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Example: Configuring an Ordinary Slave Clock With Unicast-Negotiation

This example shows the base configuration of a Precision Time Protocol (PTP) ordinary slave clock with unicast-negotiation on an ACX Series router.


This example uses the following hardware and software components:

  • One ACX Series router
  • Junos OS Release 12.2 or later


In this configuration, the ordinary slave clock uses unicast-negotiation and compensates for some network asymmetry.

Note: The values in this example are for illustration purposes only. You can set the values for each parameter according to your requirements.


To configure an ordinary slave clock with unicast-negotiation, perform these tasks:

CLI Quick Configuration

set ptp clock-mode ordinary
set ptp domain 110
set ptp unicast-negotiation
set ptp slave delay-request -6
set ptp slave announce-timeout 2
set ptp slave announce-interval 3
set ptp slave sync-interval -5
set ptp slave grant-duration 7200
set ptp slave interface ge-0/1/0.0 unicast-mode transport ipv4
set ptp slave interface ge-0/1/0.0 unicast-mode clock-source local-ip-address asymmetry -4500

Configuring an ordinary slave clock with unicast-negotiation

Step-by-Step Procedure

  1. Configure the clock mode, domain, and unicast-negotiation:
    [edit protocols ptp]user@host# set clock-mode ordinary domain 110 unicast-negotiation
  2. Configure the announce timeout and the announce interval:
    [edit protocols ptp]user@host# set slave announce-timeout 2 announce-interval 3
  3. Configure the synchronization interval and the grant duration:
    [edit protocols ptp]user@host# set slave sync-interval -5 grant-duration 7200
  4. Configure the slave interface:
    [edit protocols ptp]user@host# edit slave interface ge-0/1/0.0
  5. Configure the unicast transport mode:
    [edit protocols ptp slave interface ge-0/1/0.0]user@host# set unicast-mode transport ipv4
  6. Configure the clock source:
    [edit protocols ptp slave interface ge-0/1/0.0]user@host# edit unicast-mode clock-source local-ip-address
  7. Configure the asymmetric path:
    [edit protocols ptp slave interface ge-0/1/0.0 unicast-mode clock-source local-ip-address]user@host# set asymmetry -4500
  8. Verify the configuration:
    [edit protocols ptp slave interface ge-0/1/0.0 unicast-mode clock-source local-ip-address]user@host# top [edit]user@host# edit protocols [edit protocols]user@host# show

    See the output for the show command in the Results section.


The following output shows the configuration of unicast-negotiation and compensation for some network asymmetry. The unicast-negotiation statement includes the parameters for the delay request, announce interval, synchronization interval, and grant duration values. Interface ge-0/1/0.0 is configured to compensate for an asymmetric path to the PTP master by subtracting 4.5 microseconds from the slave-to-master direction delay calculations.

[edit protocols]
user@host# show 
ptp {
    clock-mode ordinary;
    domain 110;
    slave {
        delay-request -6;
        announce-timeout 2;
        announce-interval 3;
        sync-interval -5;
        grant-duration 7200;
        interface ge-0/1/0.0 {
            unicast-mode {
                transport ipv4;
                clock-source local-ip-address {
                    asymmetry -4500;

Published: 2013-01-11