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Example: Disabling a PoE Interface on ACX2000 Routers

This example shows how to disable PoE on all interfaces or on a specific interface.


Before you begin:


In this example, you disable PoE on all interfaces and on a specific interface, which in this case is ge-0/1/3.


Step-by-Step Procedure

  • Disable PoE on all interfaces.
    [edit]user@host# set poe interface all disable
  • Disable PoE on a specific interface.
    [edit]user@host# set poe interface ge-0/1/3 disable


To verify the configuration is working properly, enter the show poe interface command.

user@host> show poe interface
Interface    Admin       Oper    Max        Priority       Power          Class
             status      status  power                     consumption    
 ge-0/1/3    Disabled    Disabled 32.0W     Low            0.0W            0
 ge-0/1/7    Disabled    Disabled 32.0W     Low            0.0W            0
user@host> show poe interface ge-0/1/3
PoE interface status:
PoE interface                : ge-0/1/3
Administrative status        : Disabled
Operational status           : Disabled
Power limit on the interface : 32.0 W
Priority                     : Low
Power consumed               : 0.0 W
Class of power device        : 0

Published: 2013-01-11

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Published: 2013-01-11