Supported Platforms
Example: Configuring Shaping on an ATM IMA Pseudowire
The following example shows the configuration of shaping on an ATM IMA pseudowire. On ACX Series routers, the ATM shaper is applied on the egress logical (unit) interface.
This example uses the following hardware and software components:
- ACX Series router
- Junos OS Release 12.2 or later
- A previously configured ATM IMA pseudowire. For steps to configure an ATM IMA pseudowire, see Configuring Inverse Multiplexing for ATM (IMA).
In this example, an ATM IMA pseudowire logical interfaces (unit 0) is configured with two egress ATM shapers—profile-1 and profile-2. The ATM shaping profiles are configured with the following parameters:
- atm-service—ATM service category used to define the bit rate at which traffic is policed.
- peak-rate—Top rate at which traffic can burst. This is a mandatory statement that must be included for the configuration to work correctly.
- sustained-rate—Normal traffic rate averaged over time.
- maximum-burst-size—Maximum number of cells that a burst of traffic can contain.
In addition to the configuration of shaping, this example includes the configuration of tracing operations for the class-of-service (CoS) configuration.
To configure shaping on an ATM IMA pseudowire, perform these tasks:
CLI Quick Configuration
To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them in a text file, remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, and then copy and paste the commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level:
Configuring Shaping on an ATM IMA Pseudowire
Step-by-Step Procedure
The following steps require you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For information about navigating the CLI, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User Guide.
To configure shaping on an ATM IMA pseudowire:
- In configuration mode, go to the [edit class-of-service] hierarchy level:[edit]user@host# edit class-of-service
- Specify the first traffic control profile:[edit class-of-service]user@host# edit traffic-control-profiles profile-1
- Specify the ATM real-time variable bit rate rtvbr service traffic category: [edit class-of-service traffic-control-profiles profile-1]user@host# set atm-service rtvbr
- Define the largest number of cells per second that the
shaper processes before it drops packets: [edit class-of-service traffic-control-profiles profile-1]user@host# set peak-rate 5k
- Define the normal traffic rate averaged over time, from
61 cps through 38,641 cps: [edit class-of-service traffic-control-profiles profile-1]user@host# set sustained-rate 3k
- Define the maximum number of cells that a burst of traffic
can contain, from 1 through 4000 cells: [edit class-of-service traffic-control-profiles profile-1]user@host# set max-burst-size 400
- Specify the second traffic control profile:[edit class-of-service traffic-control-profiles profile-2]user@host# edit traffic-control-profiles profile-2
- Specify the ATM constant bit rate cbr service
traffic category: [edit class-of-service traffic-control-profiles profile-2]user@host# set atm-service cbr
- Define the largest number of cells per second that the
shaper processes before it drops packets: [edit class-of-service traffic-control-profiles profile-2]user@host# set peak-rate 1k
- Define the largest number of cells per second that the
shaper processes before it drops packets: [edit class-of-service traffic-control-profiles profile-2]user@host# set peak-rate 1k
- Apply the first shaping traffic profile to the ATM IMA
pseudowire logical interface: [edit class-of-service]user@host# edit interfaces at-0/0/16 unit 101 output-traffic-control-profile profile-1
- Configure the per-unit scheduler: [edit interfaces at-0/0/16]user@host# set interfaces at-0/0/16 per-unit-scheduler
Configuring Tracing Operations
Step-by-Step Procedure
To define tracing operations for the class-of-service (CoS) configuration:
- Configure class-of-service (CoS) tracing options: [edit]user@host# edit class of service traceoptions
- Create the file to receive the tracing operation output:[edit class-of-service traceoptions]user@host# set file cos
- Define the maximum size of the file:[edit class-of-service traceoptions]user@host# set file size 1000000000
- Specify the tracing operation to perform:[edit class-of-service traceoptions]user@host# set flag all
From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show command. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the configuration instructions in this example to correct it.
[edit class-of-service] user@host# show traffic-control-profiles { profile-1 { atm-service rtvbr; peak-rate 5k; sustained-rate 3k; max-burst-size 400; } profile-2 { atm-service cbr; peak-rate 1k; } } interfaces { at-0/0/16 { unit 101 { output-traffic-control-profile profile-1; } } } traceoptions { file cos size 1000000000; flag all; }
[edit interfaces] user@host# show at-0/0/16 { per-unit-scheduler; } }
After you have completed the configuration, enter the commit command from configuration mode.