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Example: Configuring a Filter to Match on Port and Protocol Fields

This example shows how to configure a standard stateless firewall filter to match on destination port and protocol fields.


No special configuration beyond device initialization is required before configuring this example.


In this example, you configure a stateless firewall filter that accepts all IPv4 packets except for TCP and UDP packets. TCP and UDP packets are accepted if destined for the SSH port or the Telnet port. All other packets are rejected.


The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For information about navigating the CLI, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode.

CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following configuration commands into a text file, remove any line breaks, and then paste the commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level:

set firewall family inet filter filter1 term term1 from protocol-except tcpset firewall family inet filter filter1 term term1 from protocol-except udpset firewall family inet filter filter1 term term1 then acceptset firewall family inet filter filter1 term term2 from address firewall family inet filter filter1 term term2 then rejectset firewall family inet filter filter1 term term3 from destination-port sshset firewall family inet filter filter1 term term3 from destination-port telnetset firewall family inet filter filter1 term term3 then acceptset firewall family inet filter filter1 term term4 then rejectset interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet address interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet filter input filter1

Configure the Stateless Firewall Filter

Step-by-Step Procedure

To configure the stateless firewall filter filter1:

  1. Create the IPv4 stateless firewall filter.

    [edit]user@host# edit firewall family inet filter filter1
  2. Configure a term to accept all traffic except for TCP and UDP packets.

    [edit firewall family inet filter filter1]user@host# set term term1 from protocol-except tcpuser@host# set term term1 from protocol-except udpuser@host# set term term1 then accept
  3. Configure a term to reject packets to or from the 192.168/16 prefix.

    [edit firewall family inet filter filter1]user@host# set term term2 from address set term term2 then reject
  4. Configure a term to accept packets destined for either the SSH port or the Telnet port.

    [edit firewall family inet filter filter1]user@host# set term term3 from destination-port sshuser@host# set term term3 from destination-port telnetuser@host# set term term3 then accept
  5. Configure the last term to reject all packets.

    [edit firewall family inet filter filter1]user@host# set term term4 then reject

Apply the Stateless Firewall Filter to a Logical Interface

Step-by-Step Procedure

To apply the stateless firewall filter to a logical interface:

  1. Configure the logical interface to which you will apply the stateless firewall filter.

    [edit]user@host# edit interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet
  2. Configure the interface address for the logical interface.

    [edit interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet]user@host# set address
  3. Apply the stateless firewall filter to the logical interface.

    [edit interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet]user@host# set filter input filter1

Confirm and Commit Your Candidate Configuration

Step-by-Step Procedure

To confirm and then commit your candidate configuration:

  1. Confirm the configuration of the stateless firewall filter by entering the show firewall configuration mode command. If the command output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the instructions in this example to correct the configuration.

    [edit]user@host# show firewall
    family inet {filter filter1 {term term1 {from {protocol-except [tcp udp];}then {accept;}}term term2 {from {address 192.168/16;}then {reject;}}term term3 {from {destination-port [ssh telnet];}then {accept;}}term term4 {then {reject;}}}}
  2. Confirm the configuration of the interface by entering the show interfaces configuration mode command. If the command output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the instructions in this example to correct the configuration.

    [edit]user@host# show interfaces
    ge-0/0/1 {unit 0 {family inet {filter {input filter1;}address;}}}
  3. If you are done configuring the device, commit your candidate configuration.

    [edit]user@host# commit


To confirm that the configuration is working properly, enter the show firewall filter filter1 operational mode command.

Published: 2013-04-10