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Overview of Channelized IQ Interfaces

Channelized interfaces allow service providers to customize bandwidth to satisfy the needs of their customers. Whether the subscriber needs DS0, T1, fractional T1, E1, fractional E1, E3, T3, STM1, OC3, or OC12 service, a channelized interface can provide the necessary bandwidth today and can be reconfigured to support the customer’s expanding network tomorrow. Standard channelized interfaces have been available on Juniper Networks routing platforms since JUNOS Release 3.4.

The original channelized interfaces for Juniper Networks M-series routers are available in the following models:

  • 1-port Channelized OC12 PIC
  • 10-port Channelized E1 PIC
  • 1-port Channelized STM1 PIC
  • 4-port Channelized DS3 PIC
  • 1-port and 2-port multichannel Channelized DS3 PIC

These channelized interfaces provide a single level of channelization and require at both the [edit chassis] and the [edit interfaces] hierarchy levels. Most configuration options must be set on channel 0 and apply to all channels on these channelized interfaces.

The new channelized interfaces with intelligent queuing offer several advantages over the original channelized interfaces:

  • Complete configuration tasks for channelized IQ interfaces are now centralized at the [edit interfaces] hierarchy level.
  • Multiple levels of channelization are now possible with channelized IQ interfaces. For example, a channelized OC12 IQ interface can be divided into channelized OC1 interfaces, then subdivided into channelized T1 interfaces, and further split into NxDS0 channels.
  • You can now configure interface statements, such as clocking, on individual channels rather than configuring them on channel 0 for all channels at the same hierarchy level.
  • Class-of-service (CoS) processing now occurs on the PIC for channelized IQ interfaces rather than in the FPC.

The following M-series and T-series PICs support channelized interfaces with intelligent queuing:

  • 1-port Channelized OC12 IQ PIC
  • 1-port Channelized OC3 PIC
  • 4-port Channelized DS3 IQ PIC
  • 10-port Channelized T1 IQ PIC
  • 10-port Channelized E1 IQ PIC
  • 1-port Channelized STM1 IQ PIC

To determine which PIC is installed, issue the show chassis hardware command:

user@RouterA> show chassis hardware
Hardware inventory:
Item             Version  Part number  Serial number     Description
Chassis                                20070             M160
Midplane         REV 03   710-001245   AB4123           
FPM CMB          REV 02   710-001642   AB3266           
FPM Display      REV 02   710-001647   AB3038           
CIP              REV 04   710-001593   AB3276           
PEM 0            Rev 03   740-001243   KM28410           DC
PEM 1            Rev 03   740-001243   LF21558           Power Entry Module
PCG 0            REV 03   710-001568   AB3006           
PCG 1            REV 02   710-001568   AB2992           
Routing Engine 0                       20000005dfae3a01  RE-2.0
MCS 0            REV 04   710-001226   AB3208           
MCS 1            REV 04   710-001226   AB3212           
SFM 0 SPP        REV 06   710-001228   AB3103           
SFM 0 SPR        REV 01   710-002189   AB2936            Internet Processor II
SFM 1 SPP        REV 07   710-001228   AG2634           
SFM 1 SPR        REV 03   710-002189   AE3503            Internet Processor II
SFM 2 SPP        REV 06   710-001228   AB2976           
SFM 2 SPR        REV 01   710-002189   AB2938            Internet Processor II
SFM 3 SPP        REV 06   710-001228   AB5826           
SFM 3 SPR        REV 01   710-002189   AB2917            Internet Processor II
FPC 0            REV 03   710-003947   HE0614            E-FPC Type 1
  CPU            REV 01   710-004600   AT3217           
  PIC 0          REV 03   750-005636   BE1826            4x CHDS3 IQ

# This is the Channelized DS3 IQ PIC.
  PIC 1          REV 07   750-003846   HG5572            1x 800M Crypto
  PIC 2          REV 01   750-004507   BA5341            10x CE1-NxDS0
  PIC 3          REV 06   750-003009   AM6929            4x CT3
# This is the original Channelized T3 PIC.
FPC 1            REV 03   710-003309   AD9434            E-FPC Type 2
  CPU            REV 05   710-001217   AH2707           
  PIC 2          REV 05   750-001900   AD5738            1x OC-48 SONET, SMSR
  PIC 3          REV 04   750-003737   BC1106            4x G/E, 1000 BASE-SX

Published: 2012-11-28