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IPsec VPN User Guide
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IPsec VPN Overview

date_range 28-Feb-25

Read this topic to know about the IKE and IPsec packet processing, as well as the supported IPsec VPN topologies on the SRX Series Firewalls. You'll also learn about the services processing cards, cryptographic acceleration, and the new iked process support using the junos-ike package.

A VPN is a private network that uses a public network to connect two or more remote sites. Instead of using dedicated connections between networks, VPNs use virtual connections routed (tunneled) through public networks. IPsec VPN is a protocol, consists of set of standards used to establish a VPN connection.

A VPN provides a means by which remote computers communicate securely across a public WAN such as the Internet.

A VPN connection can link two LANs (site-to-site VPN) or a remote dial-up user and a LAN. The traffic that flows between these two points passes through shared resources such as routers, switches, and other network equipment that make up the public WAN. To secure VPN communication while passing through the WAN, the two participants create an IP Security (IPsec) tunnel.

The term tunnel does not denote tunnel mode (see Packet Processing in Tunnel Mode). Instead, it refers to the IPsec connection.

IPsec VPN Topologies on SRX Series Firewalls

The following are some of the IPsec VPN topologies that Junos operating system (OS) supports:

  • Site-to-site VPNs—Connects two sites in an organization together and allows secure communications between the sites.

  • Hub-and-spoke VPNs—Connects branch offices to the corporate office in an enterprise network. You can also use this topology to connect spokes together by sending traffic through the hub.

  • Remote access VPNs—Allows users working at home or traveling to connect to the corporate office and its resources. This topology is sometimes referred to as an end-to-site tunnel.

Comparing Policy-Based and Route-Based VPNs

It is important to understand the differences between policy-based and route-based VPNs and why one might be preferable to the other.

Table 1 lists the differences between route-based VPNs and policy-based VPNs.

Table 1: Differences Between Route-Based VPNs and Policy-Based VPNs

Route-Based VPNs

Policy-Based VPNs

With route-based VPNs, a policy does not specifically reference a VPN tunnel.

With policy-based VPN tunnels, a tunnel is treated as an object that, together with source, destination, application, and action, constitutes a tunnel policy that permits VPN traffic.

The policy references a destination address.

In a policy-based VPN configuration, a tunnel policy specifically references a VPN tunnel by name.

The number of route-based VPN tunnels that you create is limited by the number of route entries or the number of st0 interfaces that the device supports, whichever number is lower.

The number of policy-based VPN tunnels that you can create is limited by the number of policies that the device supports.

Route-based VPN tunnel configuration is a good choice when you want to conserve tunnel resources while setting granular restrictions on VPN traffic.

With a policy-based VPN, although you can create numerous tunnel policies referencing the same VPN tunnel, each tunnel policy pair creates an individual IPsec security association (SA) with the remote peer. Each SA counts as an individual VPN tunnel.

With a route-based approach to VPNs, the regulation of traffic is not coupled to the means of its delivery. You can configure dozens of policies to regulate traffic flowing through a single VPN tunnel between two sites, and only one IPsec SA is at work. Also, a route-based VPN configuration allows you to create policies referencing a destination reached through a VPN tunnel in which the action is deny.

In a policy-based VPN configuration, the action must be permit and must include a tunnel.

Route-based VPNs support the exchange of dynamic routing information through VPN tunnels. You can enable an instance of a dynamic routing protocol, such as OSPF, on an st0 interface that is bound to a VPN tunnel.

The exchange of dynamic routing information is not supported in policy-based VPNs.

Route-based configurations are used for hub-and-spoke topologies.

Policy-based VPNs cannot be used for hub-and-spoke topologies.

With route-based VPNs, a policy does not specifically reference a VPN tunnel.

When a tunnel does not connect large networks running dynamic routing protocols and you do not need to conserve tunnels or define various policies to filter traffic through the tunnel, a policy-based tunnel is the best choice.

Route-based VPNs do not support remote-access (dial-up) VPN configurations.

Policy-based VPN tunnels are required for remote-access (dial-up) VPN configurations.

Route-based VPNs might not work correctly with some third-party vendors.

Policy-based VPNs might be required if the third party requires separate SAs for each remote subnet.

When the security device does a route lookup to find the interface through which it must send traffic to reach an address, it finds a route via a secure tunnel interface (st0) , which is bound to a specific VPN tunnel.

With a route-based VPN tunnel, you can consider a tunnel as a means for delivering traffic, and can consider the policy as a method for either permitting or denying the delivery of that traffic.

With a policy-based VPN tunnel, you can consider a tunnel as an element in the construction of a policy.

Route-based VPNs support NAT for st0 interfaces.

Policy-based VPNs cannot be used if NAT is required for tunneled traffic.

Proxy ID is supported for both route-based and policy-based VPNs. Route-based tunnels also offer the usage of multiple traffic selectors also known as multi-proxy ID. A traffic selector is an agreement between IKE peers to permit traffic through a tunnel, if the traffic matches a specified pair of local and remote IP address prefix, source port range, destination port range, and protocol. You define a traffic selector within a specific route-based VPN, which can result in multiple Phase 2 IPsec SAs. Only traffic that conforms to a traffic selector is permitted through an SA. The traffic selector is commonly required when remote gateway devices are non-Juniper Networks devices.

Policy-based VPNs are only supported on SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 line. Platform support depends on the Junos OS release in your installation.

Comparison of Policy-Based VPNs and Route-Based VPNs

Table 2 summarizes the differences between policy-based VPNs and route-based VPNs.

Table 2: Comparison Between Policy-Based VPNs and Route-Based VPNs

Policy-Based VPNs

Route-Based VPNs

In policy-based VPNs, a tunnel is treated as an object that, together with source, destination, application, and action, constitutes a tunnel policy that permits VPN traffic.

In route-based VPNs, a policy does not specifically reference a VPN tunnel.

A tunnel policy specifically references a VPN tunnel by name.

A route determines which traffic is sent through the tunnel based on a destination IP address.

The number of policy-based VPN tunnels that you can create is limited by the number of tunnels that the device supports.

The number of route-based VPN tunnels that you create is limited by the number of st0 interfaces (for point-to-point VPNs) or the number of tunnels that the device supports, whichever is lower.

With a policy-based VPN, although you can create numerous tunnel policies referencing the same VPN tunnel, each tunnel policy pair creates an individual IPsec SA with the remote peer. Each SA counts as an individual VPN tunnel.

Because the route, not the policy, determines which traffic goes through the tunnel, multiple policies can be supported with a single SA or VPN.

In a policy-based VPN, the action must be permit and must include a tunnel.

In a route-based VPN, the regulation of traffic is not coupled to the means of its delivery.

The exchange of dynamic routing information is not supported in policy-based VPNs.

Route-based VPNs support the exchange of dynamic routing information through VPN tunnels. You can enable an instance of a dynamic routing protocol, such as OSPF, on an st0 interface that is bound to a VPN tunnel.

If you need more granularity than a route can provide to specify the traffic sent to a tunnel, using a policy-based VPN with security policies is the best choice.

Route-based VPNs uses routes to specify the traffic sent to a tunnel; a policy does not specifically reference a VPN tunnel.

With a policy-based VPN tunnel, you can consider a tunnel as an element in the construction of a policy.

When the security device does a route lookup to find the interface through which it must send traffic to reach an address, it finds a route through a secure tunnel (st0) interface.

With a route-based VPN tunnel, you can consider a tunnel as a means for delivering traffic, and can consider the policy as a method for either permitting or denying the delivery of that traffic.

Shared Point-to-Point st0 Interface

In this topic, you’ll learn about sharing the point-to-point st0 logical interface between multiple VPN objects.

Junos OS supports sharing of point-to-point st0 logical interface when you run IPsec VPN service using the iked process to provide a migration path from the kmd process. You can configure multiple VPNs objects to share a point-to-point st0 interface if you meet the following prerequisites:

  • You've configured explicit traffic selectors.

  • You've not used wildcard network mask in your configuration.

Read further to understand the benefits and limitations of shared point-to-point st0 interface.


  • Eliminates the logical interface (IFL) limit on st0 interface.

  • Negotiates multiple security associations (SAs) for a single IKE gateway when you have multiple subnets.

  • Helps migrating policy-based VPNs to route-based VPNs. See Migrate Policy-Based VPNs to Route-Based VPNs.

  • Eliminates the manual management of static routes to the tunnel using auto route insertion (ARI) with traffic selectors.

  • Eliminates the need for next hop tunnel binding (NHTB) as shared st0 interface is not just limited to point-to-multipoint mode.


IPsec VPNs cannot share point-to-point st0 interface if:

  • Proxy ID is configured.

  • Explicit traffic selectors are not configured.

  • One VPN object has proxy ID configured and the other VPN object has default traffic selector configured.

  • One VPN object has explicit traffic selector configured and the other VPN object has default traffic selector configured.

  • One VPN object has proxy ID configured and the other VPN object has explicit traffic selector configured.

Sample Configuration

You can bind the same st0 interface in multiple IPsec VPN objects. You can configure two different IKE gateways with two different IPsec VPN objects binding to the same st0 interface.

content_copy zoom_out_map
[edit security ipsec]
user@host# show
vpn vpn1 {
    bind-interface st0.0;
    ike {
            gateway gw1;
            ipsec-policy ipsec_pol;
    traffic-selector ts1 {
vpn vpn2 {
    bind-interface st0.0;
    ike {
             gateway gw2;
             ipsec-policy ipsec_pol;
    traffic-selector ts1 {

Understanding IKE and IPsec Packet Processing

An IPsec VPN tunnel consists of tunnel setup and applied security. During tunnel setup, the peers establish security associations (SAs), which define the parameters for securing traffic between themselves. See IPsec Overview. After the tunnel is established, IPsec protects the traffic sent between the two tunnel endpoints by applying the security parameters defined by the SAs during tunnel setup. Within the Junos OS implementation, IPsec is applied in tunnel mode, which supports the Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) and Authentication Header (AH) protocols.

This topic includes the following sections:

Packet Processing in Tunnel Mode

IPsec operates in one of two modes—transport or tunnel. When both ends of the tunnel are hosts, you can use either mode. When at least one of the endpoints of a tunnel is a security gateway, such as a Junos OS router or firewall, you must use tunnel mode. Juniper Networks devices always operate in tunnel mode for IPsec tunnels.

In tunnel mode, the entire original IP packet—payload and header—is encapsulated within another IP payload, and a new header is appended to it, as shown in Figure 1. The entire original packet can be encrypted, authenticated, or both. With the Authentication Header (AH) protocol, the AH and new headers are also authenticated. With the Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) protocol, the ESP header can also be authenticated.

Figure 1: Tunnel ModeTunnel Mode

In a site-to-site VPN, the source and destination addresses used in the new header are the IP addresses of the outgoing interface. See Figure 2.

Figure 2: Site-to-Site VPN in Tunnel ModeSite-to-Site VPN in Tunnel Mode

In a dial-up VPN, there is no tunnel gateway on the VPN dial-up client end of the tunnel; the tunnel extends directly to the client itself (see Figure 3). In this case, on packets sent from the dial-up client, both the new header and the encapsulated original header have the same IP address: that of the client’s computer.

Some VPN clients, such as the Netscreen-Remote, use a virtual inner IP address (also called a “sticky address”). Netscreen-Remote enables you to define the virtual IP address. In such cases, the virtual inner IP address is the source IP address in the original packet header of traffic originating from the client, and the IP address that the ISP dynamically assigns the dial-up client is the source IP address in the outer header.

Figure 3: Dial-Up VPN in Tunnel ModeDial-Up VPN in Tunnel Mode

Distribution of IKE and IPsec Sessions Across SPUs

In the SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices, IKE provides tunnel management for IPsec and authenticates end entities. IKE performs a Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange to generate an IPsec tunnel between network devices. The IPsec tunnels generated by IKE are used to encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate user traffic between the network devices at the IP layer.

The VPN is created by distributing the IKE and IPsec workload among the multiple Services Processing Units (SPUs) of the platform. For site-to-site tunnels, the least-loaded SPU is chosen as the anchor SPU. If multiple SPUs have the same smallest load, any of them can be chosen as an anchor SPU. Here, load corresponds to the number of site-to-site gateways or manual VPN tunnels anchored on an SPU. For dynamic tunnels, the newly established dynamic tunnels employ a round-robin algorithm to select the SPU.

In IPsec, the workload is distributed by the same algorithm that distributes the IKE. The Phase 2 SA for a given VPN tunnel termination points pair is exclusively owned by a particular SPU, and all IPsec packets belonging to this Phase 2 SA are forwarded to the anchoring SPU of that SA for IPsec processing.

Multiple IPsec sessions (Phase 2 SA) can operate over one or more IKE sessions. The SPU that is selected for anchoring the IPsec session is based on the SPU that is anchoring the underlying IKE session. Therefore, all IPsec sessions that run over a single IKE gateway are serviced by the same SPU and are not load-balanced across several SPUs.

Table 3 shows an example of an SRX5000 line with three SPUs running seven IPsec tunnels over three IKE gateways.

Table 3: Distribution of IKE and IPsec Sessions Across SPUs


IKE Gateway

IPsec Tunnel














The three SPUs have an equal load of one IKE gateway each. If a new IKE gateway is created, SPU0, SPU1, or SPU2 could be selected to anchor the IKE gateway and its IPsec sessions.

Setting up and tearing down existing IPsec tunnels does not affect the underlying IKE session or existing IPsec tunnels.

Use the following show command to view the current tunnel count per SPU: show security ike tunnel-map.

Use the summary option of the command to view the anchor points of each gateway: show security ike tunnel-map summary.

VPN Support for Inserting Services Processing Cards

SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices have a chassis-based distributed processor architecture. The flow processing power is shared and is based on the number of Services Processing Cards (SPCs). You can scale the processing power of the device by installing new SPCs.

In an SRX5400, SRX5600, or SRX5800 chassis cluster, you can insert new SPCs on the devices without affecting or disrupting the traffic on the existing IKE or IPsec VPN tunnels. When you insert a new SPC in each chassis of the cluster, the existing tunnels are not affected and traffic continues to flow without disruption.

Starting in Junos OS Release 19.4R1, on all SRX5000 line chassis cluster, you can insert a new SRX5K-SPC3 (SPC3) or SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320 (SPC2) card to an existing chassis containing SPC3 card. You can only insert the cards in a higher slot than the existing SPC3 card on the chassis. You must reboot the node after the inserting SPC3 to activate the card. After the node reboot is complete, IPsec tunnels are distributed to the cards.

However, existing tunnels cannot use the processing power of the Service Processing Units (SPUs) in the new SPCs. A new SPU can anchor newly established site-to-site and dynamic tunnels. Newly configured tunnels are not, however, guaranteed to be anchored on a new SPU.

Site-to-site tunnels are anchored on different SPUs based on a load-balancing algorithm. The load-balancing algorithm is dependent on number flow threads each SPU is using. Tunnels belonging to the same local and remote gateway IP addresses are anchored on the same SPU on different flow RT threads used by the SPU. The SPU with the smallest load is chosen as the anchor SPU. Each SPU maintains number of flow RT threads that are hosted in that particular SPU. The number of flow RT threads hosted on each SPU vary based on the type of SPU.

Tunnel load factor = Number of tunnels anchored on the SPU / Total number of flow RT threads used by the SPU.

Dynamic tunnels are anchored on different SPUs based on a round-robin algorithm. Newly configured dynamic tunnels are not guaranteed to be anchored on the new SPC.

Starting in Junos OS Release 18.2R2 and 18.4R1, all the existing IPsec VPN features that are currently supported on SRX5K-SPC3 (SPC3) only will be supported on SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices when SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320 (SPC2) and SPC3 cards are installed and operating on the device in a chassis cluster mode or in a standalone mode.

When both SPC2 and SPC3 cards are installed, you can verify the tunnel mapping on different SPUs using the show security ipsec tunnel-distribution command.

Use the command show security ike tunnel-map to view the tunnel mapping on different SPUs with only SPC2 card inserted. The command show security ike tunnel-map is not valid in an environment where SPC2 and SPC3 cards are installed.

Inserting SPC3 Card: Guidelines and Limitations:

  • In a chassis cluster, if one of the nodes has 1 SPC3 card and the other node has 2 SPC3 cards, the failover to the node that has 1 SPC3 card is not supported.

  • You must insert the SPC3 or SPC2 in an existing chassis in a higher slot than a current SPC3 present in a lower slot.

  • For SPC3 ISHU to work, you must insert the new SPC3 card into the higher slot number.

  • On SRX5800 chassis cluster, you must not insert the SPC3 card in the highest slot (slot no. 11) due to the power and heat distribution limit.

  • We do not support SPC3 hot removal.

Table 4 summarizes the SRX5000 line with SPC2 or SPC3 card that supports kmd or iked process:

Table 4: kmd/iked Process Support on SRX5000 Line

SRX5000 Line

Support for kmd or iked Process

SRX5000 line with only SPC2 card installed

Supports kmd process.

SRX5000 line with only SPC3 card installed

Supports iked process.

SRX5000 line with both SPC2 and SPC3 card installed

Supports iked process.

Cryptographic acceleration support on SRX5K-SPC3 Card, SRX mid-range platforms and vSRX Virtual Firewall

SRX5000 line with SRX5K-SPC3 card (Services Processing Card), SRX mid-range platforms (SRX4100, SRX4200, SRX1500 and SRX4600 Series Firewalls) and vSRX Virtual Firewall requires junos-ike package as the control plane software to install and enable IPsec VPN features.

  • On SRX5000 line with RE3, by default, junos-ike package is installed in Junos OS Releases 20.1R2, 20.2R2, 20.3R2, 20.4R1, and later. As a result, iked and ikemd process runs on the routing engine by default instead of IPsec key management daemon (kmd). The SRX5000 line with SRX5K-SPC3 offloads the cryptographic operations to the hardware cryptographic engine.

  • The SRX mid-range platforms covering SRX1500, SRX4100, SRX4200 and SRX4600 Series Firewalls, offloads the DH, RSA and ECDSA cryptographic operations to the hardware cryptographic engine with devices running junos-ike software. This feature is available from Junos OS Release 23.2R1 with devices having junos-ike package installed. The devices that continue to run legacy iked software (kmd process) do not support this feature.

  • On vSRX Virtual Firewall, the data plane CPU thread offloads the DH, RSA and ECDSA operations. Hardware acceleration is not available on these devices. This feature is available from Junos OS Release 23.2R1 with junos-ike package installed on the device.

The Table 5 describes the hardware acceleration support for various ciphers:

Table 5: Cryptographic Acceleration Support
Ciphers SRX1500 SRX4100/SRX4200 SRX4600 SRX5K - SPC3 vSRX3.0
DH (Groups 1, 2, 5, 14) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
DH (Groups 19, 20) No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
DH (Groups 15, 16) No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
DH Group 21 No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
DH Group 24 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
RSA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ECDSA (256, 384, 521) No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes

To install the Junos IKE package on your SRX Series Firewall, use the following command:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> request system software add optional://junos-ike.tgz
Verified junos-ike signed by PackageProductionECP256_2022 method ECDSA256+SHA256
Rebuilding schema and Activating configuration...
mgd: commit complete
Restarting MGD ...

WARNING: cli has been replaced by an updated version:
CLI release 20220208.163814_builder.r1239105 built by builder on 2022-02-08 17:07:55 UTC
Restart cli using the new version ? [yes,no] (yes)

To use kmd process in order to enable IPsec VPN features on SRX5000 line without an SPC3 card, you must run the request system software delete junos-ike command. After running the command, reboot the device.

To check the installed junos-ike package, use the following command:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show version | grep ike
JUNOS ike [20190617.180318_builder_junos_182_x41]
JUNOS ike [20190617.180318_builder_junos_182_x41]


IPsec VPN Feature Support with New Package

The two processes, iked and ikemd support IPsec VPN features on SRX Series Firewalls. A single instance of iked and ikemd run on the Routing Engine at a time.

By default, junos-ike package is installed in Junos OS Release 19.4R1 and later for SRX5K-SPC3 with RE3. Both the iked and ikemd processes running on the Routing Engine are available with this package. On SRX5K-SPC3 with RE2, this is an optional package and needs to be installed explicitly.

To restart ikemd process in the Routine Engine use the restart ike-config-management command.

To restart iked process in the Routing Engine use the restart ike-key-management command.

Table 6 shows the details of Junos OS releases where junos-ike package is introduced.

Table 6: Support for junos-ike Package


Junos OS Release with junos-ike Package

SRX5K-SPC3 with RE3

19.4R1 and later as default package

SRX5K-SPC3 with RE2

18.2R1 and later as optional package

vSRX Virtual Firewall (vSRX 3.0)

20.3R1 and later as optional package

25.2R1 and later as default package


22.3R1 and later as optional package

25.2R1 and later as default package

SRX4100, SRX4200, SRX4600

22.3R1 and later as optional package

25.2R1 and later as default package

SRX1600, SRX2300

23.4R1 and later as default package


24.2R1 and later as default package


24.4R1 and later as default package


Disregarding the specified Junos OS release versions when installing the junos-ike package may result in unsupported features not functioning as expected.

To operate IPsec VPN features using the legacy kmd process on SRX5000 line without an SRX5K-SPC3 card, you must run the request system software delete junos-ike command and reboot the device. The SRX1600, SRX2300, and SRX4300 Series Firewalls do not support kmd process.

IPsec VPN Features Not Supported

This section provides you a summary of IPsec VPN features and configurations that are not supported of SRX5000 line with SRX5K-SPC3 and on vSRX Virtual Firewall instances.

To determine if a feature is supported by a specific platform or Junos OS release, refer Feature Explorer.

Table 7 summarizes the non-supported IPsec VPN features on SRX Series Firewalls and vSRX Virtual Firewall running iked process:

Table 7: IPsec VPN Features Not Supported on SRX Series Firewalls and vSRX Virtual Firewall Instances


Support on SRX5000 line with SRX5K-SPC3 and vSRX Virtual Firewall Instances

AutoVPN Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) point-to-multipoint mode.

No. But support is available on vSRX 3.0

Configuring forwarding class on IPsec VPNs.


Group VPN.


Packet size configuration for IPsec datapath verification.


Policy-based IPsec VPN.


Routing Protocols Support on IPsec VPN Tunnels

We support routing protocols like, OSPF, BGP, PIM, RIP, and BFD to run on IPsec tunnels on SRX Series Firewalls and MX Series routers running kmd or iked process. The protocol support varies based on the IP addressing scheme or the type of the st0 interface, point-to-point (P2P) or point-to-multipoint (P2MP).

Table 8 summarizes OSPF protocol support on SRX Series Firewalls and MX routers.

Table 8: OSPF Protocol Support on IPsec VPN Tunnels
Devices P2P P2MP
IPv4 IPv6 IPv4 IPv6
SRX100, SRX110, SRX210, SRX220, SRX240, SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, SRX380, SRX550, SRX550 HM, SRX650, SRX1400, SRX1500, SRX3400, SRX3600, SRX4100, SRX4200, SRX4600, and SRX5K-SPC2 Yes No Yes No
SRX5K-SPC3 Yes No Yes No
SRX5K in mixed-mode (SPC3 + SPC2) Yes No Yes No
vSRX Virtual Firewall 3.0 Yes No Yes No
MX-SPC3 Yes No No No

Table 9 summarizes OSPFv3 protocol support on SRX Series Firewalls and MX routers.

Table 9: OSPFv3 Protocol Support on IPsec VPN Tunnels
Devices P2P P2MP
IPv4 IPv6 IPv4 IPv6
SRX100, SRX110, SRX210, SRX220, SRX240, SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, SRX380, SRX550, SRX550 HM, SRX650, SRX1400, SRX1500, SRX3400, SRX3600, SRX4100, SRX4200, SRX4600, and SRX5K-SPC2 No Yes No Yes
SRX5K-SPC3 No Yes No Yes
SRX5K in mixed-mode (SPC3 + SPC2) No Yes No Yes
vSRX Virtual Firewall 3.0 No Yes No Yes
MX-SPC3 No Yes No No

Table 10 summarizes BGP protocol support on SRX Series Firewalls and MX routers.

Table 10: BGP Protocol Support on IPsec VPN Tunnels
Devices P2P P2MP
IPv4 IPv6 IPv4 IPv6
SRX100, SRX110, SRX210, SRX220, SRX240, SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, SRX380, SRX550, SRX550 HM, SRX650, SRX1400, SRX1500, SRX3400, SRX3600, SRX4100, SRX4200, SRX4600, and SRX5K-SPC2 Yes Yes Yes Yes
SRX5K-SPC3 Yes Yes Yes Yes
SRX5K in mixed-mode (SPC3 + SPC2) Yes Yes Yes Yes
vSRX Virtual Firewall 3.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
MX-SPC3 Yes Yes No No

Table 11 summarizes PIM protocol support on SRX Series Firewalls and MX routers.

Table 11: PIM Protocol Support on IPsec VPN Tunnels
Devices P2P P2MP
IPv4 IPv6 IPv4 IPv6
SRX100, SRX110, SRX210, SRX220, SRX240, SRX550, SRX550 HM, SRX650, SRX1400, SRX3400, SRX3600, SRX4100, SRX4200, SRX4600, and SRX5K-SPC2 Yes No No No
SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, SRX380, and SRX1500 Yes No Yes No
SRX5K-SPC3 Yes No No No
SRX5K in mixed-mode (SPC3 + SPC2) Yes No No No
vSRX Virtual Firewall Yes No Yes

Multithread is not supported.

MX-SPC3 Yes No No No

Table 12 summarizes RIP protocol support on SRX Series Firewalls and MX routers.

Table 12: RIP Protocol Support on IPsec VPN Tunnels
Devices P2P P2MP
IPv4 IPv6 IPv4 IPv6
SRX100, SRX110, SRX210, SRX220, SRX240, SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, SRX380, SRX550, SRX550 HM, SRX650, SRX1400, SRX1500, SRX3400, SRX3600, SRX4100, SRX4200, SRX4600, and SRX5K-SPC2 Yes Yes No No
SRX5K-SPC3 Yes Yes No No
SRX5K in mixed-mode (SPC3 + SPC2) Yes Yes No No
vSRX Virtual Firewall 3.0 Yes Yes No No
MX-SPC3 Yes Yes No No

Table 13 summarizes BFP protocol support on SRX Series Firewalls and MX routers.

Table 13: BFD Protocol Support on IPsec VPN Tunnels
Devices P2P P2MP
IPv4 IPv6 IPv4 IPv6
SRX100, SRX110, SRX210, SRX220, SRX240, SRX300, SRX320, SRX340, SRX345, SRX380, SRX550, SRX550 HM, SRX650, SRX1400, SRX1500, SRX3400, SRX3600, SRX4100, SRX4200, SRX4600, and SRX5K-SPC2 Yes Yes Yes Yes
SRX5K-SPC3 Yes Yes Yes Yes
SRX5K in mixed-mode (SPC3 + SPC2) Yes Yes Yes Yes
vSRX Virtual Firewall 3.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes
MX-SPC3 Yes Yes No No

Anti-Replay Window

On SRX Series Firewalls, anti-replay-window is enabled by default with a window size value of 64.

On the SRX Series 5000 line with SPC3 cards installed, you can configure the anti-replay-window size in the range of 64 to 8192 (power of 2). To configure the window size, use the new anti-replay-window-size option. An incoming packet is validated for replay attack based on the anti-replay-window-size that is configured.

You can configure replay-window-size at two different levels:

  • Global level—Configured at the [edit security ipsec] hierarchy level.

    For example:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit security ipsec]
     user@host# set anti-replay-window-size <64..8192>;
  • VPN object—Configured at the [edit security ipsec vpn vpn-name ike] hierarchy level.

    For example:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit security ipsec vpn vpn-name ike]
    user@host# set anti-replay-window-size <64..8192>;

If anti-replay is configured at both levels, the window size configured for a VPN object level takes precedence over the window size configured at the global level. If anti-replay is not configured, the window size is 64 by default.

To disable the anti-replay window option on a VPN object, use the set no-anti-replay command at the [edit security ipsec vpn vpn-name ike] hierarchy level. You cannot disable anti-replay at the global level.

You cannot configure both anti-replay-window-size and no-anti-replay on a VPN object.

Understanding Hub-and-Spoke VPNs

If you create two VPN tunnels that terminate at a device, you can set up a pair of routes so that the device directs traffic exiting one tunnel to the other tunnel. You also need to create a policy to permit the traffic to pass from one tunnel to the other. Such an arrangement is known as hub-and-spoke VPN. (See Figure 4.)

You can also configure multiple VPNs and route traffic between any two tunnels.

SRX Series Firewalls support only the route-based hub-and-spoke feature.

Figure 4: Multiple Tunnels in a Hub-and-Spoke VPN ConfigurationMultiple Tunnels in a Hub-and-Spoke VPN Configuration

Change History Table

Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.

Support for the shared point-to-point st0 interface with the iked process added in Junos OS Release 24.4R1.
Support for SRX4300 firewalls is added in Junos OS Release 24.2R1. The SRX4300 firewalls offer all the IPsec VPN features with the iked process that SRX4200 offers. Support for Policy-based VPN and Group VPN is not available with these platforms.
Support for Dead Peer Detection (DPD) and Auto Discovery VPN (ADVPN) with iked process is added in Junos OS Release 23.4R1.
Support for SRX1600 and SRX2300 firewalls is added in Junos OS Release 23.4R1. The SRX1600 and SRX2300 firewalls offer all the IPsec VPN features with the iked process that SRX1500 and SRX4100 respectively offer. Support for Policy-based VPN and Group VPN is not available with these platforms.
Cryptographic acceleration support for SRX mid-range platforms (SRX1500, SRX4100, SRX4200, SRX4600 Series Firewalls) and vSRX Virtual Firewall is added.
By default, junos-ike package is installed in Junos OS Releases 20.1R2, 20.2R2, 20.3R2, 20.4R1, and later for SRX5000 line with RE3. As a result iked and ikemd process runs on the routing engine by default instead of IPsec key management daemon (kmd).