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Configuring SNMP Trap Options and Groups on a Device Running Junos OS

Some carriers have more than one trap receiver that forwards traps to a central NMS. This allows for more than one path for SNMP traps from a router to the central NMS through different trap receivers. A device running Junos OS can be configured to send the same copy of each SNMP trap to every trap receiver configured in the trap group.

The source address in the IP header of each SNMP trap packet is set to the address of the outgoing interface by default. When a trap receiver forwards the packet to the central NMS, the source address is preserved. The central NMS, looking only at the source address of each SNMP trap packet, assumes that each SNMP trap came from a different source.

In reality, the SNMP traps came from the same router, but each left the router through a different outgoing interface.

The statements discussed in the following sections are provided to allow the NMS to recognize the duplicate traps and to distinguish SNMPv1 traps based on the outgoing interface.

To configure SNMP trap options and trap groups, include the trap-options and trap-group statements at the [edit snmp] hierarchy level:

[edit snmp]trap-options {agent-address outgoing-interface;source-address address;}trap-group group-name {categories {category;}destination-port port-number;targets {address;}version (all | v1 | v2);}

Published: 2012-12-08