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[edit protocols bgp] Hierarchy Level

Several statements in the [edit protocols mpls] hierarchy are valid at numerous locations within it. To make the complete hierarchy easier to read, the repeated statements are listed in Common BGP Family Options and that section is referenced at the appropriate locations in Complete [edit protocols bgp] Hierarchy.

Common BGP Family Options

This section lists statements that are valid at the following hierarchy levels, and is referenced at those levels in Complete [edit protocols bgp] Hierarchy instead of the statements being repeated.

  • [edit protocols bgp family inet (any | flow | labeled-unicast | multicast | unicast)]
  • [edit protocols bgp family inet6 (any | labeled-unicast | multicast | unicast)]
  • [edit protocols bgp family (inet-mdt | inet-mvpn | inet6-mvpn | l2vpn) signaling]
  • [edit protocols bgp family inet-vpn (any | flow | multicast | unicast)]
  • [edit protocols bgp family inet6-vpn (any | multicast | unicast)]
  • [edit protocols bgp family iso-vpn unicast]

The common BGP family options are as follows:

accepted-prefix-limit {maximum number;teardown <percentage> <idle-timeout (forever | minutes)>;}damping; loops number;prefix-limit {maximum number;teardown <percentage> <idle-timeout (forever | minutes)>;}rib-group group-name;topology name {community {target identifier;}}

Complete [edit protocols bgp] Hierarchy

The statement hierarchy listed in this section can also be included at the [edit logical-systems logical-system-name] hierarchy level.

protocols {bgp {disable;accept-remote-nexthop;advertise-external <conditional>;advertise-inactive;(advertise-peer-as | no-advertise-peer-as);authentication-algorithm (aes-128-cmac-96 | hmac-sha-1-96 | md5);authentication-key key;authentication-key-chain key-chain;bfd-liveness-detection {authentication {algorithm (keyed-md5 | keyed-sha-1 | meticulous-keyed-md5 | meticulous-keyed-sha-1 | simple-password);key-chain key-chain-name;loose-check;}detection-time {threshold milliseconds;}holddown-interval milliseconds;minimum-interval milliseconds;minimum-receive-interval milliseconds;multiplier number;no-adaptation;session-mode (automatic | multihop | single-hop);transmit-interval {minimum-interval milliseconds;threshold milliseconds;}version (1 | automatic);}cluster cluster-identifier;damping;description text-description;export [ policy-names ];family family-name {... the family subhierarchies appear after the main [edit protocols bgp] hierarchy ...}graceful-restart {disable;restart-time seconds;stale-routes-time seconds;}group group-name {... the group subhierarchy appears after the main [edit protocols bgp] hierarchy ...}hold-time seconds;idle-after-switch-over (seconds | forever);import [ policy-names ];include-mp-next-hop;ipsec-sa ipsec-sa;keep (all | none);local-address address;local-as autonomous-system <loops number> < alias> <private>;local-interface interface-name;local-preference local-preference;log-updown;metric-out (metric | igp (delay-med-update | offset) | minimum-igp offset);mtu-discovery;multihop {no-nexthop-change;ttl ttl-value;}no-aggregator-id;no-client-reflect;out-delay seconds;outbound-route-filter {bgp-orf-cisco-mode;prefix-based {accept {inet;inet6;}}}passive;path-selection {always-compare-med;as-path-ignore;cisco-non-deterministic;external-router-id;med-plus-igp {igp-multiplier number;med-multiplier number;}}peer-as autonomous-system;preference preference;remove-private;tcp-mss segment-size;traceoptions {file filename <files number> <size maximum-file-size> <world-readable | no-world-readable>;flag flag <flag-modifier> <disable>;}vpn-apply-export;}  bgp {family inet {(any | multicast) {... statements in Common BGP Family Options ...}flow {... statements in Common BGP Family Options PLUS [ validation-procedure-names ];}labeled-unicast {... statements in Common BGP Family Options PLUS ...aggregate-label {community community-name;}aigp [disable];explicit-null connected-only;per-group-label;resolve-vpn;rib inet.3;traffic-statistics {file filename <files number> <size maximum-file-size> <world-readable | no-world-readable>;interval seconds;}}unicast {... statements in Common BGP Family Options PLUS ...add-path {send {path-count number;prefix-policy [ policy-names ];}receive;}topology name {community target identifier;}}}}  bgp {family inet6 {(any | multicast) {... statements in Common BGP Family Options ...}labeled-unicast {... statements in Common BGP Family Options PLUS ...aggregate-label {community community-name:}aigp [disable];explicit-null;per-group-label;traffic-statistics {file filename <files number> <size maximum-file-size> <world-readable | no-world-readable>;interval seconds;}}unicast {... statements in Common BGP Family Options PLUS ...topology name {community target identifier;}}}}  bgp {family (inet-mdt | inet-mvpn | inet6-mvpn | l2vpn) {signaling {... statements in Common BGP Family Options ...}}}  bgp {family inet-vpn {(any | multicast | unicast) {... statements in Common BGP Family Options PLUS ...aggregate-label <community community-name>;}flow {... statements in Common BGP Family Options ...}}}  bgp {family inet6-vpn {(any | multicast | unicast) {... statements in Common BGP Family Options PLUS ...aggregate-label <community community-name>;}}}  bgp {family iso-vpn {unicast {... statements in Common BGP Family Options PLUS ...aggregate-label <community community-name>;}}}  bgp {family route-target {accepted-prefix-limit {maximum number;teardown <percentage> <idle-timeout (forever | minutes)>;}advertise-default;external-paths number;prefix-limit {maximum number;teardown <percentage> <idle-timeout (forever | minutes)>;}proxy-generate <route-target-policy route-target-policy-name>;}}  bgp {group group-name {... same statements as at the [edit protocols bgp] hierarchy level PLUS ...allow [ all ip-prefix</prefix-length> ];as-override;multipath <multiple-as>;neighbor address {... the neighbor subhierarchy appears after the main [edit protocols bgp group group-name] hierarchy ...}type (external | internal);... BUT NOT ...disable;  # NOT valid at this levelgroup group-name { ... }  # NOT valid at this levelpath-selection { ... }  # NOT valid at this level}  group group-name {neighbor address {... same statements as at the [edit protocols bgp] hierarchy level PLUS;multipath <multiple-as>;... BUT NOT ...disable;  # NOT valid at this levelgroup group-name { ... }  # NOT valid at this levelneighbor address { ... }  # NOT valid at this levelpath-selection { ... }  # NOT valid at this level}}}}

Published: 2012-07-03