monitor traffic
Release Information
Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1 for the QFX Series.
Display packet headers or packets received and sent from the Routing Engine.
![]() |
![]() | Note: This command is not supported on the QFabric system. |
none | — | (Optional) Display packet headers transmitted through fxp0. On a TX Matrix Plus router, display packet headers transmitted through em0. |
brief | detail | extensive | — | (Optional) Display the specified level of output. |
absolute-sequence | — | (Optional) Display absolute TCP sequence numbers. |
count count | — | (Optional) Specify the number of packet headers to display (0 through 1,000,000). The monitor traffic command quits automatically after displaying the number of packets specified. |
interface interface-name | — | (Optional) Specify the interface on which the monitor traffic command displays packet data. If no interface is specified, the monitor traffic command displays packet data arriving on the lowest-numbered interface. |
layer2-headers | — | (Optional) Display the link-level header on each line. |
matching matching | — | (Optional) Display packet headers that match a regular expression. Use matching expressions to define the level of detail with which the monitor traffic command filters and displays packet data. |
no-domain-names | — | (Optional) Suppress the display of the domain portion of hostnames. With the no-domain-names option enabled, the monitor traffic command displays only team for the hostname |
no-promiscuous | — | (Optional) Do not put the interface into promiscuous mode. |
no-resolve | — | (Optional) Suppress reverse lookup of the IP addresses. |
no-timestamp | — | (Optional) Suppress timestamps on displayed packets. |
print-ascii | — | (Optional) Display each packet in ASCII format. |
print-hex | — | (Optional) Display each packet, except the link-level header, in hexadecimal format. |
resolve-timeout timeout | — | (Optional) Amount of time the router or switch waits for each reverse lookup before timing out. You can set the timeout for 1 through 4,294,967,295 seconds. The default is 4 seconds. To display each packet, use the print-ascii, print-hex, or extensive option. |
size size | — | (Optional) Read but do not display up to the specified number of bytes for each packet. When set to brief output, the default packet size is 96 bytes and is adequate for capturing IP, ICMP, UDP, and TCP packet data. When set to detail and extensive output, the default packet size is 1514. The monitor traffic command truncates displayed packets if the matched data exceeds the configured size. |
Additional Information
In the monitor traffic command, you can specify an expression to match by using the matching option and including the expression in quotation marks:
Replace expression with one or more of the match conditions listed in Table 1.
Table 1: Match Conditions for the monitor traffic Command
Match Type | Condition | Description |
Entity | host [address | hostname] | Matches packets that contain the specified address or hostname. The protocol match conditions arp, ip, or rarp, or any of the directional match conditions can be prepended to the host match condition. |
net address | Matches packets with source or destination addresses containing the specified network address. | |
net address mask mask | Matches packets containing the specified network address and subnet mask. | |
port (port-number | port-name) | Matches packets containing the specified source or destination TCP or UDP port number or port name. In place of the numeric port address, you can specify a text synonym, such as bgp (179), dhcp (67), or domain (53) (the port numbers are also listed). | |
Directional | dst | Matches packets going to the specified destination. This match condition can be prepended to any of the entity type match conditions. |
src | Matches packets from a specified source. This match condition can be prepended to any of the entity type match conditions. | |
src and dst | Matches packets that contain the specified source and destination addresses. This match condition can be prepended to any of the entity type match conditions. | |
src or dst | Matches packets containing either of the specified addresses. This match condition can be prepended to any of the entity type match conditions. | |
Packet Length | less value | Matches packets shorter than or equal to the specified value, in bytes. |
greater value | Matches packets longer than or equal to the specified value, in bytes. | |
Protocol | amt | Matches all AMT packets. Use the extensive level of output to decode the inner IGMP packets in addition to the AMT outer packet. |
arp | Matches all ARP packets. | |
ether | Matches all Ethernet packets. | |
ether (broadcast | multicast) | Matches broadcast or multicast Ethernet frames. This match condition can be prepended withsrc and dst. | |
ether protocol (address | (arp | ip | rarp)) | Matches packets with the specified Ethernet address or Ethernet packets of the specified protocol type. The ether protocol arguments arp, ip, and rarp are also independent match conditions, so they must be preceded by a backslash (\) when used in the ether protocol match condition. | |
icmp | Matches all ICMP packets. | |
ip | Matches all IP packets. | |
ip (broadcast | multicast) | Matches broadcast or multicast IP packets. | |
ip protocol (address | (icmp | igrp | tcp | udp)) | Matches packets with the specified address or protocol type. The ip protocol arguments icmp, tcp, and udp are also independent match conditions, so they must be preceded by a backslash (\) when used in the ip protocol match condition. | |
isis | Matches all IS-IS routing messages. | |
rarp | Matches all RARP packets. | |
tcp | Matches all TCP datagrams. | |
udp | Matches all UDP datagrams. |
To combine expressions, use the logical operators listed in Table 2.
Table 2: Logical Operators for the monitor traffic Command
Logical Operator (Highest to Lowest Precedence) | Description |
! | Logical NOT. If the first condition does not match, the next condition is evaluated. |
&& | Logical AND. If the first condition matches, the next condition is evaluated. If the first condition does not match, the next condition is skipped. |
|| | Logical OR. If the first condition matches, the next condition is skipped. If the first condition does not match, the next condition is evaluated. |
( ) | Group operators to override default precedence order. Parentheses are special characters, each of which must be preceded by a backslash (\). |
You can use relational operators to compare arithmetic expressions composed of integer constants, binary operators, a length operator, and special packet data accessors. The arithmetic expression matching condition uses the following syntax:
The packet data accessor uses the following syntax:
The optional size field represents the number of bytes examined in the packet header. The available values are 1, 2, or 4 bytes. The following sample command captures all multicast traffic:
To specify match conditions that have a numeric value, use the arithmetic and relational operators listed in Table 3.
![]() | Note: Because the Packet Forwarding Engine removes Layer 2 header information before sending packets to the Routing Engine:
Table 3: Arithmetic and Relational Operators for the monitor traffic Command
Arithmetic or Relational Operator | Description |
Arithmetic Operator | |
+ | Addition operator. |
- | Subtraction operator. |
/ | Division operator. |
& | Bitwise AND. |
* | Bitwise exclusive OR. |
| | Bitwise inclusive OR. |
Relational Operator (Highest to Lowest Precedence) | |
<= | If the first expression is less than or equal to the second, the packet matches. |
>= | If the first expression is greater than or equal to the second, the packet matches. |
< | If the first expression is less than the second, the packet matches. |
> | If the first expression is greater than the second, the packet matches. |
= | If the compared expressions are equal, the packet matches. |
!= | If the compared expressions are unequal, the packet matches. |
Required Privilege Level
List of Sample Output
monitor traffic countmonitor traffic detail count
monitor traffic extensive (Absolute Sequence)
monitor traffic extensive (Relative Sequence)
monitor traffic extensive count
monitor traffic interface
monitor traffic matching
monitor traffic (TX Matrix Plus Router)
monitor traffic (QFX3500 Switch)
Output Fields
When you enter this command, you are provided feedback on the status of your request.
Sample Output
monitor traffic count
user@host> monitor traffic count 2
listening on fxp0 04:35:49.814125 In > . ack 4122529478 win 16798 (DF) 04:35:49.814185
Out > P 1:38(37) ack 0 win 17680 (DF) [tos 0x10]
monitor traffic detail count
user@host> monitor traffic detail count 2
listening on fxp0 04:38:16.265864 In > . ack 4122529971 win 17678 (DF) (ttl 121, id 6812) 04:38:16.265926
Out > P 1:38(37) ack 0 win 17680 (DF) [tos 0x10] (ttl 6)
monitor traffic extensive (Absolute Sequence)
user@host> monitor traffic extensive no-domain-names
no-resolve no-timestamp count 20 matching "tcp" absolute-sequence
listening on fxp0 In > . 4042780859:4042780859(0)
ack 1845421797 win 16384 <nop,nop,timestamp 4935628 965951> [tos 0xc0] (ttl )
In > P 4042780859:4042780912(53)
ack 1845421797 win 16384
<nop,nop,timestamp 4935628 965951>:
In >
P 1845421797:1845421852(55) ack 4042780912 win 16384 <nop,nop,timestamp 965951 4935628>: BGP [|BGP UPDAT) ...
monitor traffic extensive (Relative Sequence)
user@host> monitor traffic extensive no-domain-names
no-resolve no-timestamp count 20 matching "tcp"
listening on fxp0 In > . 396159737:396159737(0)
ack 1664980689 win 17574 (DF) (ttl 121, id 50003)
Out > P 1:40(39)
ack 0 win 17680 (DF) [tos 0x10] (ttl 64, id 5394)
In > P 4042775817:4042775874(57)
ack 1845416593 win 16384 <nop,nop,timestamp 4935379 965690>: BGP [|BGP UPDAT) ...
monitor traffic extensive count
user@host> monitor traffic extensive count 5 no-domain-names no-resolve
listening on fxp013:18:17.406933
In >
40 null (ttl 64, id 38367)13:18:17.407577
In >
reply ok 28 null (ttl 61, id 35495)13:18:17.541140
In 0:e0:1e:42:9c:e0 0:e0:1e:42:9c:e0 9000 60:
0000 0100 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 000013:18:17.591513
In >
ack 295526518 win 17601 (DF)
(ttl 121, id 14)13:18:17.591568
Out > P 1:40(39)
ack 0 win 17680 (DF) [tos 0x10]
(ttl 64, id 52376)
monitor traffic interface
user@host> monitor traffic interface fxp0
listening on fxp0.0 18:17:28.800650 In > 18:17:28.800733 Out > 18:17:28.817813 In > host40.home0 18:17:28.817846 In > host40.home0 ...
monitor traffic matching
user@host> monitor traffic matching "net"
verbose output suppressed, use <detail> or <extensive> for full protocol decode Address resolution is ON. Use <no-resolve> to avoid any reverse lookup delay. Address resolution timeout is 4s. Listening on fxp0, capture size 96 bytes Reverse lookup for failed (check DNS reachability). Other reverse lookup failures will not be reported. Use no-resolve to avoid reverse lookups on IP addresses. 21:55:54.003511 In IP truncated-ip - 18 bytes missing! > UDP, length 50 21:55:54.003585 Out IP truncated-ip - 18 bytes missing! > UDP, length 50 21:55:54.003864 In arp who-has tell ...
monitor traffic (TX Matrix Plus Router)
user@host> monitor traffic
verbose output suppressed, use <detail> or <extensive> for full protocol decode Address resolution is ON. Use <no-resolve> to avoid any reverse lookup delay. Address resolution timeout is 4s. Listening on em0, capture size 96 bytes
04:11:59.862121 Out IP truncated-ip - 25 bytes missing! >
SYSLOG, length: 57 04:11:59.862303
Out IP truncated-ip - 25 bytes missing! > SYSLOG, length: 57 04:11:59.923948
In IP > .
ack 1087492766 win 33304 <nop,nop,timestamp 42366734 993490> 04:11:59.923983 Out IP truncated-ip - 232 bytes missing! > P 1:241(240) ack 0 win 33304
<nop,nop,timestamp 993590 42366734>
In IP > . ack 241 win 33304 <nop,nop,timestamp 42366834 993590> 04:12:00.141204
In IP truncated-ip - 40 bytes missing! > P 2950530356:2950530404(48) ack 485494987 win 63712
<nop,nop,timestamp 1308555294 987086> 04:12:00.141345
Out IP > P 1:6(5)
ack 48 win 33304
<nop,nop,timestamp 993809 1308555294> 04:12:00.141572
In IP > .
ack 6 win 63712
<nop,nop,timestamp 1308555294 993809> 04:12:00.141597
Out IP > P 6:10(4) ack 48 win 33304
<nop,nop,timestamp 993810 1308555294> 04:12:00.141821
In IP > .
ack 10 win 63712 <nop,nop,timestamp 1308555294 993810> 04:12:00.141837 Out IP truncated-ip - 2 bytes missing! > P 10:20(10) ack 48 win 33304
<nop,nop,timestamp 993810 1308555294> 04:12:00.142072
In IP > . ack 20 win 63712
<nop,nop,timestamp 1308555294 993810> 04:12:00.142089 Out IP > P 20:28(8) ack 48 win 33304 <nop,nop,timestamp 993810 1308555294> 04:12:00.142321
In IP > .
ack 28 win 63712 <nop,nop,timestamp 1308555294 993810> 04:12:00.142337
Out IP truncated-ip - 1 bytes missing! > P 28:37(9) ack 48 win 33304 <nop,nop,timestamp 993810 1308555294> ...
monitor traffic (QFX3500 Switch)
user@switch> monitor traffic
verbose output suppressed, use <detail> or <extensive> for full protocol decode Address resolution is ON. Use <no-resolve> to avoid any reverse lookup delay. Address resolution timeout is 4s. Listening on me4, capture size 96 bytes Reverse lookup for failed (check DNS reachability). Other reverse lookup failures will not be reported. Use <no-resolve> to avoid reverse lookups on IP addresses.
16:35:32.240873 Out IP truncated-ip - 112 bytes missing! > P 4200727624:4200727756(132) ack 2889954831 win 65535
16:35:32.240900 Out IP truncated-ip - 176 bytes missing! > P 132:328(196) ack 1 win 65535 ...