Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- J, M, SRX, T Series
- Routing Policies Configuration Overview
- J, M, PTX, SRX, T Series
- Route-Based Match Conditions
- Example: Grouping Source and Destination Prefixes into a Forwarding Class
Example: Rejecting Known Invalid Routes
This example shows how to create route-based match conditions for a routing policy.
Before you begin, configure router interfaces and configure routing protocols, as explained in Routing Policies Configuration Overview.
In this example, you create a policy called rejectpolicy1 that rejects routes with a mask of /8 and greater (/8, /9, /10, and so on) that have the first 8 bits set to 0. This policy also accepts routes less than 8 bits in length by creating a mask of 0/0 up to /7.
CLI Quick Configuration
To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, and then copy and paste the commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level.
Step-by-Step Procedure
To create a policy that rejects known invalid routes:
Create the routing policy.
[edit]user@host# edit policy-options policy-statement rejectpolicy1Create the policy term.
[edit policy-options policy-statement rejectpolicy1]user@host# edit term rejectterm1Create a mask that specifies which routes to accept.
[edit policy-options policy-statement rejectpolicy1 term rejectterm1]user@host# set from route-filter 0/0 upto /7 acceptCreate a mask that specifies which routes to reject.
[edit policy-options policy-statement rejectpolicy1 term rejectterm1] user@host# set from route-filter 0/8 orlonger reject
Confirm your configuration by entering the show policy-options command from configuration mode. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the configuration instructions in this example to correct it.
If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.
To confirm that the configuration is working properly, perform these tasks:
Verifying the Route-Based Match Conditions
Verify that the policy and term are configured on the device with the appropriate route-based match conditions.
From operational mode, enter the show policy-options command.
Related Documentation
- J, M, SRX, T Series
- Routing Policies Configuration Overview
- J, M, PTX, SRX, T Series
- Route-Based Match Conditions
- Example: Grouping Source and Destination Prefixes into a Forwarding Class
Published: 2012-12-04
Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- J, M, SRX, T Series
- Routing Policies Configuration Overview
- J, M, PTX, SRX, T Series
- Route-Based Match Conditions
- Example: Grouping Source and Destination Prefixes into a Forwarding Class