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show virtual-chassis vc-port

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show virtual-chassis vc-port
<all-members | local | member member-id>


Display the status of the Virtual Chassis ports (VCPs), including dedicated VCPs, default-configured VCPs, and uplink ports configured as VCPs, if present.



Display the operational status of all VCPs of the member switch where you enter the command.


(Optional) Display the operational status of all VCPs on all members of the Virtual Chassis or VCF.


(Optional) Display the operational status of the switch or external Routing Engine where you enter this command.

member member-id

(Optional) Display the operational status of all VCPs for the specified member of the Virtual Chassis or VCF.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show virtual-chassis vc-port command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show virtual-chassis vc-port Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

member name

Device or member number in the Virtual Chassis, represented as fpcnumber, membernumber, or local-re (the primary member).

Interface or PIC/Port

VCP name.

  • The dedicated VCPs in an EX4200 or EX4500 Virtual Chassis are vcp-0 and vcp-1. The dedicated VCPs in an EX4550 Virtual Chassis are VCP-1/0, VCP-1/1, VCP-2/0, and VCP-2/1.

  • Optical ports set as VCPs are named 1/0 and 1/1, representing the PIC number and the port number.

  • The native VCP (port 0) on an XRE200 External Routing Engine in an EX8200 Virtual Chassis is named vcp-0.

  • The VCPs on each Virtual Chassis Control Interface (VCCI) module in an XRE200 External Routing Engine are named using the vcp-slot-number/port-number convention; for instance, vcp-1/0.

  • The VCPs on EX8200 member switches are named using the vcp-slot-number/pic-number/interface-number convention; for instance, vcp-3/0/2.

  • A 255 as the first number in your port number indicates that your VCP is part of a Link Aggregation group (LAG) bundle. For example, vcp-255/1/0 indicates that the dedicated VCP named vcp-1/0 is part of a LAG bundle, and vcp-255/1/0 represents an uplink port previously named xe-0/1/0 that is now part of a VCP LAG bundle.


Type of VCP:

  • Dedicated—Rear panel dedicated VCP on an EX4200 or EX4300 multigigabit model switch, a Virtual Chassis module port on EX4500 or EX4550 switch, or any VCP link connected to an XRE200 External Routing Engine in an EX8200 Virtual Chassis.

  • Configured—Optical port configured as a VCP, which includes default-configured VCPs (set in the default factory configuration) or those that are set by a user.

  • Auto-Configured—Optical port automatically converted into a VCP.

See Setting an Uplink Port on an EX Series or QFX Series Switch as a Virtual Chassis Port or Configuring an EX4650 or a QFX Series Virtual Chassis for information about configuring VCPs, and Automatic Virtual Chassis Port (VCP) Conversion for details on how a port is automatically converted into a VCP.

Trunk ID

A positive-number ID assigned to a link aggregation group (LAG) formed by the Virtual Chassis. The trunk ID value is –1 if no trunk is formed. A LAG between uplink VCPs requires that the link speed be the same on connected interfaces and that at least two VCPs on one member be connected to at least two VCPs on the other member in an EX4200 or EX4500 Virtual Chassis.

Dedicated VCP LAGs are assigned trunk IDs 1 and 2. Trunk IDs for LAGs formed with uplink VCPs therefore have values of 3 or greater.

The trunk ID value changes if the link-adjacency state between LAG members changes; trunk membership is then allocated or deallocated.


Interface status:

  • absent—Interface is not a VCP link.

  • down—VCP link is down.

  • up—VCP link is up.

Speed (mbps)

Speed of the interface in megabits per second.

Neighbor ID/Interface

The Virtual Chassis member ID and interface of a VCP on a member that is connected to the interface or PIC/Port field in the same row as this interface.

Sample Output

show virtual-chassis vc-port (EX4200 Virtual Chassis)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> show virtual-chassis vc-port

Interface   Type              Trunk  Status    Speed        Neighbor
or                             ID              (mbps)       ID  Interface
PIC / Port
vcp-0       Dedicated           1    Up        32000        1   vcp-1
vcp-1       Dedicated           2    Up        32000        0   vcp-0
1/0         Auto-Configured     3    Up        1000         2   vcp-255/1/0
1/0         Auto-Configured     3    Up        1000         2   vcp-255/1/1

show virtual-chassis vc-port (EX8200 Virtual Chassis)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@external-routing-engine> show virtual-chassis vc-port
Interface       Type              Trunk  Status    Speed        Neighbor
or                                 ID              (mbps)       ID  Interface
vcp-0/0         Dedicated          -1    Up        1000         8   vcp-1/1
vcp-0/1         Dedicated          -1    Up        1000         8   vcp-2/0
4/0/4           Configured         -1    Up        10000        1   vcp-3/0/4
4/0/7           Configured         -1    Down      10000
4/0/3           Configured               Absent
4/0/2           Configured               Absent
4/0/5           Configured               Absent
4/0/6           Configured               Absent
4/0/1           Configured               Absent
4/0/0           Configured               Absent

Interface       Type              Trunk  Status    Speed        Neighbor
or                                 ID                 (mbps)    ID  Interface
vcp-0/0         Dedicated          -1    Up        1000         8   vcp-1/2
3/0/0           Configured         -1    Down      10000
3/0/1           Configured         -1    Down      10000
3/0/4           Configured         -1    Up        10000        0   vcp-4/0/4
3/0/5           Configured               Absent
4/0/5           Configured               Absent
4/0/4           Configured               Absent

Interface       Type              Trunk  Status    Speed        Neighbor
or                                 ID              (mbps)       ID  Interface
vcp-0/0         Dedicated          -1    Down      1000
vcp-1/0         Dedicated          -1    Up        1000         9   vcp-1/0
vcp-1/1         Dedicated          -1    Up        1000         0   vcp-0/0
vcp-1/2         Dedicated          -1    Up        1000         1   vcp-0/0
vcp-1/3         Dedicated          -1    Up        1000         9   vcp-1/3
vcp-2/0         Dedicated          -1    Up        1000         0   vcp-0/1
vcp-2/1         Dedicated          -1    Up        1000         9   vcp-1/2
vcp-2/2         Dedicated          -1    Down      1000
vcp-2/3         Dedicated          -1    Down         1000

Interface       Type              Trunk  Status    Speed        Neighbor
or                                 ID              (mbps)       ID  Interface
vcp-0/0         Dedicated          -1    Disabled  1000
vcp-1/0         Dedicated          -1    Up        1000         8   vcp-1/0
vcp-1/1         Dedicated          -1    Down      1000
vcp-1/2         Dedicated          -1    Up        1000         8   vcp-2/1
vcp-1/3         Dedicated          -1    Up        1000         8   vcp-1/3

show virtual-chassis vc-port all-members

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> show virtual-chassis vc-port all-members

Interface   Type              Trunk  Status  Speed    Neighbor
or                             ID            (mbps)   ID  Interface
PIC / Port
vcp-0       Dedicated           1    Up      32000     1   vcp-1
vcp-1       Dedicated           2    Up      32000     0   vcp-0
1/0         Auto-Configured     3    Up      1000      2   vcp-255/1/0
1/1         Auto-Configured     3    Up      1000      2   vcp-255/1/1

Interface   Type              Trunk  Status  Speed    Neighbor
or                             ID            (mbps)   ID  Interface
PIC / Port
vcp-0       Dedicated           1    Up      32000     0   vcp-1
vcp-1       Dedicated           2    Up      32000     0   vcp-0
1/0         Auto-Configured     —1   Up      1000      3   vcp-255/1/0

Interface   Type              Trunk  Status   Speed    Neighbor
or                             ID             (mbps)   ID  Interface
PIC / Port
vcp-0       Dedicated           1    Up      32000     3   vcp-1
vcp-1       Dedicated           2    Up      32000     3   vcp-0
1/0         Auto-Configured     3    Up      1000      0   vcp-255/1/0
1/1         Auto-Configured     3    Up      1000      0   vcp-255/1/1

Interface   Type              Trunk  Status   Speed    Neighbor
or                             ID             (mbps)   ID  Interface
PIC / Port
vcp-0       Dedicated           1    Up      32000     2   vcp-0
vcp-1       Dedicated           2    Up      32000     2   vcp-1  
1/0         Auto-Configured     —1   Up      1000      1   vcp-255/1/0

show virtual-chassis vc-port (QFX5120-32C Virtual Chassis)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> show virtual-chassis vc-port

Interface   Type              Trunk  Status  Speed     Neighbor
or                             ID            (mbps)    ID  Interface
PIC / Port
0/13        Auto-Configured     6    Up      100000    1   vcp-255/0/13
0/23        Auto-Configured     6    Up      100000    1   vcp-255/0/23
0/26        Auto-Configured     5    Up      40000     1   vcp-255/0/26
0/27        Configured          5    Up      40000     1   vcp-255/0/27
0/6         Configured          5    Up      40000     1   vcp-255/0/6
0/8         Auto-Configured     5    Up      40000     1   vcp-255/0/8
0/9         Auto-Configured     6    Up      100000    1   vcp-255/0/9

Interface   Type              Trunk  Status  Speed     Neighbor
or                             ID            (mbps)    ID  Interface
PIC / Port
0/13        Auto-Configured     6    Up      100000    0   vcp-255/0/13
0/23        Auto-Configured     6    Up      100000    0   vcp-255/0/23
0/26        Auto-Configured     5    Up      40000     0   vcp-255/0/26
0/27        Configured          5    Up      40000     0   vcp-255/0/27
0/6         Configured          5    Up      40000     0   vcp-255/0/6
0/8         Auto-Configured     5    Up      40000     0   vcp-255/0/8
0/9         Auto-Configured     6    Up      100000    0   vcp-255/0/9

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0.
