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Example: Configuring Protection Switching Between Psuedowires


This example uses the following hardware and software components:

  • Junos OS Release 11.2 or later
  • 2 MX Series PE routers

Overview and Topology

The physical topology of the protection switching between psuedowires example is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Topology of a Network Using VPWS Psuedowires

Topology of a Network
Using VPWS Psuedowires

The following definitions describe the meaning of the device abbreviations used in Figure 1.

  • Customer edge (CE) device—A device at the customer site that provides access to the service provider’s VPN over a data link to one or more provider edge (PE) routers.
  • Provider edge (PE) device—A device, or set of devices, at the edge of the provider network that presents the provider's view of the customer site.


Step-by-Step Procedure

To configure protection switching between psuedowires, perform these tasks:

  1. Configure automatic protection switching.
    protocols {protection-group {ethernet-aps {profile-1 {protocol g8031;hold-time 1000s;revert-time 5m;}}}
  2. Configure the connectivity fault management.
    ethernet {oam {connectivity-fault-management {maintenance-domain md1 {level 5;
  3. Configure the continuity check message for the working path.
    maintenance-association W {protect maintenance-association P {aps-profile profile-1;}continuity-check {interval 1s;}mep 100 {interface ge-1/0/0.0 working;direction down;auto-discovery;}}
  4. Configure the continuity check message for the protection path.
    maintenance-association P {continuity-check {interval 1s;}mep 100 {interface ge-1/0/0.0 protect;direction down;auto-discovery;}}


Check the results of the configuration:

protocols {protection-group {ethernet-aps {profile-1 {protocol g8031;hold-time 1000s;revert-time 5m;}}}ethernet {oam {connectivity-fault-management {maintenance-domain md1 {level 5;maintenance-association W {protect maintenance-association P {aps-profile profile-1;}continuity-check {interval 1s;}mep 100 {interface ge-1/0/0.0 working;direction down;auto-discovery;}}maintenance-association P {continuity-check {interval 1s;}mep 100 {interface ge-1/0/0.0 protect;direction down;auto-discovery;}}}}}}

Published: 2012-12-11