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How to Configure the NFX250 NextGen
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Prerequisites to Onboard Virtual Network Functions on NFX250 NextGen Devices

date_range 24-Nov-23

You can onboard and manage Juniper Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) and third-party VNFs on NFX devices through the Junos Control Plane (JCP).


This topic provides general guidelines to qualify VNFs on NFX250 NextGen devices. Before onboarding a VNF, you must test the VNF according to your use case scenario.

NFX250 NextGen Device Prerequisites to Onboard a VNF

To onboard VNFs on NFX250 NextGen, the device must be on either Hybrid mode or Compute mode. The number of VNFs that you can onboard on the device depends on the system resources such as CPUs and system memory that are available on the mode that the device is operating. For more information about the performance modes, see NFX250 NextGen Overview.

Before you onboard the VNF, check the following NFX250 NextGen device capabilities:

  • Check the current performance mode of the device by using the show vmhost mode command. The NFX250 NextGen device must be in either Compute or Hybrid mode when you run the show vmhost mode command.

  • Check the available system memory by using the show system visibility memory command.

    Table 1 lists the possible memory availability for VNF usage for the NFX250 NextGen models.

    Table 1: Memory Availability for VNF Usage


    Memory Availability for VNF Usage (Junos OS 19.1R1 Release)


    6 GB


    6 GB


    22 GB


    6 GB

  • Check the available CPUs and its status by using the show system visibility cpu command. Use the show vmhost mode command to check the available CPUs in the current performance mode of the device.

    Table 2 lists the CPUs available for VNF usage for the NFX250 NextGen models.

    Table 2: CPUs Available for VNF Usage (Junos OS 19.1R1 Release)


    CPUs Available for VNF Usage

    Throughput Mode

    Hybrid Mode

    Compute Mode


















    When you change the performance mode of the device, it is recommended to check the availability of the CPUs for VNFs.

For more information, see Configuring VNFs on NFX250 NextGen Devices.

VNF Prerequisites to Onboard on an NFX250 NextGen Device

To onboard a VNF on an NFX250 NextGen device, the following VNF properties should be met:

  • KVM based hypervisor deployment

  • OVS or Virtio interface drivers

  • raw or qcow2 VNF file types

  • Support of up to a maximum of 8 user interfaces

Following are the optional prerequisites to onboard a VNF:

  • (Optional) SR-IOV

  • (Optional) CD-ROM and USB configuration drives

  • (Optional) Hugepages for memory requirements if VNF wants to access OVS.

Validate the VNFs

To validate and qualify the VNFs, you must ensure the following:

  • The configuration commit succeeds for the VNF.

  • The show virtual-network-functions command output displays the VNF entry.

  • The show system visibility vnf command output displays the VNF properties and interfaces that are configured.

  • The show vmhost network nfv-back-plane command displays all interfaces that are connected to the OVS bridges with the state up/up. The show system visibility network command displays all the VNF interfaces.

  • Connection to the console of the VNF succeeds and VNF boot up or login prompt is displayed.

  • When you are logged into the VNF, use the request virtual-network-function console command for the VNF to display all the interfaces that are configured.

  • The show virtual-network-functions command lists the VNF that are alive when the internal management interface is configured with DHCP client inside the VNF.

  • VNF interfaces on the OVS bridge show tx/rx statistics when the traffic is ingressed or egressed from the VNF.

  • VNF should restart successfully when a restart is initiated from within the VNF or by using the request virtual-network-functions restart vnf-name command.

Sample Output

  • show virtual-network-functions

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    root@host> show virtual-network-functions
    ID       Name                                              State      Liveliness
    5        vsrx                                              Running    down
    1        vjunos0                                           Running    alive

    The Liveliness is alive when there is a management connectivity to the VNF. The State should be Running to show that the VNF is up.

  • show system visibility vnf

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    root@host> show system visibility vnf
    List of VNFs
    ID   Name                                   State
    - - -
    5    vsrx                                   Running
    VNF Memory Usage
    Name                                   Maximum Memory (KiB)  Used Memory (KiB)  Used 1G Hugepages  Used 2M Hugepages
    - - - - -
    vsrx                                   4194304               49715              4                  0
    VNF CPU Statistics (Time in ms)
    Name                                   CPU Time           System Time  User Time
    - - - -
    vsrx                                   164425446          3214840      197880
    VNF MAC Addresses
    VNF                                       MAC
    - -
    centos1_ethdef0                           9C:CC:83:BD:8C:40
    centos1_ethdef1                           9C:CC:83:BD:8C:46
    centos1_eth2                              9C:CC:83:BD:8C:41
    vsrx_ethdef0                              9C:CC:83:BD:8C:42
    vsrx_ethdef1                              9C:CC:83:BD:8C:43
    vsrx_eth2                                 9C:CC:83:BD:8C:45
    vsrx_eth3                                 9C:CC:83:BD:8C:44
    VNF Internal IP Addresses
    VNF                                       IP
    - -
    VNF Interfaces
    VNF                  Interface Type      Source       Model      MAC               IPv4-address
    - - - - - - -
    vsrx                 vnet6     network   default      virtio     9c:cc:83:bd:8c:42 -
    vsrx                 vnet7     bridge    eth0br       virtio     9c:cc:83:bd:8c:43 -
    vsrx                 vsrx_eth2 vhostuser -           virtio     9c:cc:83:bd:8c:45 -
    VNF Disk Information
    VNF                           Disk        File
    - - -
    vsrx                          vda         /var/public/junos-vsrx3-x86-64-19.4R1.12.qcow2
    VNF Disk Usage
    VNF                  Disk      Read Req   Read Bytes   Write Req  Write Bytes
    - - - - - -
    vsrx                 vda       220376     1951876096   24927      185393152
    VNF Port Statistics
    VNF                  Port      Rcvd Bytes   Rcvd Packets Rcvd Error Rcvd Drop Trxd Bytes   Trxd Packets Trxd Error Trxd Drop
    - - - - - - - - - -
    vsrx                 vnet6     4113582      79122        0          0         0            0            0          0
    vsrx                 vnet7     3399770129   47653525     0          34631     0            0            0          0
    vsrx                 vsrx_eth2 3724         65           0          0         4372         73           0          0
  • request virtual-network-functions vSRX Virtual Firewall console

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    root@host> request virtual-network-functions vsrx console
    Internal instance: vsrx
    Connected to domain vsrx
    Escape character is ^]
    FreeBSD/amd64 (Amnesiac) (ttyu0)
    login: root
    Last login: Tue Mar 17 16:10:40 on ttyu0
    - JUNOS 19.4R1.12 Kernel 64-bit XEN JNPR-11.0-20191115.14c2ad5_buil
    root@:~ #
    root@:~ # cli
    hroot> show interfaces terse
    Interface               Admin Link Proto    Local                 Remote
    ge-0/0/0                up    up
    gr-0/0/0                up    up
    ip-0/0/0                up    up
    lsq-0/0/0               up    up
    lt-0/0/0                up    up
    mt-0/0/0                up    up
    sp-0/0/0                up    up
    sp-0/0/0.0              up    up   inet
    sp-0/0/0.16383          up    up   inet
    ge-0/0/1                up    up
    ge-0/0/1.0              up    up   inet
    root> show configuration | display set |match fxp0
    set system services web-management http interface fxp0.0
    set system services web-management https interface fxp0.0
    set interfaces fxp0 unit 0 family inet dhcp
    root> show interfaces terse | match fxp0
    fxp0                    up    up
    fxp0.0                  up    up   inet
  • show system visibility memory

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    root@host> show system visibility memory | no-more
    Memory Information
    Virtual Memory:
    Total       (KiB): 15914872
    Used        (KiB): 8242468
    Available   (KiB): 8265920
    Free        (KiB): 7672404
    Percent Used     : 48.1
    Huge Pages:
    Total 1GiB Huge Pages:      2
    Free 1GiB Huge Pages:       0
    Configured 1GiB Huge Pages: 0
    Total 2MiB Huge Pages:      1376
    Free 2MiB Huge Pages:       1
    Configured 2MiB Huge Pages: 0
    Hugepages Usage:
    Name                              Type                               Used 1G Hugepages  Used 2M Hugepages
    --------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
    srxpfe                            other process                      1                  1375
    ovs-vswitchd                      other process                      2                  0

    In the output message, check Free and Configured fields under Virtual Memory and Huge Pages sections for the memory availability.

  • show vmhost mode

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    root@host> show vmhost mode | no-more
    Current Mode: compute
    CPU Allocations:
    Name                                 Configured                               Used
    Junos Control Plane                  0                                        0,2
    Juniper Device Manager               1                                        1
    LTE                                  0                                        -
    NFV Backplane Control Path           0                                        0
    NFV Backplane Data Path              4                                        4
    Layer 2 Control Path                 -                                        -
    Layer 2 Data Path                    -                                        -
    Layer 3 Control Path                 1                                        1
    Layer 3 Data Path                    5                                        5
    CPUs available for VNFs              2,3,6,7                                  -
    CPUs turned off                      -                                        -
    Memory Allocations:
    Name                                 Configured                               Used
    Junos Control Plane (mB)             2048                                     1994
    NFV Backplane 1G hugepages           1                                        2
    NFV Backplane 2M hugepages           -                                        0
    Layer 2 1G hugepages                 -                                        -
    Layer 2 2M hugepages                 -                                        -
    Layer 3 1G hugepages                 1                                        1
    Layer 3 2M hugepages                 1376                                     1375

    In the output message, check the Current Mode field under the Mode section for the current performance mode of the device. Check the CPUs available for VNFs field under the CPU Allocations section for the CPU availability.
