT recv len 56 V9 seq 148 op add Type route/if af 2 addr nhop type local nhop
Oct  1 18:00:19 KRT recv len 56 V9 seq 149 op add Type route/if af 2 addr nhop type unicast nhop
Oct  1 18:00:19 KRT recv len 48 V9 seq 150 op add Type ifaddr index 24 devindex 43
Oct  1 18:00:19 KRT recv len 144 V9 seq 151 op chnge Type ifdev devindex 44
Oct  1 18:00:19 KRT recv len 144 V9 seq 152 op chnge Type ifdev devindex 45
Oct  1 18:00:19 KRT recv len 144 V9 seq 153 op chnge Type ifdev devindex 46
Oct  1 18:00:19 KRT recv len 1272 V9 seq 154 op chnge Type ifdev devindex 47

user@host:LSYS1> show log flow_lsys1.log
Nov  7 07:34:09 07:34:09.491800:CID-0:THREAD_ID-00:LSYS_ID-01:RT:got route table lock
Nov  7 07:34:09 07:34:09.491809:CID-0:THREAD_ID-00:LSYS_ID-01:RT:released route table lock
Nov  7 07:34:09 07:34:09.491840:CID-0:THREAD_ID-00:LSYS_ID-01:RT:got route table lock
Nov  7 07:34:09 07:34:09.491841:CID-0:THREAD_ID-00:LSYS_ID-01:RT:released route table lock
Nov  7 07:34:09 07:34:09.491854:CID-0:THREAD_ID-00:LSYS_ID-01:RT:cache final sw_nh 0x0
Nov  7 07:34:09 07:34:09.491868:CID-0:THREAD_ID-00:LSYS_ID-01:RT:got route table lock
Nov  7 07:34:09 07:34:09.491869:CID-0:THREAD_ID-00:LSYS_ID-01:RT:released route table lock
Nov  7 07:34:09 07:34:09.491881:CID-0:THREAD_ID-00:LSYS_ID-01:RT:cache final sw_nh 0x0
user@host:TSYS1> show log flow_tsys1.log             
Nov  7 13:21:47 13:21:47.217744:CID-0:THREAD_ID-05:LSYS_ID-32:RT:<>;1,0x0> :
Nov  7 13:21:47 13:21:47.217747:CID-0:THREAD_ID-05:LSYS_ID-32:RT:packet [84] ipid = 39281, @0x7f490ae56d52
Nov  7 13:21:47 13:21:47.217749:CID-0:THREAD_ID-05:LSYS_ID-32:RT:---- flow_process_pkt: (thd 5): flow_ctxt type 0, common flag 0x0, mbuf 0x4882b600, rtbl7
Nov  7 13:21:47 13:21:47.217752:CID-0:THREAD_ID-05:LSYS_ID-32:RT: flow process pak fast ifl 88 in_ifp lt-0/0/0.101
Nov  7 13:21:47 13:21:47.217753:CID-0:THREAD_ID-05:LSYS_ID-32:RT:  lt-0/0/0.101:>, icmp, (0/0)
Nov  7 13:21:47 13:21:47.217756:CID-0:THREAD_ID-05:LSYS_ID-32:RT: find flow: table 0x11d0a2680, hash 20069(0xffff), sa, da, sp 0, d0
Nov  7 13:21:47 13:21:47.217760:CID-0:THREAD_ID-05:LSYS_ID-32:RT:Found: session id 0x12. sess tok 28685
Nov  7 13:21:47 13:21:47.217761:CID-0:THREAD_ID-05:LSYS_ID-32:RT:  flow got session.
Nov  7 13:21:47 13:21:47.217761:CID-0:THREAD_ID-05:LSYS_ID-32:RT:  flow session id 18
Nov  7 13:21:47 13:21:47.217763:CID-0:THREAD_ID-05:LSYS_ID-32:RT: vector bits 0x200 vector 0x84ae85f0
Nov  7 13:21:47 13:21:47.217764:CID-0:THREAD_ID-05:LSYS_ID-32:RT:set nat 0x11e463550(18) timeout const to 2
Nov  7 13:21:47 13:21:47.217765:CID-0:THREAD_ID-05:LSYS_ID-32:RT: set_nat_timeout 2 on session 18
Nov  7 13:21:47 13:21:47.217765:CID-0:THREAD_ID-05:LSYS_ID-32:RT:refresh nat 0x11e463550(18) timeout to 2
Nov  7 13:21:47 13:21:47.217767:CID-0:THREAD_ID-05:LSYS_ID-32:RT:insert usp tag for apps
Nov  7 13:21:47 13:21:47.217768:CID-0:THREAD_ID-05:LSYS_ID-32:RT:mbuf 0x4882b600, exit nh 0xfffb0006

show log filename (QFabric System)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@qfabric> show log messages
Mar 28 18:00:06 qfabric chassisd: QFABRIC_INTERNAL_SYSLOG: Mar 28 18:00:06 ED1486 chassisd: CHASSISD_SNMP_TRAP10: SNMP trap generated: FRU power on (jnxFruContentsIndex 8, jnxFruL1Index 1, jnxFruL2Index 1, jnxFruL3Index 0, jnxFruName PIC: 48x 10G-SFP+ @ 0/0/*, jnxFruType 11, jnxFruSlot 0, jnxFruOfflineReason 2, jnxFruLastPowerOff 0, jnxFruLastPowerOn 2159)
Mar 28 18:00:07 qfabric chassisd: QFABRIC_INTERNAL_SYSLOG: Mar 28 18:00:07 ED1486 chassisd: CHASSISD_SNMP_TRAP10: SNMP trap generated: FRU power on (jnxFruContentsIndex 8, jnxFruL1Index 1, jnxFruL2Index 2, jnxFruL3Index 0, jnxFruName PIC:  @ 0/1/*, jnxFruType 11, jnxFruSlot 0, jnxFruOfflineReason 2, jnxFruLastPowerOff 0, jnxFruLastPowerOn 2191)
Mar 28 18:00:07 qfabric chassisd: QFABRIC_INTERNAL_SYSLOG: Mar 28 18:00:07 ED1492 chassisd: CHASSISD_SNMP_TRAP10: SNMP trap generated: FRU power on (jnxFruContentsIndex 8, jnxFruL1Index 1, jnxFruL2Index 1, jnxFruL3Index 0, jnxFruName PIC: 48x 10G-SFP+ @ 0/0/*, jnxFruType 11, jnxFruSlot 0, jnxFruOfflineReason 2, jnxFruLastPowerOff 0, jnxFruLastPowerOn 242726)
Mar 28 18:00:07 qfabric chassisd: QFABRIC_INTERNAL_SYSLOG: Mar 28 18:00:07 ED1492 chassisd: CHASSISD_SNMP_TRAP10: SNMP trap generated: FRU power on (jnxFruContentsIndex 8, jnxFruL1Index 1, jnxFruL2Index 2, jnxFruL3Index 0, jnxFruName PIC:  @ 0/1/*, jnxFruType 11, jnxFruSlot 0, jnxFruOfflineReason 2, jnxFruLastPowerOff 0, jnxFruLastPowerOn 242757)
Mar 28 18:00:16 qfabric file: QFABRIC_INTERNAL_SYSLOG: Mar 28 18:00:16 ED1486 file: UI_COMMIT: User 'root' requested 'commit' operation (comment: none)
Mar 28 18:00:27 qfabric file: QFABRIC_INTERNAL_SYSLOG: Mar 28 18:00:27 ED1486 file: UI_COMMIT: User 'root' requested 'commit' operation (comment: none)
Mar 28 18:00:50 qfabric file: QFABRIC_INTERNAL_SYSLOG: Mar 28 18:00:50 _DCF_default___NW-INE-0_RE0_ file: UI_COMMIT: User 'root' requested 'commit' operation (comment: none)
Mar 28 18:00:50 qfabric file: QFABRIC_INTERNAL_SYSLOG: Mar 28 18:00:50 _DCF_default___NW-INE-0_RE0_ file: UI_COMMIT: User 'root' requested 'commit' operation (comment: none)
Mar 28 18:00:55 qfabric file: QFABRIC_INTERNAL_SYSLOG: Mar 28 18:00:55 ED1492 file: UI_COMMIT: User 'root' requested 'commit' operation (comment: none)
Mar 28 18:01:10 qfabric file: QFABRIC_INTERNAL_SYSLOG: Mar 28 18:01:10 ED1492 file: UI_COMMIT: User 'root' requested 'commit' operation (comment: none)
Mar 28 18:02:37 qfabric chassisd: QFABRIC_INTERNAL_SYSLOG: Mar 28 18:02:37 ED1491 chassisd: CHASSISD_SNMP_TRAP10: SNMP trap generated: FRU power on (jnxFruContentsIndex 8, jnxFruL1Index 1, jnxFruL2Index 1, jnxFruL3Index 0, jnxFruName PIC: 48x 10G-SFP+ @ 0/0/*, jnxFruType 11, jnxFruSlot 0, jnxFruOfflineReason 2, jnxFruLastPowerOff 0, jnxFruLastPowerOn 33809)

show log user

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show log user             
usera    mg2546                   Thu Oct  1 19:37   still logged in
usera    mg2529                   Thu Oct  1 19:08 - 19:36  (00:28)
usera    mg2518                   Thu Oct  1 18:53 - 18:58  (00:04)
root     mg1575                   Wed Sep 30 18:39 - 18:41  (00:02)
root     ttyp2    Wed Sep 30 18:39 - 18:41  (00:02)
userb    ttyp1       Wed Sep 30 01:03 - 01:22  (00:19)

show log accepted-traffic (SRX4600, SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show log accepted-traffic             
Jul 17 20:26:04  sourpunch RT_FLOW: RT_FLOW_SESSION_CREATE: session created> 0x0 None> 0x0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 17 p2 TRUST UNTRUST 2617282058 N/A(N/A) xe-7/0/0.0 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN N/A N/A -1 N/A N/A N/A
Jul 17 20:26:04  sourpunch RT_FLOW: RT_FLOW_SESSION_CREATE: session created> 0x0 None> 0x0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 17 p2 TRUST UNTRUST 2550162754 N/A(N/A) xe-7/0/0.0 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN N/A N/A -1 N/A N/A N/A
Jul 17 20:26:04  sourpunch RT_FLOW: RT_FLOW_SESSION_CREATE: session created> 0x0 None> 0x0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 17 p2 TRUST UNTRUST 2550162755 N/A(N/A) xe-7/0/0.0 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN N/A N/A -1 N/A N/A N/A
Jul 17 20:26:04  sourpunch RT_FLOW: RT_FLOW_SESSION_CREATE: session created> 0x0 None> 0x0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 17 p2 TRUST UNTRUST 2550162752 N/A(N/A) xe-7/0/0.0 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN N/A N/A -1 N/A N/A N/A
Jul 17 20:26:04  sourpunch RT_FLOW: RT_FLOW_SESSION_CREATE: session created> 0x0 None> 0x0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 17 p2 TRUST UNTRUST 2550162751 N/A(N/A) xe-7/0/0.0 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN N/A N/A -1 N/A N/A N/A
Jul 17 20:26:04  sourpunch RT_FLOW: RT_FLOW_SESSION_CREATE: session created> 0x0 None> 0x0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 17 p2 TRUST UNTRUST 2550162753 N/A(N/A) xe-7/0/0.0 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN N/A N/A -1 N/A N/A N/A

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

Option device-type (device-id | device-alias) is introduced in Junos OS Release 13.1 for the QFX Series.
