Example: Physical Interface Configuration Statements for Serial Interfaces
To configure serial physical interface properties, include the serial-options statement at the [edit interfaces se-pim/0/port ] hierarchy level for J Series routers, or at the [edit interfaces se- fpc/pic/port] hierarchy level for M Series and T Series routers:
[edit interfaces se-fpc/pic/port]serial-options {clock-rate rate;clocking-mode (dce | internal | loop);control-polarity (negative | positive);cts-polarity (negative | positive);dcd-polarity (negative | positive);dce-options {control-signal (assert | de-assert | normal);cts (ignore | normal | require);dcd (ignore | normal | require);dsr (ignore | normal | require);dtr signal-handling-option;ignore-all;indication (ignore | normal | require);rts (assert | de-assert | normal);tm (ignore | normal | require);}dsr-polarity (negative | positive);dte-options {control-signal (assert | de-assert | normal);cts (ignore | normal | require);dcd (ignore | normal | require);dsr (ignore | normal | require);dtr signal-handling-option;ignore-all;indication (ignore | normal | require);rts (assert | de-assert | normal);tm (ignore | normal | require);}dtr-circuit (negative | positive);dtr-polarity (negative | positive);encoding (nrz | nrzi);idle-cycle-flag flag;indication-polarity (negative | positive);line-protocol protocol;loopback mode;rts-polarity (negative | positive);tm-polarity (negative | positive);transmit-clock invert;}