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show chassis environment fpm


show chassis environment fpm

Syntax (TX Matrix Routers)

show chassis environment fpm <lcc number | scc>

Syntax (TX Matrix Plus Routers)

show chassis environment fpm <lcc number | sfc number>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

sfc option introduced for the TX Matrix Plus router in Junos OS Release 9.6.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1 for PTX Series Packet Transport Switches.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1 for T4000 Core Routers.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3 for MX2020 3D Universal Edge Routers.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.3 for MX2010 3D Universal Edge Routers.


(M40e, M120, M160, M320, MX Series, and T Series routers and the PTX Series Packet Transport Switches only) Display environmental information about the front panel module in the router.



(TX Matrix and TX Matrix Plus routers only) On a TX Matrix router, display environmental information about the front panel modules (craft interfaces) on the TX Matrix router and its attached T640 routers. On a TX Matrix Plus router, display environmental information about the front panel modules (craft interfaces) on the TX Matrix Plus router and its attached T1600 routers.

lcc number

(TX Matrix and TX Matrix Plus routers only) (Optional) On a TX Matrix router, display environmental information about the front panel module (craft interface) on a specified T640 router (or line-card chassis) that is connected to the TX Matrix router. On a TX Matrix Plus router, display environmental information about the front panel module (craft interface) on a specified T1600 router (or line-card chassis) that is connected to a TX Matrix Plus router. Replace number with a value from 0 through 3.


(TX Matrix router only) (Optional) Display environmental information about the front panel module (craft interface) on the TX Matrix router (or switch-card chassis).

sfc number

(TX Matrix Plus router only) (Optional) Display environmental information about the front panel module (craft interface) on the TX Matrix Plus router (or switch-fabric chassis).

Required Privilege Level



Related Documentation


List of Sample Output

show chassis environment fpm (M40e and M160 Routers)
show chassis environment fpm (M320 Router)
show chassis environment fpm (MX2010 Router)
show chassis environment fpm (MX2020 Router)
show chassis environment fpm (MX240 Router)
show chassis environment fpm (MX480 Router)
show chassis environment fpm (T Series Routers)
show chassis environment fpm lcc (TX Matrix Router)
show chassis environment fpm scc (TX Matrix Router)
show chassis environment fpm sfc (TX Matrix Plus Router)
show chassis environment fpm (T4000 Core Router)
show chassis environment fpm (PTX5000 Packet Transport Switch)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show chassis environment fpm command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show chassis environment fpm Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


FPM status:

  • Online—FPM is online and running.
  • Offline—FPM is powered down.

FPM CMB Voltage

(M40e and M160 routers only) Information about the voltage supplied to the FPM chassis management bus (CMB) device. The left column displays the required power, in volts. The right column displays the measured power, in millivolts.

FPM GBUS Voltage

(M320 and T Series routers only) Information about the voltage supplied to the FPM generic bus (GBUS) device. The left column displays the required power, in volts. The right column displays the measured power, in millivolts.

FPM I2CS Voltage

(PTX Series only) Information about the voltage supplied to the FPM generic bus (I2CS) device. The left column displays the required power, in volts. The right column displays the measured power, in millivolts.

FPM Display Voltage

Information about the voltage supplied to the FPM display. The left column displays the required power, in volts. The right column displays the measured power, in millivolts.

FPM CMB Temperature

(M40e and M160 routers only) Temperature of the air flowing past the FPM CMB device

FPM GBUS Temperature

(M320 and T Series routers only) Temperature of the air flowing past the FPM GBUS device.

FPM I2CS Temperature

(PTX Series only) Temperature of the air flowing past the FPM I2CS device.

FPM Display Temperature

Temperature of the air flowing past the FPM display.

CMB Revision

(M40e and M160 routers only) Revision level of the CMB device.

GBUS Revision

(M320 and T Series routers only) Revision level of the GBUS device.

I2CS Revision

(MX2010 routers, MX2020 routers, and PTX Series only) Revision level of the I2CS device.

Sample Output

show chassis environment fpm (M40e and M160 Routers)

user@host> show chassis environment fpm
FPM status:
  State                       Online
  FPM CMB Voltage:
    5.0 V bias           5030 mV
    8.0 V bias           8083 mV
  FPM Display Voltage:
    5.0 V bias           4998 mV
  FPM CMB temperature      34 degrees C / 93 degrees F
  FPM Display temperature  35 degrees C / 95 degrees F
  CMB Revision             12

show chassis environment fpm (M320 Router)

user@host> show chassis environment fpm
FPM status:
  State                           Online
  FPM GBUS Voltage:
    5.0 V                    5006 mV
    1.8 V bias               1799 mV
    3.3 V bias               3294 mV
    5.0 V bias               4998 mV
    8.0 V bias               7682 mV
  FPM GBUS temperature         30 degrees C / 86 degrees F
  GBUS Revision                51

show chassis environment fpm (MX2010 Router)

user@host > show chassis environment fpm
FPM status:
  State                      Online
  I2CS Revision              4  

show chassis environment fpm (MX2020 Router)

user@host > show chassis environment fpm
FPM status:
  State                      Online
  I2CS Revision              3  

show chassis environment fpm (MX240 Router)

user@host> show chassis environment fpm
FPM status:
  State                      Online
  I2CS Revision              41

show chassis environment fpm (MX480 Router)

user@host> show chassis environment fpm
FPM status:
  State                      Online
  I2CS Revision              41

show chassis environment fpm (T Series Routers)

user@host> show chassis environment fpm
FPM status:
  State                           Online
  FPM GBUS Voltage:
    1.8 V bias               1787 mV
    3.3 V bias               3286 mV
    5.0 V bias               4991 mV
    8.0 V bias               7162 mV
  FPM Display Voltage:
    5.0 V                    4996 mV
  FPM GBUS temperature         29 degrees C / 84 degrees F
  FPM Display temperature      26 degrees C / 78 degrees F
  GBUS Revision                37

show chassis environment fpm lcc (TX Matrix Router)

user@host> show chassis environment fpm lcc 0
FPM status:
  State                           Online
  FPM GBUS Voltage:
    1.8 V bias               1797 mV
    3.3 V bias               3294 mV
    5.0 V bias               5015 mV
    8.0 V bias               7470 mV
  FPM Display Voltage:
    5.0 V                    5018 mV
  FPM GBUS temperature         25 degrees C / 77 degrees F
  FPM Display temperature      29 degrees C / 84 degrees F
  GBUS Revision                37

show chassis environment fpm scc (TX Matrix Router)

user@host> show chassis environment fpm scc
FPM status:
  State                           Online
  FPM GBUS Voltage:
    1.8 V bias               1789 mV
    3.3 V bias               3296 mV
    5.0 V bias               5003 mV
    8.0 V bias               7592 mV
  FPM Display Voltage:
    5.0 V                    5010 mV
  FPM GBUS temperature         22 degrees C / 71 degrees F
  FPM Display temperature      27 degrees C / 80 degrees F
  GBUS Revision                37

show chassis environment fpm sfc (TX Matrix Plus Router)

user@host> show chassis environment fpm sfc
FPM status:
  State                      Online
  FPM I2CS Voltage:
    3.3 V                     3300 mV
    5.0 V                     5001 mV
    9.0 V FPD                 8672 mV
  FPM I2CS temperature       33 degrees C / 91 degrees F             
  I2CS Revision              69                   

FPM status:
  State                      Online
  FPM GBUS Voltage:
    1.8 V bias                1802 mV
    3.3 V bias                3301 mV
    5.0 V bias                4984 mV
    8.0 V bias                7377 mV
  FPM Display Voltage:
    5.0 V                     5015 mV
  FPM GBUS temperature       30 degrees C / 86 degrees F             
  FPM Display temperature    32 degrees C / 89 degrees F             
  GBUS Revision              37                   

FPM status:
  State                      Online
  FPM GBUS Voltage:
    1.8 V bias                1789 mV
    3.3 V bias                3311 mV
    5.0 V bias                5013 mV
    8.0 V bias                7467 mV
  FPM Display Voltage:
    5.0 V                     5015 mV
  FPM GBUS temperature       29 degrees C / 84 degrees F             
  FPM Display temperature    31 degrees C / 87 degrees F             
  GBUS Revision              37                   

show chassis environment fpm (T4000 Core Router)

user@host> show chassis environment fpm
CB 0 status:
  State                      Online Master
  Temperature                34 degrees C / 93 degrees F             
  Power 1                    
    1.8 V                     1804 mV
    2.5 V                     2499 mV
    3.3 V                     3317 mV
    3.3 V bias                3291 mV
    4.6 V                     4663 mV
    5.0 V                     4905 mV
    8.0 V bias                7658 mV
    12.0 V                   11877 mV
  Power 2                    
    1.0 V                      996 mV
    1.2 V                     1207 mV
    3.3 V RE                  3354 mV
  Bus Revision               51
  FPGA Revision              5
CB 1 status:
  State                      Online Standby
  Temperature                36 degrees C / 96 degrees F             
  Power 1                    
    1.8 V                     1791 mV
    2.5 V                     2494 mV
    3.3 V                     3321 mV
    3.3 V bias                3301 mV
    4.6 V                     4666 mV
    5.0 V                     4945 mV
    8.0 V bias                7645 mV
    12.0 V                   11897 mV
  Power 2                    
    1.0 V                      991 mV
    1.2 V                     1201 mV
    3.3 V RE                  3289 mV
  Bus Revision               51
  FPGA Revision              5

user@host> show chassis environment fpm   
FPM status:
  State                      Online
  FPM GBUS Voltage:
    1.8 V bias                1802 mV
    3.3 V bias                3294 mV
    5.0 V bias                5003 mV
    8.0 V bias                7306 mV
  FPM Display Voltage:
    5.0 V                     5010 mV
  FPM GBUS temperature       26 degrees C / 78 degrees F             
  FPM Display temperature    29 degrees C / 84 degrees F             
  GBUS Revision              37                   

show chassis environment fpm (PTX5000 Packet Transport Switch)

user@host> show chassis environment fpm
FPM status:
  State                      Online
  FPM I2CS Voltage:
    3.3 V                     3300 mV
    5.0 V                     4975 mV
  FPM I2CS temperature       37 degrees C / 98 degrees F
  I2CS Revision              109

Published: 2013-01-30

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Published: 2013-01-30