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Filtering Operational Command Output

date_range 14-Nov-24

The pipe | symbol lets you (the network administrator) filter the command output in both operational and configuration modes.

About Using the Pipe ( | ) Symbol to Filter Command Output

You can filter command output by adding the pipe ( | ) symbol when you enter the command.


content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show rip neighbor ?
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>            Execute this command
  <name>               Name of RIP neighbor
  instance             Name of RIP instance
  logical-system       Name of logical system, or 'all'
  |                    Pipe through a command

The following example lists the filters that you can use with the pipe symbol ( | ):

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show interfaces | ?
user@host> show interfaces | ?            
Possible completions:
  append               Append output text to file
  count                Count occurrences
  display              Show additional kinds of information
  except               Show only text that does not match a pattern
  find                 Search for first occurrence of pattern
  hold                 Hold text without exiting the --More-- prompt
  last                 Display end of output only
  match                Show only text that matches a pattern
  no-more              Don't paginate output
  refresh              Refresh a continuous display of the command
  request              Make system-level requests
  resolve              Resolve IP addresses
  save                 Save output text to file
  tee                  Write to standard output and file
  trim                 Trim specified number of columns from start of line

For the show configuration command only, you can combine the pipe symbol and question mark to display an additional compare filter:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show configuration | ?
Possible completions:
  compare              Compare configuration changes with prior version

You can enter any of the pipe filters in combination. For example:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host>command | match regular-expression | save filename 

This topic describes only the filters that you can use for operational mode command output.

Example: Use Regular Expressions with the Pipe ( | ) Symbol to Filter Command Output

You use the except, find, and match filters with the pipe symbol to employ regular expressions to filter output. Juniper Networks uses the regular expressions as defined in POSIX 1003.2. If a regular expression contains spaces, operators, or wildcard characters, enclose the expression in quotation marks.

Table 1: Common Regular Expression Operators in Operational Mode Commands




Indicates that a match can be one of the two terms on either side of the pipe.


Used at the beginning of an expression to denote where a match should begin.


Used at the end of an expression to denote that a term must be matched exactly up to the point of the $ character.

[ ]

Specifies a range of letters or digits to match. To separate the start and end of a range, use a hyphen ( - ).

( )

Specifies a group of terms to match.

For example, if a command produces the following output:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis hardware 
Hardware inventory:
Item             Version  Part number  Serial number     Description
Chassis                                F0632             MX80
Midplane         REV 09   711-031594   ZW0568            MX80
PEM 0            Rev 04   740-028288   VK09886           AC Power Entry Module
Routing Engine            BUILTIN      BUILTIN           Routing Engine
TFEB 0                    BUILTIN      BUILTIN           Forwarding Engine Processor
QXM 0          REV 06   711-028408   ZW4288            MPC QXM
FPC 0                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           MPC BUILTIN
MIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           4x 10GE XFP
PIC 0                 BUILTIN      BUILTIN           4x 10GE XFP
Xcvr 0     REV 02   740-014289   C825XU010         XFP-10G-SR
Xcvr 1     REV 03   740-014289   CB25BQ0WD         XFP-10G-SR
Xcvr 2     REV 01   740-011571   C739XJ039         XFP-10G-SR
FPC 1                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           MPC BUILTIN
  MIC 1          *** Hardware Not Supported ***
Fan Tray                                                 Fan Tray

A pipe filter of | match "FPC-1" displays the following output:

content_copy zoom_out_map
FPC 1                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           MPC BUILTIN

A pipe filter of | except "FPC 1" displays the following output:

content_copy zoom_out_map
Hardware inventory:
Item             Version  Part number  Serial number     Description
Chassis                                F0632             MX80
PEM 0            Rev 04   740-028288   VK09886           AC Power Entry Module
Routing Engine            BUILTIN      BUILTIN           Routing Engine
TFEB 0                    BUILTIN      BUILTIN           Forwarding Engine Processor
FPC 0                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           MPC BUILTIN
Fan Tray                                                 Fan Tray

Example: Pipe ( | ) Filter Functions in the Command-Line Interface

This topic describes and provides examples of the pipe ( | ) filter functions that the Junos OS CLI supports.

Examples of Configurations and Their Differences in Text

The compare filter compares the candidate configuration with either the current committed configuration or a configuration file. It also displays the differences between the two configurations with text characters.

To compare configuration files, you enter compare after the pipe ( | ) symbol, as follows:

content_copy zoom_out_map
show | compare [rollback n | filename]

The rollback n variable is the index into the list of previously committed configurations. The most recently saved configuration is 0. If you do not specify arguments, the candidate configuration is compared against the active configuration file (/config/juniper.conf), which is the same as comparing to rollback index 0.

The full path (or URL) to a configuration file is filename.

The comparison output uses the following conventions:

  • Statements that are in the candidate configuration only are prefixed with a plus sign (+).

  • Statements that are in the comparison file only are prefixed with a minus sign (–).

  • Statements that are unchanged are prefixed with a single blank space ( ).


content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show configuration system | compare rollback 9  
[edit system]
+ host-name device;
+ backup-router;
- ports {
-     console log-out-on-disconnect;
- }
[edit system name-server]
+; { ... }
[edit system name-server] { ... }
[edit system]
-  scripts {
-      commit {
-          allow-transients;
-      }
-  }
+  services {
+      ftp;
+      rlogin;
+      rsh;
+      telnet;
+  }

We have enhanced output from the show | compare command to more accurately reflect configuration changes. This enhancement includes more intelligent handling of order changes in lists. For example, consider group names that are reordered as follows:

content_copy zoom_out_map
groups {     
          groups {
               group_xmp;      group_xmp;
               group_cmp;     group_grp:
               group_grp;     group_cmp;

In early releases, output from the show | compare command looked like the following:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit groups]
  - group_xmp;
  - group_cmp;
  - group_grp;
  + group_xmp;
  + group_grp;
  + group_cmp;

Now, output from the show | compare command looks like the following:

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit groups]
group_xmp {...}
!  group_grp {...}

Examples of Configurations and Their Differences in XML

The compare | display xml filter compares the candidate configuration with the current committed configuration and displays the differences between the two configurations in XML. To compare configurations, you enter compare | display xml after the pipe ( | ) symbol in either operational or configuration mode.

Example in operational mode:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show configuration | compare | display xml

Example in configuration mode:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host# show | compare | display xml

You can enter a specific configuration hierarchy before using the | compare command. In configuration mode, you can navigate to a hierarchy where the command is applied.

Example of Counting the Number of Lines of Output

To count the number of lines in command output, enter count after the pipe symbol ( | ). For example:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show configuration | count
Count: 269 lines

Example of Output Displayed in XML Tag Format

To display command output in XML tag format, you enter display xml after the pipe symbol ( | ).

The following example displays the show cli directory command output as XML tags:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show cli directory | display xml 
<rpc-reply xmlns:junos="">

If the configuration data or command output contains characters that are outside of the 7-bit ASCII character set, the CLI displays the equivalent UTF-8 decimal character reference for those characters in the XML output.

Example of Displaying Static Configuration Data

You can view the inherited configuration data and information about the source group from which the configuration has been inherited with respect to the static configuration database. To view this data, you issue the show configuration | display inheritance command.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show configuration | display inheritance
## Last commit: 2018-03-29 15:54:17 PDT
version 16.2R2;
system {

Example of Displaying Ephemeral Configuration Data

Juniper Extension Toolkit (JET) applications, Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF), and Junos XML protocol client applications can configure the ephemeral configuration database. The ephemeral database is an alternate configuration database that provides a fast programmatic interface for performing configuration updates.

To view the complete post-inheritance configuration merged with the configuration data in all instances of the ephemeral database, use the show ephemeral-configuration merge command.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show ephemeral-configuration merge
## Last changed: 2019-02-01 09:47:20 PST
version 18.2R1;
system {

Example of Displaying Output in JSON Format

You can display the configuration or command output in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format by entering display json after the pipe symbol ( | ).

The following example displays the show cli directory command output in JSON format:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show cli directory | display json 

    "cli" : [
        "working-directory" : [
            "data" : "/var/home/username"

If the operational command output contains characters that are outside of the 7-bit ASCII character set, the CLI displays the equivalent UTF-8 decimal character reference for those characters in the JSON output.

Example of Displaying the Configuration with YANG Translation Scripts Applied

You can load YANG modules onto devices running Junos OS to augment the configuration hierarchy with data models that Junos OS does not support natively. Junos OS does support translation of these models.. The active configurations and candidate configurations contain the configuration data for non-native YANG data models in the syntax defined by that model. These configurations do not explicitly display the corresponding translated Junos OS syntax, which is committed as a transient change.

The | display translation-scripts filter displays the complete post-inheritance configuration, with the translated configuration data from all enabled translation scripts explicitly included in the output. To display the configuration with all enabled YANG translation scripts applied, append the | display translation-scripts filter to the show configuration command in operational mode or the show command in configuration mode. For example:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show configuration | display translation-scripts

To view just the non-native configuration data after translation, you use the | display translation-scripts translated-config filter in either operational mode or configuration mode.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show configuration | display translation-scripts translated-config

In configuration mode, you can display just the configuration differences in the hierarchies corresponding to non-native YANG data models before or after translation scripts are applied. To display those differences, you append the configured-delta or translated-delta keyword, respectively, to the show | display translation-scripts command. In both cases, the XML output displays the deleted configuration data, followed by the new configuration data.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host# show | display-translation-scripts (configured-delta | translated-delta)

The following example displays a sample configuration with and without translation scripts applied. The show command displays the configuration, which includes the non-native configuration data in the syntax that the YANG data model defines. The | display translation-scripts filter displays the non-native configuration data in both the syntax defined by the YANG data model and the translated Junos OS syntax. Both commands display the entire configuration, which has been truncated for brevity in this example. However, the show command returns the pre-inhertitance configuration, whereas the show | display translation-scripts command returns the post-inheritance configuration.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host# show 
myint:intconfig {
    interfaces {
        interface ge-0/0/0 {
            config {
                description test;
content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host# show | display translation-scripts 
interfaces {
    ge-0/0/0 {
        description test;
        gigether-options {
myint:intconfig {
    interfaces {
        interface ge-0/0/0 {
            config {
                description test;

Example of Displaying the RPC Tags for a Command

To display the remote procedure call (RPC) XML tags for an operational mode command, you enter display xml rpc after the pipe symbol ( | ).

The following example displays the RPC tags for the show route command:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show route | display xml rpc 
<rpc-reply xmlns:junos="">

Example of Ignoring Output That Does Not Match a Regular Expression

To ignore text that matches a regular expression, specify the except command after the pipe symbol ( | ). If the regular expression contains any spaces, operators, or wildcard characters, enclose it in quotation marks.

The following example displays all users who are logged in to the router, except for the user root:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show system users | except root
 8:28PM  up 1 day, 13:59, 2 users, load averages: 0.01, 0.01, 0.00
USER     TTY FROM                  LOGIN@  IDLE WHAT
user     p0   7:25PM     - cli

Example of Displaying Output from the First Match of a Regular Expression

To display output starting with the first occurrence of text matching a regular expression, you enter find after the pipe symbol ( | ). If the regular expression contains any spaces, operators, or wildcard characters, enclose it in quotation marks.

The following example displays the routes in the routing table starting at IP address

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show route | find   *[Static/5] 1d 13:22:11
                    > to via so-3/0/0.0       *[OSPF/10] 1d 13:22:12, metric 1
iso.0: 1 destinations, 1 routes (1 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
+ = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both
                   *[Direct/0] 1d 13:22:12
                    > via lo0.0

The following example displays the first CCC entry in the forwarding table:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show route forwarding-table | find ccc 
Routing table: ccc
Interface.Label    Type RtRef Nexthop       Type Index NhRef Netif
default            perm     0               rjct     3     1
0                  user     0               recv     5     2
1                  user     0               recv     5     2
32769              user     0               ucst    45     1 fe-0/0/0.534
fe-0/0/0. (CCC)    user     0               indr    44     2
                         Push 32768, Push 

Example of Retaining Output After the Last Screen

You can retain output and scroll or search through it by holding rather than returning immediately to the CLI prompt after viewing the last screen of output. To retain output, you enter hold after the pipe symbol ( | ). The following example prevents returning to the CLI prompt after you have viewed the last screen of output from the show log log-file-1 command:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show log log-file-1 | hold

Example of Displaying Output Beginning with the Last Entries

You can view log files in which the end of the file contains the most recent entries. To display text starting from the end of the output, you enter last <lines> after the pipe symbol ( | ).

The following example displays the last entries in log-file-1 file:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show log log-file-1 | last 

When the number of lines requested is less than the number of lines that the screen length setting permits you to display, the system returns a subset. The system returns as many lines as permitted by the screen length setting. That is, if your screen length is set to 20 lines and you have requested only the last 10 lines, the system returns the last 19 lines instead of the last 10 lines.

Example of Displaying Output That Matches a Regular Expression

To display output that matches a regular expression, you enter match regular-expression after the pipe symbol ( | ). If the regular expression contains any spaces, operators, or wildcard characters, enclose it in quotation marks.

The following example matches all the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) interfaces in the configuration:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show configuration | match at- 
at-2/1/0 {
at-2/1/1 {
at-2/2/0 {
at-5/2/0 {
at-5/3/0 {

Example of Preventing Output from Being Paginated

By default, if output is longer than the length of the terminal screen, you receive a ---(more)--- message to display the remaining output. To display the remaining output, you press Space.

To prevent the output from being paginated, you enter no-more after the pipe symbol ( | ).

The following example displays output from the show configuration command all at once:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show configuration | no-more

This feature is useful if you want to copy the entire output and paste it into an email message.

Example of Sending Command Output to Other Users

To display command output on the terminal of a specific user logged in to your router, or on the terminals of all users logged in to your router, you enter request message (all | user account@terminal) after the pipe symbol ( | ).

If you are troubleshooting your router and talking with a customer service representative on the phone, you can share the command output. You use the request message command to send your representative the command output you are currently viewing on your terminal.

The following example sends the output from the show interfaces command that you enter on your terminal to the terminal of the user root@ttyp1:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show interfaces | request message user root@ttyp1

The user root@ttyp1 sees the following output appear on the terminal screen:

content_copy zoom_out_map
Message from user@host on /dev/ttyp0 at 10:32 PST...
Physical interface: dsc, Enabled, Physical link is Up
   Interface index: 5, SNMP ifIndex: 5
   Type: Software-Pseudo, MTU: Unlimited...

Example of Resolving IP Addresses

In operational mode only, if the output of a command displays an unresolved IP address, you can enter | resolve after the command to display the name associated with the IP address. The resolve filter enables the system to perform a reverse DNS lookup of the IP address. If DNS is not enabled, the lookup fails and no substitution is performed.

To perform a reverse DNS lookup of an unresolved IP address, you enter resolve <full-names> after the pipe symbol ( | ). If you do not specify the full-names option, the name is truncated to fit whatever field width limitations apply to the IP address.

The following example performs a DNS lookup on any unresolved IP addresses in the output from the show ospf neighbors command:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show ospf neighbors | resolve 

Example of Saving Output to a File

When command output is lengthy, when you need to store or analyze the output, or when you need to send the output in an e-mail message or by FTP, you can save the output to a file. By default, the file is placed in your home directory on the router.

To save command output to a file, you enter save filename after the pipe symbol ( | ).

The following example saves the output from the request support information command to a file named my-support-info.txt:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> request support information | save my-support-info.txt
Wrote 1143 lines of output to ‘my-support-info.txt’

Example of Appending Output to a File

When command output is displayed, you can either save the output to a file, which overwrites the existing contents of that file, or you can append the output text to a specific file.

To append the command output to the file, you enter append filename after the pipe symbol ( | ).

The following example appends the output from the request support information command to a file named my-support-info.txt:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> request support information | append my-support-info.txt  
Wrote 2247 lines of output to 'my-support-info.txt'

Example of Displaying Output on Screen and Writing to a File

When command output is displayed, you can also write the output to a file. To both display the output and write it to a file, you enter tee filename after the pipe symbol (|).

The following example displays the output from the show interfaces ge-* terse command (displaying information about the status of the Gigabit Ethernet interfaces on the device) and diverts the output to a file called ge-interfaces.txt:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show interfaces ge-* terse | tee ge-interfaces.txt 
Interface               Admin Link Proto    Local                 Remote
ge-0/1/0                up    down
ge-0/1/1                up    up
ge-0/1/2                up    down
ge-0/1/3                up    up

Unlike the UNIX tee command, only an error message is displayed if the file cannot be opened (instead of displaying the output and then the error message).

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show interfaces ge-* terse | tee /home/user/test.txt
error: tee failed: file /home/user/test.txt could not be opened


Example of Trimming Output by Specifying the Starting Column

Output appears on the terminal screen in terms of rows and columns. The first alphanumeric character starting at the left of the screen is in column 1, the second character is in column 2, and so on. To display output starting from a specific column (thus trimming the leftmost portion of the output), you enter trim columns after the pipe symbol ( | ). The trim filter is useful for trimming the date and time from the beginning of system log messages.

The following example displays output from the show system storage command, filtering out the first 10 columns:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show system storage | trim 11

The trim command does not accept negative values.

Example of Refreshing the Output of a Command

You can run an operational mode command with the | refresh pipe option to refresh the output displayed on the screen periodically. The default refresh occurs every second. However, you can also explicitly specify a refresh interval from 1 through 604,800 seconds. For example, to refresh the output of the show interfaces command every 5 seconds, you run the following command:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show interfaces | refresh 5

Filter Operational Mode Command Output in a QFabric System

When you issue an operational mode command in a QFabric system, the output generated can be fairly extensive because of the number of components contained within the system. To make the output more accessible, you can filter the output by appending the | filter option to the end of most commands.

  1. To filter operational mode command output and limit it to a Node group, include the | filter node-group node-group-name option at the end of your operational mode command. For example:
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    root@qfabric> show interfaces terse | filter node-group NW-NG-0
    Interface               Admin Link Proto    Local                 Remote
    NW-NG-0:dsc             up    up  
    NW-NG-0:em0             up    up  
    NW-NG-0:em1             up    up  
    NW-NG-0:gre             up    up  
    NW-NG-0:ipip            up    up  
    NW-NG-0:lo0             up    up  
    NW-NG-0:lo0.16384       up    up   inet           --> 0/0
    NW-NG-0:lo0.16385       up    up   inet    
    NW-NG-0:lsi             up    up  
    NW-NG-0:mtun            up    up  
    NW-NG-0:pimd            up    up  
    NW-NG-0:pime            up    up  
    NW-NG-0:tap             up    up  
    Node01:ge-0/0/10        up    up  
    Node01:ge-0/0/40        up    up  
    Node01:ge-0/0/41        up    up  
    vlan                    up    up
  2. To filter operational mode command output and limit it to a set of Node groups, include the | filter node-group option at the end of your operational mode command and specify the list of Node group names in brackets. For example:
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    root@qfabric> show ethernet-switching interfaces | filter node-group [NW-NG-0 RSNG-1]  
    Interface    State  VLAN members        Tag   Tagging  Blocking
    NW-NG-0:ae0.0 up    v200                200   tagged   unblocked
                        v50                 50    tagged   unblocked
                        v51                 51    tagged   unblocked
                        v52                 52    tagged   unblocked
                        v53                 53    tagged   unblocked
    RSNG-1:ae0.0  up    v200                200   untagged unblocked
    RSNG-1:ae47.0 up    v50                 50    tagged   unblocked
                        v51                 51    tagged   unblocked
                        v52                 52    tagged   unblocked
                        v53                 53    tagged   unblocked

Use Suppress-Zero Filter with the Pipe ( | ) Symbol to Filter Zero Values in Command Output

Junos OS supports suppress-zero filter to exclude lines with ‘0' values for any of the fields in given line. This feature is available for all the operational show commands. For show commands CLI output, lines with ‘0’ values output can be masked. The output lines with non-zero values are displayed. You can use this to mask zero counters’ values. If a line has non-zero values along with ‘0’ values in a line, it is not masked. If ‘0’ appears in description or string field, it is not masked and is emitted in the CLI output.


This feature is applicable for CLI operational commands only. The suppress-zeros filter is not applicable for commands that don't use rendering. For example, show configuration, traceroute, ping and other monitor commands.

Here are a few examples for the show commands with suppress-zeroes filter:

  • For example, if a command produces the following output:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host> show interfaces vtep   
    Physical interface: vtep, Enabled, Physical link is Up
      Interface index: 133, SNMP ifIndex: 517
      Type: Software-Pseudo, Link-level type: VxLAN-Tunnel-Endpoint, MTU: Unlimited, Speed: Unlimited
      Device flags   : Present Running
      Interface flags: SNMP-Traps
      Link type      : Full-Duplex
      Link flags     : None
      Last flapped   : Never    
       Input packets : 0
       Output packets: 0

    A pipe filter of | suppress-zeros displays the following output:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host> show interfaces vtep | suppress-zeros     
    Physical interface: vtep, Enabled, Physical link is Up
      Interface index: 133, SNMP ifIndex: 517
      Type: Software-Pseudo, Link-level type: VxLAN-Tunnel-Endpoint, MTU: Unlimited, Speed: Unlimited
      Device flags   : Present Running
      Interface flags: SNMP-Traps
      Link type      : Full-Duplex
      Link flags     : None
      Last flapped   : Never

    In this example, the Input packets and Output packets fields are masked as these fields contain ‘0’ integer values.

  • If a command produces the following output:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host> show interfaces fxp0                      
    Physical interface: fxp0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
      Interface index: 8, SNMP ifIndex: 1
      Description: 0
      Type: Ethernet, Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, Speed: 1000mbps
      Device flags   : Present Running
      Interface Specific flags: Internal: 0x100000
      Interface flags: SNMP-Traps
      Link type      : Full-Duplex
      Link flags     : 0x4
      Current address: 54:04:0a:dd:85:8d, Hardware address: 54:04:0a:dd:85:8d
      Last flapped   : 2023-11-15 19:02:00 IST (21:40:35 ago)
        Input packets : 1530766
        Output packets: 13469
    Logical interface fxp0.0 (Index 5) (SNMP ifIndex 13)
        Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4000000 Encapsulation: ENET2
        Input packets : 1528251
        Output packets: 13481
        Protocol inet, MTU: 1500
        Max nh cache: 75000, New hold nh limit: 75000, Curr nh cnt: 186, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
          Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re, Is-Primary
          Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
            Destination: 10.221.128/18, Local:, Broadcast:

    A pipe filter of | suppress-zeros displays the following output:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host> show interfaces fxp0 | suppress-zeros                       
    Physical interface: fxp0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
      Interface index: 8, SNMP ifIndex: 1
      Description: 0
      Type: Ethernet, Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, Speed: 1000mbps
      Device flags   : Present Running
      Interface Specific flags: Internal: 0x100000
      Interface flags: SNMP-Traps
      Link type      : Full-Duplex
      Link flags     : 0x4
      Current address: 54:04:0a:dd:85:8d, Hardware address: 54:04:0a:dd:85:8d
      Last flapped   : 2023-11-15 19:02:00 IST (21:40:35 ago)
        Input packets : 1530766
        Output packets: 13469
    Logical interface fxp0.0 (Index 5) (SNMP ifIndex 13)
        Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4000000 Encapsulation: ENET2
        Input packets : 1528251
        Output packets: 13481
        Protocol inet, MTU: 1500
        Max nh cache: 75000, New hold nh limit: 75000, Curr nh cnt: 186, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
          Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re, Is-Primary
          Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
            Destination: 10.221.128/18, Local:, Broadcast:

    In this example, the Description field is not masked in the output as it is a string type and is a non-integer. The Max nh cache: 75000, New hold nh limit: 75000, Curr nh cnt: 186, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0 line is not masked as it contains non-zero integer counter values in it.

Change History Table

Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.

Starting in Junos OS Release 24.4R1, we've deprecated the compact statement at the [edit system export-format state-data json] hierarchy level.
In Junos OS Release 18.1 and earlier, to view the complete post-inheritance configuration merged with the configuration data in all instances of the ephemeral configuration database, use the show ephemeral-configuration | display merge command. Starting in Junos OS Release 18.2R1, the display merge option is deprecated.
Starting in Junos OS Release 17.3R1, OpenConfig supports the operational state emitted by daemons directly in JSON format in addition to XML format. To configure JSON compact format, use the command set system export-format state-data json compact. This command converts XML format to compact JSON format. Else, it emits the JSON in non-compact format.
Starting in Junos OS Release 16.2R2, the show | compare | display xml command omits the <configuration> tag in the XML output if the comparison returns no differences or if the comparison returns only differences for non-native configuration data, for example, configuration data associated with an OpenConfig data model.
Starting in Junos OS Release 16.2R2, the show | compare | display xml command omits the <configuration> tag in the XML output if the comparison returns no differences or if the comparison returns only differences for non-native configuration data, for example, configuration data associated with an OpenConfig data model.
Starting in Junos OS Release 16.1, devices running Junos OS emit JSON-formatted configuration data using a new default implementation for serialization.
Starting in Junos OS Release 16.1, you can load YANG modules onto devices running Junos OS to augment the configuration hierarchy with data models that are not natively supported by Junos OS but can be supported by translation. The active and candidate configurations contain the configuration data for non-native YANG data models in the syntax defined by that model, but they do not explicitly display the corresponding translated Junos OS syntax, which is committed as a transient change.
Starting in Junos OS Release 14.2, you can display the configuration or command output in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format by entering display json after the pipe symbol ( | ).
Starting with Junos OS Release 8.3, output from the show | compare command has been enhanced to more accurately reflect configuration changes. This includes more intelligent handling of order changes in lists.